Tips on how to get to rank 1 as Survivor in Solo Queue?

So im currently trying to get all the steam achievements and one of them is to get to rank 1 with survivor. Im currently at Rank 3 and i always try to get enough Altruism, Gens, and Chases to pip. Escaping the trial is always kind of a gamble because you never know if you get competent teammates in solo q. ive noticed that its pretty hard to pip as survivor in red ranks. Sometimes i feel like i would get an easy pip but its often just a blackpip.
So in my current build I run BT, DS, SB and Kindred. BT to get safe unhooks, DS to get an increased survival chance, SB to last longer in chases and Kindred for information.
Are there any other builds you guys would recommend for piping as survivor?
Are there certain things you can do to almost always secure a pip?
Edit: Ooops, wrong section. It belongs into the ask the community section, sry....
Getting to rank 1 as solo survivor is hard but not as hard as many people pretend. Kindred is a MUST if you want to have an easier time, I'd include BT and then your choice exhaust and extra perk. As long as you don't ragequit in games you will get safety pips or +1 most of the time and you'll eventually get to 1. If a game seems totally lost go do totems, try to milk as much altruism and objective and try to bait the killer to chase you in a safe zone to farm chasing, even if you die you will safety pip.
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Ok, thx. Do totems count for the Objective emblem?
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That's a pretty solid build, honestly. I prefer Bond over Kindred, since it informs you about the closest gen you can coop on, who's bringing the Killer towards you and just where the hell did that one Claudette go.
If Sprint Burst is something you're used to that's great, for me it's Lithe these days, something I can pull out mid chase to give myself some space. Quite a few Killers will straight up give up on you when you Lithe away through a good window, plus it also allows you to make some decent plays when you're trapped in 50/50 pallet situations. And it's also not Dead Hard, so you get to feel better about yourself for using something else.
I rarely get that much of a use out of BT, since Killers either respect the timing or face camp in which case you might as well gen rush, so were I to really aim for pips I'd probably add Detective's Hunch in there instead, because there's always that one Ruin that spawns in the strangest of places, plus totems do count towards pips. Alternatively you can always go for the ol' reliable Iron Will, or even Windows of Opportunity.
Throw in a medkit and you're good to go, honestly. I remember that the first time I got to Rank 1 as a Survivor, I actually did it with really fat medkits and Botany Knowledge.
Obviously, these are just ideas from my personal experience, we all know that you can always just slap on DH/DS/Iron Will/Unbreakable or Spine Chill or BT and be a real meta gamer. But that's kind of boring.
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Totems give chase points
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Answer is simple
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Cleansing a Totem gives boldness blood points, but it gives points towards the Lightbringer Emblem,
On the topic of reaching rank 1 as solo survivor, it is rough but very much possible. I have done it myself a few times, for me the hardest part is usually around rank 6 to 3. Usually running Iron Will, Borrowed Time, We're gonna live forever and We'll make it.
My tips for points would be, if you're not in a complete dead zone, try to take chases early in the trial. It's a bit easier since you know that pallets have most likely not been used, which makes it easier to extend the chase for a longer time.
Other than that do gens and cleanse totems en route between gens. Also important to try and be smart about which generators you complete to make the end game easier, if you see one get completed on the same side of the map you're working on it can be a good idea to leave it and go to the other side of the map. Unless the killer is running Ruin it should be fine, but sometimes it is just worth it to cut the loss on the gen you're working on and move to prevent a strong three gen early.
And finally, obviously don't recklessly farm your teammates off hook, but try to get a few unhooks/Altruism points.
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My rule of thumb to guarantee a safety pip is doing 1 gen, 1 unhook, 1 heal and last at least 30 seconds per chase. Any more than that and you're more likely to pip.
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There is a bug affecting the benevolent emblem right now, it makes it way harder to PIP, especially as a solo survivor. I would get to rank 1 every month but have been unable to since Nemesis release It is getting fixed with the Pinhead chapter release though.
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I find info perks as solo are the most valuable.
My only advice is play lots and play smart ^^ I run Spine Chill, Bond, and Detective's Huntch a lot. My general goal each match is:
- 2 gens
- At least 2 totems but I tend to get all 5 ^^
- 2 safe unhooks with heals (We'll Make It really makes this a breeze if you stuggle with this part)
- 2 solid chases with the killer (this is usually where I fail and if I don't get this done its a safety pip) ;_;
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Bond is really good. Very useful for taking the initiative and scoring points in the category you need.
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Given your load out and the fact that you're saying you cleanse all 5 totems at times (I do, sometimes, too :3 ), I'd hate to see what that guy that's been talking about the 'perk tax' all day would think about people reaching R1 using whatever they want to use and not the 'mandatory' DS/BT/UB/DH builds.
Guess my pal that grinds to R1 perkless every other month is going to Perk Tax Prison T_T
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Oh man you are gonna have to catch me up! Do you have a link to this perk tax business?
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It's in this topic, which was, overall, a very amusing read
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Tips on getting to red rank 1 as solo survivor:
- Throw the game out the window and find something more productive and less infuriating to do
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If you're confident in your own looping, I suggest a full information build so you can strategize better. Bond, Kindred, and Open Handed give you a large amount of information and can help your team make better decisions as well. The last perk is up to you, but I personally run Spine Chill for a little extra info on the killer as well as slightly more vaulting speed. Dead Hard or DS would work fine too though, the latter especially if you're stuck in tunneling killer ranks.
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I am awful at survivor and rarely depip. Actually, pretty sure I never do. Even if I am caught first and kill myself on hook. How to climb? Probably run better second chance perks? Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time, and Iron Will. Why would you run anything else if you wanted to rank up?
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I reached rank 1 easily every month when I was playing SWF. Since I stopped playing SWF (my friends hate the game and pretty much all stopped playing), I have been stuck between 4-2. As survivor you have to rely WAY too much on your team. An early dc or hook suicide will most likely make you depip, no matter what.
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I asked him directly what it means but with my quick skim I am guessing it means 'using perks that should be base kit'?
Sorry if I am slow ^^" I am genuinely curious about other people's opinion on the game.
Back to this topic tho: I am not a very good player but as long as I play about 4 evening a week I get to red ranks quite easily. I have only been to rank 1 a few times but that was me playing a TON. Getting those pips are pretty easy if u simply do a bit of everything. Yah there are bad matches were you get a dc or bad teammates but playing a lot counters that hahaha.
I usually play a totem hunting build or a 'save my teammates' build and that has been enough to get me to red ranks constantly ^^ I know people find them fun but the meta perks are overrated imo. If you play smart they are not even needed and you 100% don't need it to get to red.
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I honestly don't know what they meant, either. I thought it was something along the lines of "I can't bring Small Game - I have to bring Unbreakable in case I am slugged....I can't bring Small Game - I have to bring Decisive in case I am tunneled.....etc. These perks are required to cover holes in survivor gameplay / are mandatory."
I am straight up booty at this game and have hit R1 on both sides.
The only thing that stops a lot of people I know is that the number of pips required to rank up/time investment increases.
The game feels the same across most ranks to a lot of people, from my observations, at least.
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If you get to Rank 1 for the first time, solo, you'll always know that YOU did it on your own, which is a decent feeling in this game :)
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It was a lot easier before that is for sure. At least on console before the crossplay, freezing, rainbow matchmaking and everything.
Plus emblems are weird. I guess that is why everyone is hungry for unhooks. If I remember correctly before you needed like one gen, one unhook and a little bit of chase to pip but now you can depip with that.
It seems very incosistent to me. Sometimes I do bad and pip and when I did good I don't. Also can't remember the last time I double pip which I did consistently back in the day.
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I was able to get every achievement in DBD and survivor rank 1 was one of the hardest for me the build I used... Prove Thyself, Small Game, Self Care, and the 4th think was Kindred. The best way to pip that i found for me was just get as much BP as possible in a trail.
Self Care for extra survival points, small game for Boldness, and Prove Thyself to make getting the BPs easier.
Regardless you gotta get all 5 gens done at least. If your not on a gen then find one. ALWAYS be working on a gen.
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We call that ABM1 in the business.
"Always be M1'ing"
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It´s a lot of time that I´m stuck at level 4-5. And let me tell u I´m not even interested on reaching rank 1. The further u get the more tryhard becomes the game (hard tunnel and camper, full gen rush, most of the games u play vs top tier killers with metaperks, your teammates will let u die if there is risk on rescue so they gain points on survival category...).
I guess also is easier at SWF than at solo queue.
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hey hey, somebody advocating for bond, kindred and open handed. I'm quite fond of that myself! I personally run Dead Hard since my loop game isn't the hottest.
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I’m not sure why more people are not saying “hook bomb with BT” since that’s actually the fastest way to rank up as survivor