Plague Issues

Hey first time posting to the forums,

I've been playing for a little bit now (still a bit of a baby killer, only rank 11 w/~30 hours) but I've been having alot of fun with the Plague and unlocking her perks to be used on the other killers in the roster (at least the first 2 teachables) and I've noticed that I've been having some trouble with using her basic power.

I have good internet, a new computer, and a functional mouse however it often happens when I hold down the m2 button to charge up her infection it takes 2-3 attempts for the bar to actually go up and give me a chance to spread it to the survivors. Her empowered infection (the one that damages) has no such issues, and other killers m2 abilities (Bubba, Billy, Nurse) have never canceled themselves out early when playing them.

I made sure that it wasn't a problem on my end by playing these other killers and seeing their bars/abilities fully charge without any issues in testing, and I play with low graphics to minimize lag/performance issues associated with particles and higher textures.

I was just curious if there was anything else I could do to mitigate this problem, if it is an error on my end, or if I there is something I'm missing with her basic infection that causes it to constantly cancel out when chasing/standing still.

Thank you
