IT Chapter Concept

HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122
edited August 2021 in Creations



Killer: The Shapeshifter (Pennywise/IT/The Deadlights)


No one knows how the Macroverse came to be- how the different dimensions, timelines and universes affect one another. What we do know is that there are creatures of near-unlimited power capable of changing the very fabric of reality itself. The Entity is one such presence, inhabiting its personal pocket dimension to farm its food of emotions and souls it captures from other dimensions. However, there are other creatures that have taken a more direct form, such as the Deadlights.

Little is known about the Deadlights, save that they are a form of eldritch energy that cause death or insanity to all that view them. Sometimes however, these Deadlights converge and form a consciousness, not always benevolent. When Earth was young, a meteor containing such a consciousness crashed. Frozen for thousands of years, it awakened when humans first disturbed its rest, and it woke up both angry and hungry. It saw into the minds of these puny ants, discovered what they feared most and terrorized them to the point of death. After gorging itself on fear and suffering, it went to sleep again to wait for more prey to come.

Years became decades, decades centuries, and throughout them all the Deadlights arose and slaughtered until it was satisfied, becoming a more proficient and intelligent monster every time. It began to target easy meals- children- and took a popular guise that children flocked to, becoming Pennywise the Dancing Clown. As Pennywise saw its land become the town of Derry, it instigated many nightmarish atrocities such as gang violence, hate crimes, tragic accidents and mass disappearances, all while gaining more and more control over the inhabitants of Derry. No one could see the horrors, they were under IT’s spell, and Pennywise could not be happier.

During one feeding cycle however, something went wrong. A group of children decided to band together, thinking they could somehow overcome IT and free Derry from its grasp. Pennywise thought they were more foolish than IT could ever imagine. Instead, they nearly came close to killing IT, forcing the clown to retreat and recuperate its strength in the darkness of its home. Nearly three decades later, when tying to feed again, the children returned as able adults. Despite ITs best efforts, those losers prevailed and killed IT. The Deadlights faded to near nothingness as it was shocked, wondering how some worthless humans vanquished IT. Before slipping into the void however, another force reached out and seized the opportunity.

The Entity recognized the power IT held and would not let it die. The Deadlights were taken into the realm of the Entity, where IT was given power and Pennywise arose once more. The Entity was cunning however, and only gave IT enough power to serve it without threatening its new mistress. Pennywise was furious and raged, but in the eternal darkness the Entity won with little effort. As an incentive the human losers were brought into the Fog, and in Its thirst for revenge, Pennywise began to hunt and kill once more.

Killer Overview: The Shapeshifter is a polymorphic Killer that can change into the nightmares of its victims with its power, Eater Of Worlds. It’s personal perks, The End Is Nigh, Terror Incarnate and Scourge Hook: Killed IT! allow it to extend the Endgame, become faster the more it attacks Survivors, and cripple the victims it captures.


+Height: Tall

+Terror Radius: 32m

+Speed: 115%;4.6m/s

Weapon: Changing Slaughter (The transformative powers of It allow It to take any form It chooses, hacking and slashing and crushing any victims in hunts down.) (Three attack animation- Mantis Claws, 2nd Pennywise Head, Sharpened Tentacle).

Mori: In his original form, Pennywise’s head splits open to reveal the Deadlights within him. The Survivor sees them, goes blank/catatonic and floats into the sky. Last shot is Pennywise jumping up and down laughing as we see him grow smaller (Survivor’s perspective) from the Survivor floating into the sky.

If a Mori occurs while in the form of another Killer, that Killer’s Mori plays out and Pennywise is seen laughing or interfering in some way in the background.

Power: Eater Of Worlds

The Shapeshifter has the ability to transform into what its victims fear most. In the eternal realm of the Entity, where fear and evil are rampant, Pennywise is stronger than ever. The Entity sometimes has trouble reining It in, and in doing so It has some influence over the Entity’s Killers.

  • The Shapeshifter can hold the Secondary Attack button to change into any other Killer. This Ability is called Transform.
    • By default, the Shapeshifter can Transform into The Trapper, The Wraith and The Hillbilly. These selections can be changed with addons.
    • Channel Transform for 2s to change into the 1st Killer, 4s for the 2nd Killer, and 6s for the 3rd Killer. Release the Secondary Attack button to Transform. Cancel Transform by pressing the Attack button. Transform lasts for a maximum of 180s before forcing the Shapeshifter back into its original form. (Transform Animation: 1s)
    • To Transform back into The Shapeshifter, hold the Secondary Attack button for 6s while not moving. (2s)
    • When stunned or blinded, the Shapeshifter returns to its original form.
  • When Transforming into a Killer, the Trial spawns in any Killer Items that are associated with that Killer. When transforming back into The Shapeshifter, these Killer Items despawn and any Killer-specific status effects are removed. After using Transform, it goes onto cooldown (60s).
    • Killer Specific Status Effects- Madness, Sickness, Holding Victor, Laceration.
    • Killer Specific Items- Traps, Catalysts, Pools of Devotion, Blood Orbs, Victor.
    • By definition, a successful use of a Killer’s power is downing a Survivor while using/after using the Killer power on the Survivor.
  • When successfully using another Killer’s power, The Shapeshifter’s Fear meter increases. (100 charges, successful Power uses fills up gauge by 10 charges.)

+Special Ability: Balloons

  • Press the Active Ability button as the Shapeshifter to consume 10 charges of Fear and spawn a Balloon. Balloons will slowly drift towards nearby Generators, Pallets, Chests or Vault locations. A Survivor who interacts with a Generator, Pallet, Chest or Vault that has a Balloon will suffer from the Hemorrhage status effect for 60s.
    • Balloons can only be used while in the form of the Shapeshifter. Using Balloons puts Transform on a 15s cooldown.

+Special Ability: Deadlights

  • When Fear is fully charged, hold the Active Ability button for 3s to release the Deadlights. These three lights fly up and shine across the entire Trial, blinding and deafening all Survivors for 15s. During this time, the Auras of all Survivors are shown to The Shapeshifter. The Fear meter is then reset to 0.
    • Deadlights can only be used while in the form of the Shapeshifter. Using Deadlights puts Transform on a 60s cooldown.

NOTE: The Shapeshifter cannot transform into Licensed Killers (The Shape, The Cannibal, The Nightmare, The Pig, The Ghost Face, The Demogorgon, The Executioner, The Nemesis or The Cenobite.) due to licensing issues, not gameplay.



  • Bloody Rags: Double the amount of Bloodpoints gained with a Survivor triggers a Balloon. Balloons now explode with confetti when triggered and do not inflict a status effect. (Bloody clothes that were the only evidence of the missing settlers of Derry. The memories of your first time feeding bring back delicious memories.)
  • Toy Boat: Slightly increase the amount of charges gained while using Transform (+2). (A toy boat folded from a newspaper and waxed to protect it against water. The name on it reads: S.S. Georgie.)
  • Scary Painting: Slightly increase the speed of Transform (+10%). (An abstract painting of a woman playing the flute. The greatest fear of a young Jewish boy.)
  • Betty’s Missing Poster: The Killer Selection for the Shapeshifter is as follows: The Legion, The Twins, The Trickster. (A missing poster put up for Betty Ripsom, a young girl that was torn apart at your hands.)


  • Eddie’s Inhaler: Moderately increase the amount of charges gained while using Transform (+4). (An old, empty inhaler that helped an asthmatic boy hurt you. The pain of belief fills you with anger.)
  • Leper’s Vomit: Moderately increase the speed of Transform (+20%). (Vomit collected from a incurable leper, the number of illnesses once petrified the asthmatic boy.)
  • Charred Easter Egg: Balloons now inflict the Blindness status effect for 60s when triggered. (A burnt and melted Easter Egg from the Ironworks incident, where you slaughtered over a hundred people. The screams of those souls fill your heart with joy.)
  • Beverly’s Hair: The Killers The Shapeshifter can Transform into will be equipped with 2 Uncommon addons for their powers, chosen at random each time the Shapeshifter uses Transform. (Hair clippings from an abused girl who almost fell into your grasp. She would have been yours were it not for Bill and his friends.)
  • Eddie’s Missing Poster: The Killer Selection for the Shapeshifter is as follows: The Clown, The Hag, The Plague. (A missing poster put up for Edward Corcoran, who you snacked on piece by piece while observing those losers.)


  • Ben’s Poem: Considerably increase the amount of charges gained while using Transform (+6). (An old postcard with a cheesy poem written by a fat boy. There is no place for love where you’re from.)
  • Mummy’s Wrappings: Considerably increase the Speed of Transform (+30%). (Ancient bandages from an old mummy, almost drowned a scared little fat boy with this disguise.)
  • Old Matchbook: Balloons now inflict the Hindered status effect (-10%) for 15s. (An old matchbook from a burned down bar The Black Spot, where you staged your mass murders as a hate crime.)
  • Richie’s Glasses: The Killers The Shapeshifter can Transform into will be equipped with 2 Rare addons for their powers, chosen at random each time the Shapeshifter uses Transform. (A pair of thick glasses from a joking boy, who carried a dirty little secret throughout the years.)
  • Patrick’s Missing Poster: The Killer Selection for the Shapeshifter is as follows: The Doctor, The Deathslinger, The Oni. (A missing poster put up for Patrick Hockstetter, a local bully who came against someone stronger and scarier- you.)

+Purple/Very Rare

  • Henry’s Switchblade: Moderately increase the amount of charges gained while using Transform (+4). Moderately increase the speed of Transform (+20%). (A steel switchblade that belonged to a psychopathic bully, easily manipulated by his trauma and bloodlust.)
  • Rusted Tommy Gun: Balloons now inflict the Exhausted status effect for 10s. (An old tommy gun rusted with age, but you didn’t need it to start the gang war in Derry long ago.)
  • Silver: The Killers The Shapeshifter can Transform into will be equipped with 2 Very Rare addons for their powers, chosen at random each time the Shapeshifter uses Transform. (An old silver bike, a symbol of hope belonging to the one that never let up. He will suffer endlessly for his sins.)
  • Richie’s Missing Poster: The Killer Selection for the Shapeshifter is as follows: The Blight, The Huntress, The Spirit. (A missing poster created for Richie Tozier, made to terrify and warn him of the dangers of messing with you.)

+Red/Ultra Rare

  • Circus Photo: The Killer Selection for the Shapeshifter is as follows: The Hag, The Spirit, The Nurse. (A yellowed and grainy photo of a traveling circus. The man in front, Robert Gray, showed you the power that a clown guise had in luring children to their deaths.)
  • Spider Eggs: Disable the Shapeshifter’s ability to use Balloons. Increase the amount of maximum charges by 50. Deadlights now places all Survivors in the Exposed status effect for 30s. (Eggs laid by a metaphysical being. Supposedly they were all crushed long ago…)

Killer Perks:


You fill your victims with horror as they near the end.

Let go. Be afraid. You all taste so much better when you’re afraid.” –IT

  • When the Exit Gates are powered, see the Auras of Survivors that interact with them.
  • Exit Gate Progression regresses at 5/7.5/10% of its maximum charges per second when not being used by a Survivor.


You are the ultimate lifeform, enjoying the helplessness of your prey as they try and fail to run.

“…But, Bill? If you’ll come with me, you’ll float too. You’ll float too. You’ll float too! YOU’LL FLOAT TOO!” -Georgie Denbrough

  • After hitting a Survivor, gain a Token, up to 8 Tokens. Each time a Survivor is healed or picked up, lose a Token. When a Survivor is fully Sacrificed, lose half of your Tokens.
  • For each Token on Terror Incarnate, gain a 3/3.5/4% Action Speed bonus to picking up and dropping Survivors, breaking Pallets and Breakable Walls, damaging Generators, checking Lockers and vaulting Windows.


You always get the last laugh, cause it’s just too funny to see them suffer.

“Excuse me, sir. Do you have Prince Albert in a can? You DO? Well, you better let the poor guy out! A-ha! A-ha! A-ha!” -Pennywise

  • At the start of the Trial, 4 Hooks are selected to be Scourge Hooks. You see their Auras in white.
  • Survivors who unhook a Survivor from a Scourge Hook, or Survivors who are unhooked from a Scourge Hook, cannot obtain the Endurance status effect for 8/12/16s.
  • For 8/12/16s after a Survivor is unhooked from a Scourge Hook, the Killer receives the Unstoppable status effect.
    • NEW STATUS EFFECT: UNSTOPPABLE. While under this effect, the Killer cannot be stunned or blinded.

Survivor: Bill Denbrough


Everything started in 1984- when Bill came down with a cold and stayed home. His younger brother Georgie begged him to make him a toy boat so he could go play, and Bill obliged because they could not play together. When Georgie left that day, Bill did not realize that would be the last time he would ever see his younger brother alive. Georgie’s disappearance took a harsh toll on Bill, who vowed to find Georgie and avenge his death however he could.

Over the summer of 2017, Bill and his friends were all terrorized by the same clown who realized what happened- this clown somehow was responsible for the murder of Georgie and all of those disappearing kids. They found old records of Derry where the clown kept popping up, and every time they came face to face the clown would change into their worst nightmares in an attempt to scare and kill them. Through many trials and hardships, Bill and his friends overcame the monster and forced it back into an unsatisfied slumber.

That wasn’t the end of things, however. 27 years later, in the summer of 1985 Bill’s friend Mike Hanlon gave him a call. IT has returned, and it would take the entirety of the Loser’s Club to take it down. This time the monster tried even harder to end them all, and with one exception nearly succeeded- their adults minds had lost the imagination and power that their younger selves used to destroy IT. However, with persistence and tribulations they found the creature and ended it for good this time, never to disturb Derry again.

As Bill was preparing to leave and return home, he noticed a lone red balloon float by the window of his hotel. Terrified, he followed it outside to the corner of Jackson and Neibolt Street where he saw it float down and squeeze into a sewer drain- the same one where Georgie was murdered all those years ago. Enraged, Bill screamed at the drain and fell to his knees, but as he did so a massive black Fog billowed out of the drain and covered him with a dark gust of freezing cold. When the mist dissipated, Bill found himself back in Derry’s sewers, where the screams of young men and women bounced of the walls from further in. Almost instinctively, Bill ran forward, thinking only of stopping the next victim, the next Georgie, from being eaten.

Survivor Overview: Bill Denbrough is an courageous Survivor who has stepped up to face the horrors of the world head on. His personal perks Guiding Light, Time To End IT, and Boon Totem: Ritual of Chüd allow him to work better with a team, harm and hinder the Killer’s progress.

Difficulty Rating: Hard

Survivor Perks:


You are a leader who stepped up to bring the evil down, uniting all under a common cause.

“I’m going to tell you something: this time I’m not going to stop until the job’s done.” -Bill Denbrough

  • Your Aura is always shown to all Survivors.
  • When performing a cooperative action with another Survivor, increase your repairing, healing and/or Killer Item interaction speed (EX: Portals) by 3/5/7% for each Survivor performing cooperative actions.


You’ve kicked and pushed around your entire life, the only way to stop it is to fight back.

“It’s scared of us, you know? I can feel that. I… I wanna kill it.” -Bill Denbrough

  • At the start of the Trial, one Survivor becomes the Obsession. There can only be one Obsession at a time.
  • If you are the Obsession, approach the Killer and press the Active Ability button while within range to Blitz them.
  • After Blitzing a Killer, they become stunned for 5s. You receive the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40s and become Incapacitated for 60/50/40s.
  • You can only use Time To End IT once every 120s while not Exhausted.


The willpower and cunning of you and your team is stronger than any monster.

“Now you’re the one who’s afraid, because you’re going to starve.” -Bill Denbrough

  • While cleansing a Dull Totem, press the Active Ability button to Sanctify it, turning it into a Boon Totem. Only 1 Boon Totem perk can be equipped at a time.
    • NOTE: When under the effects of a Boon Totem, Killers suffer from the Blessed status effect. This status effect serves as an opposite to the Cursed status effect, notifying the Killer that a Boon Totem is active.
  • While this Boon Totem is active, it gains a Token for each Survivor that is still in the Trial. For each Token on this Totem, the Killer’s Power Usage speed is reduced by 3/5/7%.
    • Power Usage refers to the activation/setting/speed that a Killer uses their Power.
    • More info found below in Trailers, Terror Radius, and More.
  • The Killer can perform the Dismantle action (10s) on a Boon Totem to destroy it.

Realm: Derry, Maine

+Map: The Sewers (The sewers underneath Derry’s streets are filled with more than water and garbage- a creature of darkness haunts them, dragging victims down to its bottomless pits and into a watery grave. The only entrance is through a relief tunnel to Derry’s Barrens.)

+Map Offering: Derry Historical Book (An old book chronicling Derry’s history. Poring over it, a reader could notice Derry’s unusually high rate of deaths, child abductions and town tragedies that otherwise are never acknowledged…)


  • I Heart Derry Balloon (Killer) (A red balloon stenciled with the phrase ‘I <3 Derry!’. It floats ominously against the wind.)
  • Loser’s Club Cast (Both) (An old cast with the word LOSER written on it and a V written over the S. Inspires hope in some, fear in others.)
  • Bill’s New Book (Survivor) (A copy of Bill Denbrough’s newest horror novella. The ending isn’t satisfying.)



  • Default (
    • Bill Denbrough (A face that has lost all innocence and is both wise and mature far beyond his years.)
    • Faded Flannel (An old comfortable flannel smelling of deodorant and cologne.)
    • Beaten Jeans (Beaten and faded jeans, both for traveling through the woods or the streets.)
  • Prestige
    • Bill Denbrough (A face that has seen some of the worst that existence has to offer and then some.)
    • Bloody Flannel (A stained and bloody flannel that reeks of death and decay.)
    • Bloody Jeans (Dirty jeans from trekking through miles of blood, sweat, tears and #########.)
  • Ben Hanscom ( Middle
    • Ben (A handsome and chiseled face that shows none of the scared overweight kid from high school.)
    • Brown All-Weather Jacket (A great jacket for keeping the chill at bay and showing off some masculine charm.)
    • Black Jeans (Dark jeans for any occasion, covered in some dirt and gravel.)
  • Beverly Marsh (Meg Thomas) ( Left
    • Beverly (Curly red hair now tamed and conditioned, befitting of a fashion designer.)
    • Stylish Jacket (A faux-leather black jacket with a simple cotton tee and some fashionable jewelry.)
    • Black Slacks (For the on the go fashion designer that can be both professional, casual and able to run like hell when danger’s near.)
  • Michael Hanlon (
    • Michael (A worn face that is always vigilant for any sign of danger, or worse, for IT.)
    • Brown Work Shirt (A stained old shirt that Michael often wore working late nights in the library researching more about IT and how to defeat the monster.)
    • Gray Slacks (Professional work pants, pressed clean if not a bit messy from being overused and overworked.)
  • Richie Tozier ( Right
    • Brown Slacks (Some modest brown slacks the completes Richie’s clashing outfit.)
    • Leather Jacket (Designer leather jacket that clashes terrible with the paisley yellow shirt.)
    • Richie (A permanent 5 O’Clock shadow and greasy hair shows that Richie let himself go while in the comic business.)


  • Default (
    • Pennywise, the Dancing Clown (This creepy clown stares into your soul with a blinding gaze and sees the fears inside you.)
    • Silver Opera Clown (A shiny silvery clown getup often seen in Europe, probably from a traveling circus.)
    • Ripped Gloves (Ripped white gloves, except its not clear where the gloves start and the hands begin.)
  • Prestige
    • Pennywise (This clown’s makeup is too spot on, and that smile is off putting enough without all the blood across its face.)
    • Bloody Opera Clown (The silvery sheen of his suit is contrasted with the shine of blood, making this scary clown downright terrifying.)
    • Bloody Ripped Gloves (Bloodstained gloves with patches of white skin showing through. It is unclear if it washed its hands clean… or licked the blood off.)
  • Old School (
    • Pennywise Lives! (A more comical take with a red rubber nose and a clean painted smile. Speaking of, smile!)
    • Circus Clown Getup (A baggy blue and yellow clown outfit with fuzzy orange pom poms as buttons. This guy knows how to have fun!)
    • Clean White Gloves (Puffy white gloves that are soft and velvet-like when they’re wrapped around your neck or crushing your skull. Hahahahahahahahahaha!)



  • Boon Totem Animation: The totem lights up like a Hex but burns light blue instead of orange.
  • Killer Item Spawn Animation: Similar to how Pallets despawn after being broken, Items spawn in the environment with a red flash like embers during the Transformation process.
    • Killer Item Despawn Animation: Killer Items despawn like Pallets in red embers during the Transformation process.


  • Blitz Animation: The Survivor lunges forward and bashes into the Killer shoulder first causing them both to stumble back.


NOTE: Most of the Killer Interactions involve Pennywise laughing, ranging from comical to creepy to demonic.

  • Idle Animation: The Shapeshifter stands still and stares forward giggling quietly flexing his fingers.
  • Walking/Running Animation: The Shapeshifter switches from skipping forward tilting his head side to side and walk/running forward swinging his arms in front of him and mocking the Survivor he is chasing.
  • Stun Animation: The Shapeshifter’s face melts and scowls before returning to normal, fake crying the whole time.
  • Vault Animation: IT grabs the edges of the Vault and turns horizontally, doing a 360 as its head stays still coming out of the vault.
  • Basic Attack Animation: Switching between an insect’s claw, a pointed tentacle and a second head replacing its hand, the Shapeshifter lunges forward to ‘poke’ the Survivor with its weapon.
    • Basic Attack Cooldown Animation: For the Insect Claw, it turns back into a hand and it sucks the blood off of each finger greedily. For the Tentacle, it whips back and forth a couple of times slowly turning back into an arm and hand. For the 2nd head, they both laugh and lick their lips before reverting to a hand.
  • Breaking Pallet Animation: The Shapeshifter pounds on the Pallet like a little kid as it breaks after the 6th hit.
  • Breaking Breakable Wall Animation: The Shapeshifter put both hands on the Wall and headbutts the Wall twice before it shatters.
  • Dismantle Boon Totem Animation: A Killer performs a few Basic Attack animations. The first three are met with a blue shield around the Totem, with the four breaking the Totem with blue sparks and clattering bones.
  • Transform Into Killer Animation: Pennywise melts and shifts with cracking bones and bubbling noises as they turn into the new Killer.
    • Transform Into Shapeshifter Animation: The Killer pops back into Pennywise’s form one limb at a time with the head last.
    • Forced Transform Into Shapeshifter: The Killer scowls and shimmers back into Pennywise while holding their head. You can hear Pennywise’s fake crying.
  • Balloon Setting Animation: Pinching two fingers together IT blows a Balloon from nowhere, creates a string and sends it off where the Killer is facing.
  • Deadlights Animation: The Shapeshifter’s head peels back to show a giant mouth full of sharp teeth with lights down the throat. From the Killer’s POV we stare upwards seeing the lights fly up before returning to normal. The lights shoot upwards and a bright flash covers the Trial. Survivor’s POV is akin to being Flashbang-ed.
  • The following interactions are the standard for the Shapeshifter as for other Killers (Tall)
    • Locker Grab Animation
    • Breaking Generator Animation
    • Pick Up Animation
    • Drop Animation
    • Hooking Animation
    • Generator Grab Animation
    • Opening the Exit Gate Animation
    • Checking Lockers Animation
    • Window Grab Animation
    • Interacting With Glyph Animation
    • Basic Attack Missed Cooldown Animation

Scoring Events:


  • Sanctified- 500 BP- Awarded for creating a Boon Totem.
  • Blitzed- 500 BP- Awarded for stunning a Killer with Time To End It.
  • Welcome To The Club!- 250 BP- Awarded for forcing the Shapeshifter to revert to its original form.


  • Dismantled- 1000 BP- Awarded for dismantling a Boon Totem.
  • Scary- 200 BP- Awarded for transforming into another Killer.
  • Very Scary- 250 BP- Awarded for downing a Survivor while Transformed.
  • Fun Time’s Over- 100 BP- Awarded for using Transform for its entire duration.
  • Frightening!- 300 BP- Awarded for completely filling the Fear meter.
  • You’ll Float Too!- 150 BP- Awarded for creating a Balloon.
  • Time To Float- 400 BP- Awarded for using Deadlights.
  • Died Laughing!- 100 BP- Awarded for performing a Mori while Transformed.

Trailers, Terror Radius, And More:

+Terror Radius: Credit: FirsEncounterAssault

+Note- Cosmetics- Eddie Kaspbrak and Stan Uris are not in the Fog due to dying ‘before’ the Losers were taken.

+Note- Survivor Perks- Boon Totem: Ritual of Chüd- Power Usage- The effects of this Totem affect, but are not limited to:

  • The Trapper's Trap Setting
  • The Wraith’s Cloak & Uncloak
  • The Hillbilly’s Chainsaw Revving
  • The Nurse’s Blink Charging and Power Recovery
  • The Shape’s Stalking
  • The Hag’s Catalyst Setting
  • The Doctor’s Power Recovery and Shock Therapy Charging
  • The Huntress’ Hatchet Wind-Up and Reloading
  • The Cannibal’s Chainsaw Revving
  • The Nightmare’s Teleport Speed & Power Recovery
  • The Pig’s Trap Setting & Ambush Charging
  • The Clown’s Reloading
  • The Spirit’s Haunting Charging and Power Recovery
  • The Legion’s Power Recovery
  • The Plague’s Vile/Corrupt Purge Charging
  • The Ghost Face’s Stalking and Power Recovery
  • The Demogorgon’s Power Charging and Recovery
  • The Oni’s Wrath Charging
  • The Deathslinger’s Reloading
  • The Executioner’s Punishment Charging and Power Recovery
  • The Blight’s Power Recovery
  • The Twins’ Power Recovery and Usage
  • The Trickster’s Knife Throwing Speed and Reloading
  • The Nemesis’ Mutation Charging
  • The Cenobite’s Power Recovery and Charging
  • Concept: The Shapeshifter’s Fear Charging and Transform Charging
  • From My Other Concepts:
  • The Wendigo’s Swipe Charging and Power Recovery
  • The Attraction’s Bite Charging and Suits Cooldown Increased
  • The Beldam’s Illusion Setting and Disguise speed.


    As always, feel free to leave any feedback you have for me down below!