Hex Defense Perk Idea


Hex: Delirium

A Hex that toys with the minds of Survivors making it more difficult to discern the latent effects of curses.

All Hex Totems appear as Dull Totems to Survivors and make no sound.

Survivors will not be informed of active Curse effects.

Hex: Delirium itself is also masked as a Dull Totem and has its Curse effect hidden.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

The idea here was to create a perk that inflicts a sort of Oblivious effect to survivors but with curses. Additionally, masking lit Hex totems would make it more difficult to discern where hexes are and cleanse them. I didn't want to just make a Corrupt Intervention but for Hex totems so this was my next best idea instead.

Let me know what you think if this is too strong of an effect or sounds good for the health of Hexes!


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,986

    It's a cool idea. The fact that it protects Hexes while being one itself, is kind of like Undying, so I don't think it's too strong.

    I would say maybe the Cursed notification not being shown is a bit pointless in some cases, and a bit OP in other, because you'll know when Ruin is up if the gen automatically regresses, and you'll know when Devour or NOED are active because you'll be exposed, and if it didn't show you were exposed, then it would make Devour/NOED way too strong.

    But showing Hex totems as Dull totems is a cool idea for a Hex perk.