New Killer Concept - The Thing

lethargicsauce Member Posts: 90
edited October 2021 in Creations

Time in-game when I started the concept: 37 hours

Time in-game when I finished the concept: 47 hours

Chapter #??: Familiar Faces

The Thing:

Name: (N/A)

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Speed: 4.6 m/s (115%)

Height: Average (5 foot 10 inches)

Difficulty: Intermediate

Ambient Sounds: Whining, gurgling, and crying.

Weapon: Spike Tentacle

Successful Basic Hit Animation: The tentacle splits into 3 points, writhes around, then re-conjoins and returns back to its normal position.

Concept Art: (Didn't do it this time, sorry)


Power: Assimilation;

When the ability key is pressed, the thing releases a crawling, spider-esque parasite. Said parasite will scurry around at 5.0 m/s (125%), searching for survivors. Once within 16 meters of a survivor, it will lock onto them. When a parasite is within that range of a survivor, they have a terror radius effect. If the parasite connects with a survivor, they will become infested. When a survivor is infested, 4 things will start to happen. Number 1: If another survivor tries to heal an infested survivor, they will become injured as a spiked tendril lashes out at them. If the survivor attempting to heal the infested is already injured, they will be inflicted with Deep Wound. However, infested survivors can still heal a non-infested survivor without repercussion. Number 2: Skill check success zones are reduced by 30%. Failed skill-checks will reveal the infested survivor's aura in white to the killer for 4 seconds. Number 3: If an infested survivor doesn't perform Surgery (I'll elaborate on that soon) on themselves within one minute of the start of their infestation, a parasite will burst out of them and they will lose a health state. If they have not performed Surgery on themselves within 2 minutes of their infestation, they will lose another health state, accompanied by another parasite being released. Every consecutive minute that their infestation isn't cured, they will lose a health-state and release yet another parasite. For reference, there is a cap of 4 parasites at a time, including the ones currently infesting survivors. If the cap is full, no new parasites will be spawned by these time constraints. Also to be noted, all parasites have visible white auras when not infesting a survivor, or when they do not have a survivor in their terror radius. Another important thing to note is that infestation timers are paused when a survivor is either hooked in the Dying state, or in a chase. This is important for The Thing's secondary ability, which I will also talk about soon. Parasites can also vault pallets and windows, but will be killed if they have a flashlight shone on them, or if a pallet is dropped on them. And, finally, number 4: infested survivors make no sound when within 8 meters of another survivor. Now, about Surgery. Survivors can find multiple surgery kits around the map. Surgery takes 6 seconds to complete. Re-casting Assimilation will kill the oldest parasite not currently infesting a survivor, allowing it to be sent out again by The Thing. Parasites will also be re-castable after a survivor performs Surgery. Assimilation takes 3 seconds to cast and has a 20 second cooldown.


Special Ability: Hive Mind;

Tapping the ability key will allow you to select the aura of a parasite, and by selecting the aura of any generator on the map, you can send the parasite to said generator. The parasite not move after you select its until you have selected a generator or until you cancel Hive Mind. This ability has an 11 second cooldown.


Special Enemy: Parasite

(See info above)


Surgery Animation: The infested survivor uses a scalpel to make an incision on their arms, they then reach into the open wound, grasping the parasite. The survivor then crushes it in their hand, followed by them wrapping gauze around the wound.

(Side note about Surgery: Surgery has no skill checks)


The Thing's Teachable Perks;

Scourge Hook: Shared Wounds: When a survivor is unhooked from a scourge hook, they will gain the Deep Wound status effect. Any survivor that tries to heal them will also gain the Deep Wound effect, and will have their aura revealed for 2/3/4 seconds.

Writhing Gore: When a survivor is put into the Dying state, they begin flailing their arms around like crazy and the volume of their grunts of pain is increased by 50%/75%/100%. Also, it takes an extra 8/12/16 seconds to recover from the Dying state. Additionally, it takes 50%/75%/100% longer to heal a survivor from the Dying state.

Impostor: When a survivor exits a locker, they will gain a terror radius that correlates with the size of the Killer's terror radius. The effected survivor will also become Oblivious. This perk lasts for 18/22/26 seconds.


New Survivor: R.J. Macready

Character Model: Large

General Noise Volume: Quiet


Teachable Perks;

Jerrycan: Allows the perk user to find 1 gas can from a chest somewhere on the map. It should be noted that only this chest will have the gas can. Once obtained, it slows down the survivor to 90%/91%/92% speed until used. When repairing a generator, the survivor with the gas can can choose to use it to speed up their repairing by doing 20%/24%/28% of the generator in 18/16/14 seconds The survivor must stay on the generator for this entire duration, or else the usage of the can will be cut short, and it will be used up.

Ingenuity: After a survivor fails a skill check, the skill-check will be delayed by 5/7/9 seconds. Has a cooldown of 95/70/45 seconds.

Lie Detector: Warns the perk user of an upcoming skill-check twice as early and increases skill check success zones by 30%/50%/70%.


New Map: Arctic Outpost


That's it for this concept, save for the future edits fixing things and maybe adding some Add-ons. I'm the least proud with the perk Lie Detector this time around, as I feel like it's kinda garbage, but I'm kinda spent on ideas at the moment for more perks. Hope you enjoyed!

3rd Edit: Added The Thing's Add-ons:

The Thing's Add-ons:

Brown Add-ons:


Decreases the maximum amount of parasites that can be active at one time considerably (-2 parasites)

Increases Bloodpoints by 100% for usage of Assimilation

Blair's Glasses:

Decreases the terror radius of the parasites slightly (-1 meter)

Anti-Glare Goggles:

Considerably decreases the casting time of Assimilation (-2 seconds)

Helicopter Scraps:

Decreases the size of skill-check success zones for infested survivors slightly (-10%, a.k.a. -40%)

Yellow Add-ons:

Radio Headset:

Decreases the cooldown of Hive Mind moderately (-2 seconds)

Shard of Foreign Metal:

Decreases the size of skill-check success zones for infested survivors considerably (-30%, a.k.a. -60%)


Causes Surgery to have skill-checks (2 skill-checks with normal duration, 3 with duration add-ons)

Dynamite Bundle:

Decreases the infestation-damage-timers considerably (-20 seconds)


Increases the duration of Surgery moderately (+2 second)

Green Add-ons:

Grotesque Husky:

Allows you to see the aura of parasites with a survivor in their terror radius, with the aura being yellow

Palmer's Blood:

Increases the movement speed of parasites moderately (+0.2 m/s)

Empty Ice Block:

Increases the distance between Surgery Kits across the map considerably

Drained Blood Bag:

Causes infested survivors' trails of blood to be increased in size and brightness

Wrecked Radio Gear:

Decreases the cooldown of Hive Mind tremendously (-5 seconds)

Purple Add-ons:

Copper Wire:

Reveals the auras of infested survivors performing Surgery

Petri Dish:

Allows infested survivors to pass on a parasite to another survivor working on the same generator, but reduces the maximum number of parasites active at a time moderately (-1 parasite maximum)


Inflicts Deep Wound on infested survivors every time they lose a health state due to a parasite infestation


Increases the cap of parasites considerably (+2 parasites), however, the movement speed of all parasites is reduced moderately (-0.2 m/s)

Iridescent Add-ons:

Fire Axe:

When an infested survivor finishes Surgery, they will lose a health state and be inflicted with the Exhausted status effect for 20 seconds


When a survivor gets infested by a parasite, they injure the survivor. However, they no longer infest survivors.

Post edited by lethargicsauce on