Is this problem just never going to be addressed?

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

I just had a match where I literally attempted to Vile Purge on a survivor 8 different times on this loop in Haddonfield.

8 times I counted where I puked on them over the obstacles, they make a sound where they cry out like they've been hit by it but no infection.

I ended the match and closed the game because this issue with Plague seems to be getting worse and worse and I literally find her unplayable at times. It's okay if it happens once but when it happens over and over and over and survivors literally just don't get infected I'm basically playing a killer with no power. She's my main and I just feel no urge to play the game when she's like this and I know countless posts have been made before about this issue but does BHVR ever listen? Are the devs aware of this problem? Like do they care bcuz it's been around forever and it's getting WORSE and all I ever hear is "This just happens due to dedicated servers, deal with it" and I'm ready to just quit because it's downright unplayable. I didn't record it though I wish I had I'm a lil fired up rn so forgive my rant but I am just so tired of Plague being neglected on this one thing. Has anyone else who plays her noticed this problem getting WORSE lately? I can't go a match without it happening multiple times and it's just outrageous.

Playing other killers is only so fun for a while but how would you feel if your main's power just didn't work even though it looks like it is but it actually isn't :(


  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Yeah, this issue absolutely sucks, I had it today as well.

    It’s been around for a long time so I no longer have any hope of it being fixed. Plague just feels really annoying to play for the most part, and they seem to have little interest in improving her.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,649

    I play on ps4 and believe me I feel this issue.

    Btw I love the plague when she works

  • Cloverlord
    Cloverlord Member Posts: 4

    I literally just made a post questioning a similar problem with the plague, and I relate to this issue. I love playing plague as she is so unique and her teachables are fantastic, but she keeps canceling her vomit too early with no reason despite the m2 working on so many other killers. I'm frustrated as well and BHVR not addressing the many bugs and problems associated with this game is getting more and more frustrating. I wish they would take a break from releasing killers/cosmetics just to focus on ironing out the many bugs and kinks associated with this game, just dedicate 2-3 months towards solving these issues.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    This is why I don't play plague since dedicated servers.

    Honestly her power is not that good now, worst part is that I've had infected survivors being rescued by not infected and they don't get infected like bruh, I wanted to improve as plague but until she gets fixed I'm not touching her.

    Worst part is that the past tome was about her and it made her challenges horrible.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,597

    It's probably why so many Plagues run infection rate add-ons, because they're gonna have to make up for all the time they'll waste getting screwed out of a legitimate infection.