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Sweaty Nurse Increase?

What's up with the increase in sweaty nurses, not to mention nearly 70% of them i see running IF, BBQ and other perks that seem to be irrelevant with the way they play. It's like off rip downing someone and then the scream, slugging, then getting another person down. With a rinse, repeat and loop. I came across like 5 of these > THINGS < Today and I somewhat got progressively annoyed because it was nearly identical with each build. Mind you, i lost every game at either gen 3 or gen 5, there were NO inbetweens.

Frankly, i expected to be more annoyed if not frustrated at the windstorm wraith buff i've heard and experienced first hand which needs a tiny nerf so that they can't ZIP across the map in like 5 seconds. E.G: Downing someone from the other side of the map, hooking/Getting BBQ/Tinker and ziplining it to the other side of the map. It wasn't even funny how fast Spine chill popped off.

Somehow, I can tolerate him since he's actually escapable than the sweaty nurses who use the same offerings over and over for an indoor or open map like Grim Rose or Macmillian estate. Was there some changed i missed or was i just not left in the loop cause this feels like a new meta to me


  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    BBQ is almost entirely for doubling their BP, it has nothing to do with not camping. Hook someone, see an aura, assume that's the direction of where the save will come from, camp, repeat.

    I haven't noticed a Nurse increase at all, and the only one I went against was decent. Not bad, not god tier. It was a fun game. I think she got one kill and it wasn't easy on the rest of us by any means.

    The only thing I'm seeing is a lot of Gorgonzolas because asking this community to read even one sentence is too much, and everyone seems to think he's being removed entirely.

  • DeadByFrameLag
    DeadByFrameLag Member Posts: 56

    Lmao after nurse nerf i see i 1 in 20 games. Literally.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    A good nurse isn't a sweaty nurse. When you get past the baby tier nurses (AKA me), you'll realize that you're highly outclassed unless you run a sweaty SWF's death squad.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    Bro the Wraith Buff is disgusting for me. Everytime im facing a good Wraith, im often getting rekt xD I hate the forward Launch of the Wraith when he uncloaks. This is so hard to get used too as Survivor. I literally have no clue what to do when im out of position. 360s wont work in high Ranks. Idk, i guess im just bad xD

    So for the Nurse thing... I pretty much like Nurse Matchups the most. I mean i mained Nurse for more than 6 months. Started on Controller and made it to Rank 5. Then i switched to Pc and made it into the high Red Ranks. Now im a Survivor main. So thats why i like the Nurse Matchup. What i want to say is, you should play Nurse for longer than 1 Month and you will know how you have to play the Mindgames against her. For the most Players Nurse is a pain if they cant get a down before the second Gen is done. I see so many Nurses giving up if they see, they cant get you. So thats why Nurse Matchups are so chill, because with every blink they miss, they get more and more salty and then they make more mistakes.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    With most of the killer roster about to be rendered obsolete by SBMM; it makes sense people would be starting to spam nurse again in preparation

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Nurse with some info and some slowdown perks, good add ons, and a map offering for Autohaven or Macmillan has always been “meta”, if you’re talking about the best chances to win as killer. Same as DS/BT/UB/DH and a Coldwind offering on survivor.

    It’s just luck that you don’t normally see it that often, since most people prefer to play around with different killers, perks and overall builds.

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    Nurse: stands in front of the hook at 5 gens

    Also nurse: skills overflowing

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited August 2021

    They could be new players just copying a build from their favorite streamer without actually knowing why said streamer runs those perks.

    Post edited by EvilJoshy on
  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Oh no, that's far from the truth. I'd rather face off against the nurse but it's the fact that they're ALL RUNNING THE EXACT SAME PERKS, or near-identical. Like Infectious fright is the MAIN thing i saw in every build and it was annoying because the range is literally the Terror radius. Now frankly, that's not bad because all you have to do is avoid the Terror radius, it's more of the matter of knowing when you're in that terror radius and or how to GET OUT of it in time; especially with a nurse who can just teleport towards you and down you in less than a minute.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    BBQ isn't the issue. I've been long gone learned to counter BBQ so i can't complain about that, hell i can't even complain at all. I just. I dont know. I've been running into alot of nurses if not killers running infectious fright. I don't know when Infectious got changed or when something shifted. The last i remember of Infectious was its range being 30 meters unless i'm on some HIGH medication right now.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    each survivor team has at least a couple of dead hards, unbreakables, etc… It’s because they’re good perks… that’s why it’s so common. Especially on a high pressure killer like Nurse

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Except damn near a lot of Killers running IF. Are you upset that a player uses a meta-perk? I can't think of a single time I ran into a Survivor that WASN'T using one of the main meta-perks (I.E UB, DH, BT, DS, IW, etc.) Granted, I use BBQ, Whispers, Sloppy, and Nurses Calling on mind because I'm just starting to learn her, but still. I main Demo and I use IF on him.

  • Sabraiz
    Sabraiz Member Posts: 566

    And you are claiming that all survivors always runs unique perk setups?

    And for Infectious Fright, what's wrong with using a perk that synergizes well with her power? And another side note, you should pretty much always be split up anyway, so it should barely affect you anyway. The only killer you want to not be split up against is Twins, where you prefereably want to run two and two, so you can kick Victor and pick up the other survivor when he downs someone. Went off on a bit of a tangent there.

    Also here, you can see that Infectious Fright has NOT been changed since patch 3.1.0 which was on the 23rd of July 2019,

    And lastly I want to ask, why are killers not allowed to do their best to succeed at something? Do you usually go into something not giving it your best? I can only assume you're the slacker in the group, with this attitude.

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    Killer's Adapt.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    Said the one who complained about Tinkerer but let's not.

  • SaltyNooty
    SaltyNooty Member Posts: 276

    No. If it sounded like I didn't want a killer to come at me with their A-Game, sorry about that. At the time, I was annoyed at the fact that almost every nurse I ran into used the same perks and same strats to get hooks. Don't get me wrong, I like the nurse it's more of the fact each of them I've seen has run the same perk with near identicals builds.

    Also, thanks for the notice, so I was just tripping. It's whatever though.