Stop releasing new chapters and fix your old god damn killers



  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    It's not even a matter of just buffing and nerfing in some instances. As if the only problem here is that the killer isn't good, or is too good. It's that the killer power is fundamentally, an undercooked idea. As in it could benefit from a rework to have a much more simplified, yet creative power.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Such changes have been made to other Killers as well without halting chapter releases.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    At a glacial pace. And the more killers, they just keep adding to the pile of mediocre ideas. It's 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

    I really don't understand why more content is in such demand anyway when we have so much already. And so much of it isn't even good. Before we go any further and continue to lose track, let's fix what we have. Because there's a LOT of it that needs a LOT of fixing. Maybe then, future content won't be so rushed once we properly condense our scope.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Rather than balance or power changes I'd be firmly in favour of no new content for a year while they fix all existing bugs. There are plenty of bad bugs still in place after years - trivial example, those places where Nurse can't blink & winds up in fatigue despite not being able to use her power. The "dead hard to the ground" - and I hate Dead Hard, but it's still a bad bug. The messed up grabs/pallet issues. The list goes on for both sides!

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Oh you want it faster and have it be the primary focus.

    Why make such changes without releasing new content and risk most people not liking it (*looks at Clown & Nightmare*), while a new chapter brings in more players for that new content, has players pay money, and thus makes them turn a profit?

    And then "fixing" Killers is simply one of the things they can decide to do with that profit.

    Though of course i understand the want of players like you, as if i wouldn't like for more Killers to be very fun to play.

    Also i personally don't see people asking here for more content, i see people asking here for specific licenses.

    Introducing a license automatically means more content but those are not for the sake of more content, it's to interact with the characters, get new lore on them, or perhaps you really just wanted to slam a Pallet on this one movie guy, idk.

    Maybe they ask for simply more content on Reddit and/or Twitter, i don't go there.

    I made this comment late at night and i'm tired, so maybe i wrote something i won't agree with once i wake up, lol.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2021

    A complete stop on new content is a bit much. But from what I've seen, the pace we're going at now isn't cutting it. 4 chapters a year, and every one is a let down in some way. I'd be happy with just 2 good chapters a year instead. New content is good for revenue, but so is having a good game first and foremost. And at the state we're in now, the reputation and quality has been getting worse and worse.

    When people want licenses, it IS because they want more content. It IS because they want to interact with the characters. The first, most valuable thing that comes to mind for a character, is their power and perks. I wanted more than anything to see Pyramid Head, Pinhead, The Thing, etc translated to DBD. The problem is, none of them actually feel like their characters. They feel like a generic DBD killer, with a skin. This is why I detest new Freddy. It was an instance of reworking the wrong thing. I truly believe old Freddy was one of the best instances of seeing a licensed killer translated to DBD. The character has such a abstract power going off the films, that you'd HAVE to flip the rules of the game upside down for it to be Freddy. And that's exactly what they did, I loved it. But now with the rework, he doesn't really feel like Freddy anymore. I want BHVR to take their time, and not panic respond to the fans. Don't rush content, just make it the best it can be.

    Also it's cool man, don't lose sleep over some DBD forum discussion lol

  • Triadequinaxor
    Triadequinaxor Member Posts: 213

    true nemesis is just a chain goes brrr type scenario, its the same we've seen before. pinhead is just nurse with a gimmick

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    new clown is just better old clown, if you dont use yellow bottles you're just old clown with a better base reload time.

    Unless you used to love old Clown for his different bowtie color, i can understand that.

  • tixerp
    tixerp Member Posts: 270

    I'd say Nemesis is closer to a broken down Pyramid head, while Pinhead is closer to a broken down Clown. If they can't come up with a completely unique idea, they just use status effects, items, cooldowns, and meters to fill the holes. And if it's too similar to another killer, just break it into steps to make people think it's more complex than it actually is. Case in point, Trickster and Huntress.

    Like okay, I got an idea for a killer. How about, a guy that has like 40 mini mines. And he can throw a bunch of mines all over the ground really fast. And every time a survivor steps in one of those mines, it build up their "trap meter". And when their trap meter is filled by stepping on 8 different mines, they get trapped and can't move. And you know what, while we're at it, we could just make it Jason from F13. Have the mines be those little traps with leaves covered over them, and maybe have his mom utter a voiceline when he kills or gets hit, so it's kinda like F13. And y'know what, since the mines aren't enough for balance on their own, and I'm too tired to come up with a way his mines could also incorporate map pressure; Let's just give him a completely disconnected side utility where he can teleport to any locker if he opens a locker. Don't forget to put a cooldown on that teleport and mines though, wouldn't wanna spam it now, would we?

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    How about no. Let's get a 2nd rate copy paste of nurse ability instead