To the killers who camp/proxy camp every hook

You are not good at killer for getting 4ks this way especially against solo survivors.
Thank you for listening to my psa.
Omg if I see another one of these type of posts that calls one side trash for doing something that’s in the game, I am going to lose it.
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I never really feel like I am a good killer getting 4k by camping near a hook. I more or less feel it is just a case of survivors being that much worse.
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Omg wow!!!! You sure showed them! How can i be just like you??? I want to be so cool i can't get camped either! Thats awesome man.
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If being a good killer means you have to play by the survivors rules i think i'll be content with just being average.
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If a killer gets a 4K from camping, that means the survivors fed into the camping killer and gave him the 4K.
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I agree, killers who camp and tunnel are just not skilled at the game. But to be fair, most survivors are just as bad. A good group of survivors can handle a killer who camps and tunnels. But that's extremely rare to find as a solo player, and it sucks.
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Getting a 4k by just camping against Survivors that know what they're doing is almost impossible. It seems to me that you just got outplayed
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I think its the fault of the matchmaking. Killers who camp and tunnel might not get skilled at the game, but they have to do it if they are outskilled by the matchmaking.
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To the survivors who rush gens but cant loop: You are not a good survivor.
Thank you for listening.
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Best stay off the forums then tbh that's all that's here
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It still means he's a bad a killer. If they have to camp to get a 4k from an unorganised lower level survivor group then they must be really bad at this game.
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Just for a reference. A killer who doesn't camp&tunnel will see the following during the endgame screen:
"gg ez"
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And it just means you are worse if you lost to it.
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Something went wrong with your last match, didn't it
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All those who don’t play as Claudette, Yui or Meg are TRASH! Now post a video of you losing it plz, I need some entertainment.
Post edited by Huge_Bush on2 -
4 Survivors are bad and picked selfish loadouts if they can't unhook a proxy camped survivor or do 3 gens during a camp...fixed.
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I am guessing all these post are about tunneling/camping from the start? I hope so as knowing the exact time in a game to slug, tunnel/eliminate, or proxy camp is a skill. Get 2 downs hook near each other and keep eye on closest gen.....The 2 remaining have to come, 1-2 gens left and need to make up some time down one and chase another, 1-2 gens left with all alive..One has to go....Just make sure it ain't you.
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To all survivors who hold w at the prospect of the killer coming your way and not looking behind, your boosted and bad at the game.
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Hm…let’s see. I have BBQ. No one is on a gen. Why should I leave, since I assume people are near the hook.
3 survivors are swarming the hook, trying to get the save. Why would I leave the hook?
I hooked a survivor in a 3-gen. Why would I leave the 3-gen/hook?
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PSA's usually have useful or relevant information.
Your inability to deal with a loss is neither, but hey, you've put it out in a public forum.
Post edited by Raccoon on6 -
Someone get this man a gen
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Maybe don't feed the killer if they're camping? Just a thought. You're supposed to be survivors, not the killer's Door Dash order.
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Don’t forget about Claire as well
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I’m actually disappointed with the work they did on her face. Though, to be fair, I was introduced to her in Code Veronica and her art style back than was more anime-ish.
If she looked like this, she’d cause me some inner turmoil because id struggle between her and Queen Claudette.
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Omg she's so beautiful!
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They said every hook, not hooks that are in strategic places at a specific moment of the game. If your only hooks are at that stage, then you are probably very bad at chase if it took you four gens to catch someone.
Yeah most people suck at this game, killer or survivor, and as you can see people get extremely defensive when their cheese tactics get called out and will often revert the conversation to 'but survs gen rush' or remark how silly your post is. We all know killers that need to resort to these tactics more often than they should are clogging matchmaking with unskilful gameplay.
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People really get on the forums & say nouns & adjectives.
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sure okay...
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You are not good at survivor if you enable camping and neglect your unhook.
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Proxy camping now???? You mean when you know there's survivors near by and you check round to find then. Survivors will call anything camping or tunneling.
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You just cant win as a killer..... I just want to defend my gens :(
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Same can be said about Survivors that make these tactics successful. Takes poor play to make a generally bad tactic work well.
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good BEhaviour doesn't need defending, only bad BEhaviour just look how many killers jump in to defend there strategy.....
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This is as good as they'll ever be. Usually these killers are the ones that complain about "toxic swf" that just do generators and leave. Well yeah, what do you expect? Work for your kills, or settle for a 1K.
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Absolutely agreed, this is not camping, I've literally seen survivors hiding near by as I hook, if you dare look for them and don't immediately cross the level you are a camper.....
True camping is punishable, even if one survivor might be doomed, but the word gets thrown out for any killer that doesn't run away as soon as they hook.
Or worse, you do leave and have barely started on your way to some gen when the unhook happens, i.e. an unsafe unhook, if you dare turn around and attack these people then yup you're a camper too....
I wish someone would make a definitive video explaining what tunnelling/camping really are, as opposed to being the words just thrown out by people who made a bad decision.
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*pressures hooks instead of gens*
Why are the gens flying?
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It is 50/50 for me. I've done it. I am guilty of it. But sometimes there are survivors out there that force my hand. If I am having those days of bad matches. Where I want to play the game. If I can get the survivor IN the basement and I dont have the perks that I really need. UNLOCKED for that specific Character. I am going to CAMP.
In my OPINION. I would like to see some adjustments made in order to make camping a less dependable activity and more immersive for the killer. Remember, these are ideas (They may not be right or wrong). :-) .
Blood lust needs to NOT break until the survivor is downed. So vaulting speeds, and pallet smashing can be fixed.
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Do totems
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Gens fly regrdless of how the killer plays. The reason alot of killers camp/tunnel is because otherwise they would have 0% chance to kill someone if gens get done fast. Getting a survivor out early is the most pressure a killer can have when defending gens.
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Depends, random que it means the reliability of your team mates can be questionable so that doesn't make it your fault in general. But the fact that the killer has to do this means they're probably really bad.
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I guess killing survivors is a cheese tactic? Fact is, there are no cheese tactics. They have one main goal: kill. Anything in the game’s rules that helps them do this is fair game
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Meh, I don't think there's anything wrong with Proxy Camping... especially if the Killer goes after the rescuer afterwards. It's just efficient. You're bothering 2 Survivors at once. Also it is one of the few ways to get value out of Frenzy after your Survivors know you're Legion. Giving the rescuee a nice friendly Frenzy stab as I go after their buddy is great.
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Yes there are cheese tactics. They are also valid. Cheesing a boss in dark souls is still a valid way to win unless it involves some bug. You're still foregoing skill and game sense for an easy win while making the other side miserable. Inb4 SWF is cheesing, yes it kind of is. But it's not necessarily unfun for the killer and is way more fun for survs.
And no, your goal is to make BP. The lore backs it up with being rewarded for tormenting survivors as much as possible. Or to have fun. 'Winning' is meaningless in the game otherwise. You can get a 0k and still have Brutal Killer, or 4k and have Brutal Killer too, both with similar amounts of BP. Kills aren't what reward you the most in this game. But you're free to play however you want, just as people are free to react how they want (within reason), and can be an annoying squad for the 'fun'.
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Fair enough.
I would like to kindly point out also that most players don’t camp fully if they’re decent. Most hook and leave, unless there’s a reason to stay
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I'm fairly certain a vast majority of the people who play the game (and also never visit the forums to begin with) really don't care if they're perceived as good or not. They're simply playing because they enjoy playing, regardless of what forum goers think.
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killers don't have to camp/tunnel and gens will still fly when you got 4 survivors all running prove thyself and BNPS. Now that's when the killer needs to do those tactics when they need a kill because the game isn't going in their favor.
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Proxy camping? You mean defending (doing your job) 🙄
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And here we have another classic case of the "madcuzbad."
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Didn't you know that after hooking, you're supposed to walk to the corner of the map, stick your nose in it, and let them heal and finish the gens before you come back, and only to open the gates for them.
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Are you sure is not you that suck?