Stanger Things Chapter Question?

At the moment I have a ps4 but I was going to get a ps5 when they are available if it's after November 17 would I still have the stranger things chapter or would it be gone?
they did an answer on the QnA but it sounded vague and was still left confused
It would be gone. Once November 17 hits, the chapter and all cosmetics tied with the ST franchise are no longer purchasable. You have a somewhat okay deadline so I hope you can get your ps5 in time! Hope that helps!
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Oh, wait I just remembered that the new consoles get the data transferred... I would assume you'd still have the chapter since you already have it purchased. I'm not too sure, but you should get a direct answer from the support team to be safe or if a mod here knows the answer.
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I switched from PS4 to PS5 and all characters and progress is still there. If you use the same PSN you did for playing DBD on PS4 before