Imagine this situation

I am a killer. 2 last survivors alive, one slugged at the other part of the map, hatch very close of him. I found the last survivor crouched on a corner, i go to him and bodyblock him until the slugged survivor bleeds out to secure the last kill 100%. I get 4 man reported in endgame chat by the swf group for "keeping the game hostage while the game is still progressing".
My questions: Would you give another chance to your opponent playing chess when you have him on check mate? And do moderators check the content of the report or does it go by volume of reports even if they are false?
It isn't considered holding the game hostage unless the game is unable to progress e.g. Survivors hide all game and never touch a generator. Bleeding someone out, whilst unpleasant, isn't bannable in any way as far as I'm aware. So, it shouldn't matter if they all reported you.
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Yeah i know that i wasn't in the wrong but i'm worried that the reports might not be reviewed manually and there's a bot that takes decisions based on volume of reports, hope someone that knows this responds.
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If you're genuinely concerned about this then you could ping a mod. If you don't know how, I could do it for you.
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Bleeding someone out isn't against the rules but as a kilker main I find it kind of scummy it takes someone 4 minutes to bleed out. But thats my opinion
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Thanks i'll do it.
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Really not a fan of bodyblocking. Beyond that I think the scenario was fair game, as I'm also not a fan of survivors hatch-camping. Both are incredibly cheap strategies to me as neither one are really actually "playing" the game.
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It's not bannable, just extremely sweaty.
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That has happened to me multiple times but wouldn't make much sense since it was the slugged guy that was near hatch, not the one that i was blocking. I was just making sure there weren't any weird Unbreakable shenanigans, or him hiding for 10 minutes, etc. I felt that i deserved the 4k and just had to wait 3 minutes to do so.
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Very stupid comparison. Invalidating another players entire experience just for your own ego is not cool. It is never necessary to 4k, the only purpose of killing all 4 survivors is to feel as though you have "truly" won the match. You've still won if 2 or 3 of them die. To effectively waste 3-4 minutes of another players time just so you can get all 4 of them is extremely toxic and 100% reportable. Not only is that bannable, but its straight up cruel. The fact you are even asking shows that you are worried that your actions are reprehensible and thus, bannable with a report.
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Could you of down the one you were body blocking and hooked the other before the second got to hatch?
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I wished i had footage of that game and if you'd think the same after seeing what they were doing all game.
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Or just wait 3 minutes and make sure they don't hide when i come back for their bodies, specially with the no sound bug when they are on ground and even waste more than those 3 minutes and a potential escape.
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Doesn't matter what they were doing. Doing cruel things to another player as some kind of "karmic retribution" for them being cruel to you is not how we should do thing as a community, and its why everyone hates DBD players. Be the bigger person, just let it slide. Take what kills you can get and be happy knowing that you don't need to prove your skill to anybody. Plus, you'll forget about whatever dumb thing they were doing in half an hour, its just not worth being that cruel.
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Not sure if it would be considered against the rules or not. I wouldn't do it though because it seems scummy in my opinion. If I was going to try and slug for the 4k I would have just hit the last one and tried to get the second hit before they could help the other and then go pick up the first slug. If it doesn't work out, at least I don't feel like a dick.
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I personally would of taken the 3k and started a new game. But if you want to dedicate the extra time to getting the 4k thats cool i get it there's time where i feel like i deserved the 4k but someone was hatch camping or what not.
Just to clarify i feel letting someone bleed out its a bit scummy it only my personal opinion and I don't think your a scummy person for doing it
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Imagine thinking that winning in a videogame is "cruel". Gotta love the internet psycologists. I just had to wait 3 minutes to close the game 100% but apparently according to you i had to going back to the other survivor hoping i find him, then go back for the other, hoping that i also find him and then pray none of them find hatch before me or hide for another 5 minutes.
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The thing is that i think i actually saved time by doing this and at the same time secured the 4k.
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What do you do if the guy you bodyblock just DC's?
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Thats more than enough to justify it imo. Maybe you did save time maybe you didn't idk I wasn't playing that game you did what you though would work best and it did
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I think if there is only one survivor left bleeding out, the other 3 have been killed, and the killer just watches, then that's the really scummy thing to do.
Your way was your way, but hooking that bleeding out guy and slamming the hatch down, before pursuing the final would most likely have given the same result, but with less anger.
It's possible the report for unsportsmanlike behaviour could succeed, depending on the leniency of the individual making the decision, because it was preventing game progression by forcing someone to wait for 3 minutes and unable to do anything because you had blocked them. I'd just say that it's a tactic not really worth the risk, and also there will be plenty of opportunities for 4k in future.
As for the questions: 1. It's not comparable to the chess scenario. If you blocked their king until their pawn is blocked by your pawn, you have stalemate anyway. It's closest comparison is playing timed chess, and you deliberately hold down your timer, so the other person's runs out. 2. The people who make the decisions go on the quality of the evidence than the quantity of the complaints. Of course, if many people were complaining from different games they might analyse further, but without photo or video evidence it won't go far. If they do have it though, then you may have a problem.
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Waiting for someone to bleed out would be holding game hostage but if you were in a middle of chasing or looking someone while the other is down isn't unless you body blocked someone to not being able have a chance of rescuing the other survivor
Edit: if there was only 1 survivor available to rescue that is
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4 minutes is very likely too short for them to consider it griefing. However, every time you bodyblock for minutes before EGC, you're threading a fine line and understandably so.
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I'm sure you always let the killer kill you if your team is about to get a 4 man escape. I mean, it would be pretty scummy to waste the killers time like that. Imagine how boring and unfun it is to be denied all of your objectives. It's never necessary for all 4 survivors to escape after all. I mean, the only reason you would escape when the other 3 survivors are also escaping would be to feed your ego and make yourself feel like you truly won.
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And this is why an auto ban system should never be in DBD.
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If there was an automated bot then maybe it'd take less than 3 weeks for hackers to get banned lmao
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Now I'm confused, isn't "body-blocking" one of the bannable offenses? I'm pretty sure it's under one of the categories from the report screen
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Truthfully, I don't know if this is against the rules. But, bodyblocking someone for an extended period of time and refusing to down them doesn't sound great.
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I mean waiting for the bleedout is kinda much imo but hey to each their own. I really wouldnt worry about reports in this game tbh lol
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Letting someone bleed out is not bannable under any circumstance. It just isn't. You're not holding the game hostage, as in four minutes they die and that's it.
What you did can be considered as try-harding, or even scummy, but it isn't against the rules.
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If you knew where the hatch was, you should've death hooked the slug and closed the hatch.