Thoughts on RBTs?



  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    @powerbats said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    Orion said:

    I think something that's actually designed not to harm Survivors doesn't put any pressure on them.

    The RBT should start their timer instantly instead of after a generator being finished. It's not like starting the timer instantly will make the RBT more deadly, it will just add additional pressure.

    The issue is you could lose up to 19 seconds being carried to the hook and or left slugged on the ground. Then you could just be left on the hook if the killers soft camping just outside terror radius or she crouches.

    The timer doesn't tick when your on the hook or when in the dying state.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Orion said:

    @powerbats said:
    The issue is you could lose up to 19 seconds being carried to the hook and or left slugged on the ground. Then you could just be left on the hook if the killers soft camping just outside terror radius or she crouches.

    I think Nickenzie meant it in the sense that the timer shouldn't require a generator to be repaired, but the RBT would still be disabled during a chase, while in the dying state, and on the hook. At least that's how I would like it.

    This here, thank you @Orion!
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Ok that's much better but since otherwise that's pretty much an easy 4k then and also a good Pig player can really put pressure on very well and get 2-4k. Instead of changing it keep it on a generator being done but dynamically.

    So right now it doesn't start ticking until a generator is done, but by changing it to a dynamic basis it'll start timer countdown as a generator gets completed. The timers would have to be adjusted to be longer at that point however to account for it.

    You could give the RBT stages so to speak with changing colors to signify intensity and danger level. (colorblind support would need tweaks here) with red being the most dangerous and fastest countdown.

    stage 0 it gets put on and has no countdown yet.

    Stage 1 as a generator progresses a timer/clock starts a countdown that changes color each stage. So instead of after the gen is powered the moment gens progress it starts ticking towards phase 2. The highest completed gen will be it's highest point.

    This is where it gets interesting however if a gen is regressed whichever is the highest will then be the highest clock progression. The survivor will be wanting gens damaged and won't want to work ona gen since that hurts them.

    Stage 2. The 1st gen gets completed and the color changes and the clock starts ticking down faster and the RBT shows it's true diabolical design.In this stage you start to suffer from it's 1st effects and realize you need to get it off asap before it gets worse.

    You're hit with x debuff until you remove the RBT which could be any of her debuffs that addons give.

    Stage 3 The 2nd gen gets completed and the color changes and the clock starts ticking down faster and now you receive a 2nd debuff either in addition to the 1st one or a more powerful version of a new one.

    You can see how stages would progress to make RBT's a real terror but they might become op and some things might need to be tweaked.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    powerbats said:

    Ok that's much better but since otherwise that's pretty much an easy 4k then and also a good Pig player can really put pressure on very well and get 2-4k. Instead of changing it keep it on a generator being done but dynamically.

    So right now it doesn't start ticking until a generator is done, but by changing it to a dynamic basis it'll start timer countdown as a generator gets completed. The timers would have to be adjusted to be longer at that point however to account for it.

    You could give the RBT stages so to speak with changing colors to signify intensity and danger level. (colorblind support would need tweaks here) with red being the most dangerous and fastest countdown.

    stage 0 it gets put on and has no countdown yet.

    Stage 1 as a generator progresses a timer/clock starts a countdown that changes color each stage. So instead of after the gen is powered the moment gens progress it starts ticking towards phase 2. The highest completed gen will be it's highest point.

    This is where it gets interesting however if a gen is regressed whichever is the highest will then be the highest clock progression. The survivor will be wanting gens damaged and won't want to work ona gen since that hurts them.

    Stage 2. The 1st gen gets completed and the color changes and the clock starts ticking down faster and the RBT shows it's true diabolical design.In this stage you start to suffer from it's 1st effects and realize you need to get it off asap before it gets worse.

    You're hit with x debuff until you remove the RBT which could be any of her debuffs that addons give.

    Stage 3 The 2nd gen gets completed and the color changes and the clock starts ticking down faster and now you receive a 2nd debuff either in addition to the 1st one or a more powerful version of a new one.

    You can see how stages would progress to make RBT's a real terror but they might become op and some things might need to be tweaked.

    This is a cool concept that you obviously put effort into but I've to say, no to this. It's really difficult to understand from a beginner stand point on how this would work and it would add unnecessary complications.

    I really do like your idea through, how does this sound?

    When a generator is completed, your timer is speed up by 25% (Ofc this could be changed with add-ons or the number can be decreased if it's OP). This wouldn't be as powerful as you may think unless survivors gen rush you with a RBT. Assuming the RBT activates without a generator, we're talking about some extreme pressure if survivors wanna do generators.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I'll like to bring this topic back up since recently RNG with the Pig has been terrible. Even as a survivor, I feel like the removal of a RBT on your first box is a bit much!

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,711

    I'd like it if RBTs would kill survivors trying to escape through the hatch if it's active.

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340

    Hey there, just dropped in to share my idea on RBTs. Thought about it some time ago, but I don't think it's good enough so didn't write about it.

    My idea of reworking RBTs would be to completely remove RNG elements from it. It would work as follows:

    >You start the Trial with 5 Traps, but only 4 Boxes.

    >Removing Traps in Box now has 100% chance of succeeding, but time required to remove them is increased (You may make it so that time required is increased depending on how many generators are done).

    >Removing Trap permanently disables the Box that was used for the remainder of the Trail.

    >Survivors removing Trap can be interrupted by other survivors with Trap.

    >Pig can't interrupt survivor removing Trap in the last Box.

    So my idea is so that survivors can remove Traps in any Box, but doing so removes the Box from the game, so as game goes on Pig has less Boxes to patrol. I made it so there's less Boxes than Traps so being last survivor trapped is a death sentence (unless hatch) so do Your best to not be the last one ;)

    I also added that survivors with Traps on them can interrupt each other while removing them in Box. I thought it's add tension for when there's only 1 Box left and 2 survivors have Traps on them. Either 1 of them be altruistic and die for the other or both die together :)

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340


    Yea, that's the idea, unless You get hatch. Since many people call Legion "guaranteed first hit", I thought of making Pig "guaranteed one kill" killer.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited April 2019


    I don't think that would be fair for the most part since regardless of how good of a survivor you are, you cannot 1v1 the killer. Knowing this, if your teammates get trapped for being terrible and then you destroy the killer yet get caught with BL. You'll get the death trap despite playing the best out of your team, that's just not right.

    I'll suggest something to make them waste more time but become more deadly as survivors work on generators.


    -RBT have a 60 second idle timer, this is the time that the trap remains inactive before being activated. This timer will start whenever you're NOT in a chase, on the hook, or while in the dying state. If a survivor works on a generator whenever the RBT is in this status, it will immediately move to the next phase.

    -The RBT is now active, you now have 3 minutes to remove the RBT before it triggers and thus, killing you. This timer will start whenever you're NOT in a chase, on the hook, or while in the dying state. If a survivor works on a generator whenever the RBT is in this status, the timer will progress 25% faster than normal.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I've wanted this for so long but I doubt we would ever get it.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I like the timer increase while working on gens! However, I do think that 3 minutes for the trap is too long. It should be 2:30.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Since the traps got changed, I feel like this topic is okay to bring back up.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    I feel like the traps really need a buff now that they're completely useless after the gens are powered

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I think they're really inconsistent at stalling, and with the upcoming change, being inconsistent at stalling early-mid and useless at stalling during the endgame is not a good thing.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2019

    Know how you fix that?

    By making the luck stat in your game useful. It's currently only useful for Kobing off a hook and getting out of a trapper trap.

    Why not have it buff the chance the jigsaw box is right?

    Why not have it buff Loot Box Rolls? (who cares if it helps them pull out a purple flashlight, it's super easy to get them off the bloodweb, especially if you've prestiged)

    Why not have it reduce the amount of skill checks? (keep in mind, this would technically slow gen progression down late game, but help vs ruin early game. interesting trade off)

    to go with this, why not an offering for the killers to give the survivors bad luck? Kinda like the mist bottles.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I'd rather them be deadlier than making them stall the game.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited April 2019

    That's not how the Jigasaw Boxes work. There is only one right box for any given trap that is randomly chosen when the trap is put on. Every other box is always wrong no matter how many leprechauns you eat beforehand.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    I agree. Traps should be something other than hat cosmetic. When I get trapped I don't feel any different than when I am not.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2019

    And that's why I said change the way luck works :) I know how a RBT works. I also know to check the closest box to where I was trapped at because about 70% of the time, that's it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That doesn't make sense. There is nothing about the boxes that a "luck" mechanic can improve.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2019

    . (the point) ==============> (you)

    the rbt's would be changed to a luck roll that counts to make sure you get the trap off by the time you reach the last box. As opposed to the current system where it is usualy the closest box to where you were trapped. Yes it's random. But the randomness isn't very random. a luck roll would be a buff.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited April 2019

    That's not changing the way luck works. That's changing the way RBTs work.

    Also, can you actually prove that it's "usually the closest box to where you were trapped?"

    EDIT: A buff would be making it so the first box is always wrong and that the correct box is randomly selected after searching the first box.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited April 2019


    ok, it would be changing how luck works, because it would be expanding things it has a connection to. As of right now, it's used for 2 things. Making it work with other things would make the system have to be tweaked for balance. That's how life works.

    second My proof is: Try it.

    Like i said, wont work all the time, but more often then not, it will be the closest box to where she put the trap on you. Not where you were hooked. I think the rng coding for it is wonky and numbers the boxes based on proximity instead of all boxes having a stationary number through the whole game. I'de actually love a Dev's input on this.

    @Peanits how does the rng for RBT and jig-boxes work?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That's not how proof works. That's flat-out a logical fallacy.