Tampered Timer: Yay or nay nay I say
Do you all think Tampered Timer is fine in its current state? Do you think it's healthy?
I really want to see Pig get an add-on pass where the majority of her add-ons get made to be consistently better and more useful and maybe tone Tampered Timer down a smidge because it feels bad imo when you do fall victim to it.
Idk, I wanna hear other people's opinions on it. Like on one hand I personally love it because [SPOILERS] it feels like a proper nod to Amanda's unwinnable traps in Saw but even then it is still inconsistent and there's always a chance you can just get it off on box 1.
Discuss away, I wanna hear both sides opinions (I play both sides and main Pig primarily)!
I play a lot of Pig and I dont think Tampered Timer is ok. It should not exist like that. Combined with the longer searching or the Extra Box, it is impossible for Survivors to do all Boxes if they get interrupted only a little bit.
I dont think this is fair. And it does not even feel rewarding, getting a Headpop is just a cheap RNG-Killer when it is because of Tampered Timer.
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Nope. You shouldn’t die to a trap because they brought to two add ons and a map offering
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I have more of an issue with Crate and Bag of Gears
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While I think the addon itself is strong its very situational and the timing on the survivors side can completely mitigate its effects, its hard for them to actually know if its in play or not to make the right moves, so the only change I would propose to it is that survivors should know their trap has tampered timer
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I love Amanda so much. That being said I think her power and add-ons both need a do-over.
In today DBD rng just doesn't cut it. It is both frustrating for the killer and survivors. Map rng combined with box rng makes Amanda feel very hit or miss and that is never fun to play as or against.
You are right. Tampered Timer combined with the gears is stupidly strong, but it is the only way to make her rbt a threat. Standalone they are joke and no one takes them seriously.
I would really like Amanda's kit to be changed. The crouch, the lunge, the boxes, rbt, all of it! Don't get me wrong, like I said I really love playing her but she is sorely out matched by a lot of other killers ;_; Having to rely on TT and a big map for her power to have any bite is silly. I wonder if the devs can even doing anything about her since she is not their ip.
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It should have a Down-Side,probably minus 1 Trap
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I like this idea! Idk if it would make it any more possible to escape from said RBT but I guess some forewarning might help?
Agreed. Well to an extent. I personally like her base kit I think with some minor buffs to it she'd be golden. I wasn't around for it but I heard that she used to have a 24m Terror Radius originally and I'd love to have that back to pair with Monitor and Abuse (Bcuz I'm evil like that). Other than that I feel like making her default Crouch / uncrouch a little faster would help a lot.
Not sure how RBTs could be changed overall to be more consistent. I've heard some people say make every RBT so that nobody can EVER get it off on their very first attempt but that seems a bit scary lol I'm not sure how I like that idea.
Personally the traps are one of my favorite things about her. I really appreciate the built in slowdown as it allows me to play the game more and get more experience looping etc etc I'm not crazy about getting actual kills with the traps. Most of my kills from them tend to come from a well timed trap on the last gen (I run Tinkerer and it's a godsend for this).
I swear an active RBT after the last gen pops is terrifying lol
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Well the forewarning tells the survivor so they would know if they have time to heal while active or while inactive that they should prioritize boxes which can help them make the right choices and have a better survivability while dealing with tampered timer
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Tampered Timer only makes a 2:30 timer drop the additional 30s off. It's one of the better add-ons she has, but it isn't over powered by any means. Most of her add-ons pretty ok they have tangle if a little lackluster effects on the game and gives her just enough build variety to not be completely outta luck if she doesn't have the best in slot combo
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Keep it.
This game is no stranger to addons that can carry matches. Iridescent Head and Soldiers Belt, for example.
Thing is, that is on a killer that can down you from halfway across the map. We are talking about a killer that is an M1 killer with mediocre stealth and a weak power. And this is from someone who loves Pig.
If a pig wants to tunnel you off boxes they will. If a Pig wants to poke at you the entire match until you pop, they will. If a killer wants to play scummy, they will play scummy.
If they dedicate two addons to make traps more dangerous, then let them be dangerous. I really think people overdramatize the effect of Tampered Timer.
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I just don't like it because of Pig's RNG nature. If I'm going to use add ons for the trap, it's always double gears. 17 seconds (if I remember correctly) is pretty crazy, especially if you're unlucky enough to have to search a box near the killer and it's touch and go.
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Tampered timer I have no problem with. It's that other add-on I dislike
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As a survivor main (I feel like I always need to preface with this now to show no bias), TT is fine. I hate to go against it, cause usually I’m a pig magnet who gets downed first or second, but it adds variety to the game. Pig is not popular any more, and the few I do run into nowadays don’t usually run it. When it does happen however, I just chalk it up to bad luck and move on to the next match.
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I'm totally against addons that make traps more likely to pop. These are just unhealthy as they can give the other side free wins just for using addons. Imo Pig should have a rework to make her traps less oppressive and RNG based, but buffing her stealth and chase in compensation.
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Either it does nothing at all or it outright kills a player with no in-between. That is not the sign of a healthy add-on. That said, I am 1000% not above using it because I love me my Trap kills.
This game is no stranger to addons that can carry matches. Iridescent Head and Soldiers Belt, for example.
Worth pointing out that the example you're bringing up does not exist anymore, as Irihead was specifically nerfed to not function with either of the add-ons that give extra hatchets.
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I wish Pig had more combat add-ons to choose from.
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Eh yay. While it's nice getting head pops with it I wouldn't say it's totally reliable. Just like the rest of pig's RBT's it all comes down to luck mostly. By the time the hat activates some people will already be half way searching through their boxes, sometimes it'll kill them because they didn't have the time that they otherwise would have. Maybe when Pig gets her power reworked tampered timer will get changed but as it currently stands I don't really have a problem with it just because the extreme rng nature of her power helps keep it in check.
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I disagree with the above statement.
It is not a sign of an unhealthy add-on, it is the sign of an unhealthy power.
The Pig's power is entirely RNG based. The timer isn't what kills people, its the RNG of the power along with the timer.
Nerfing Tampered Timer I don't think is the good decision here. Rather the Pig needs some tweaks to how her power works. They made it a bit more consistent but it hasn't completely nullified the fact that you're essentially guessing until you find the right box.
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The solution isn't to nerf Tampered Timer IMO. The solution is to re-work it entitely.
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I would much rather change the power itself into something more consistent and fun to interact with.
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I think the base kit power is fine from an interactive standpoint and can even stand to be buffed a bit.
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Yay because it fits amanda
Nay because it does not take in to account a lot of things, notably map design. Have you seen pig with certain add ons on RPD? Neither have i but i am very scared of it
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Which other add-on?
Absolutely. Basically any large map is very scary with RBTs, and with Tampered Timer and bad luck added to the mix it can be literally impossible to search all 4 or 5 boxes in time x.x
Even a normal sized map like Midwich can be awful because of having to traverse the long halls and go up and down floors as well. I think box placement has a lot to do with it.
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Yeah it's not okay, especially when certain people abuse it by combining it with the other addons + map offerings
Same people who complain when survivors burn coldwind every match. Hypocrites
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crate of gears
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If the base kit is buffed in some way I would be okay with a Tampered Timer nerf or rework.
Poor Pig has seen way too many nerfs for no good reason.
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If there's one thing I deeply miss, it's her old custom 28 meter terror radius.
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May I ask what the other addon is?
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crate of gears
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They should just rework Pig's power entirely. A power thats heavily reliant on RNG isn't okay.
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Oh? I'm surprised you dislike that. I love using crate and sack
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Tampered timer is mostly fine i think, i've never actually died to it UNLESS the pig was running crate of gears. I think tampered timer should trump all other addons, and prevent any form of box searching slowdown. If the pig brings a map offering, you're probably gonna die anyways even without timer. 30 seconds is not a lot of extra time if the pig is super toxic about it.
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Yeah, it's not okay in the slightest. It's a cheap kill and RNG aint funny on either sides, not even when it works. I'd say with the tamper timer, it makes it so she can only place 2 RBT's on survivors or one since it's pretty easy for Amanda to double back and mess with a survivor while they're trying to get that thing off their mouth.
Amanda, as a whole get's treated like a joke and so, does her power the only redeeming quality about it is her perks which can help her apply pressure on survivors who save and gen-rush. Other then that Tampered Timer is the only thing that really saves her if we ignore the fact of crouching and lunging mid-chase.
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That's a lot of stuff to bring for a kill...
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I've never been killed by an RBT, so Id say tampered timer is probably fine. Nerfing pig is a kind of a pastime of BHVR, she doesn't need that kind of abuse anymore.
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People take them seriously, because they will rush to get rid of it. The problem is the full RNG nature of the threat. Clearing the trap on box four feels bad for the survivor. Clearing it on box one is trash for Amanda.
And dying before you can get to box five is the cheapest death you can get outside a hook 1 facecamp.
It should always take two or three, bumped up to three or four with the 'plus one box' add-on.
And tampered timer needs to be removed.
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Keep it
I don't mind occasionally getting screwed by occasionally strong add-ons. Frankly, I'm more likely to be killed by dumbass teammates then a powerful add-on from the killer anyway.
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Now I like tampered timer by itself however I will admit as long as it has the capabilities of being combined with crate of gears or jigsaw sketch it is always going to be cheap because it practically guarantees a head pop on certain maps.
As long as that combination possibility exists Tampered Timer is going to have to change
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Passive Timer and Active Timer would fix Tampered Timer, if you know, you know.
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since pig rbt is unfun and overpowered we should “rework” them to always be removed at the first box and pig now become permanently stun after a rbt is removed so survivors don’t have to try lul
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When they buff her chase, they can even delete Tempered timer, who cares about RNG shitshow anyway
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Yes it is but that doesn’t make it any less fair. You shouldn’t die because you got unlucky despite spending all of the timer searching boxes. The survivor can’t play the situation any better they just have to hope they get lucky
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I think the problem is rng
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It’s a really badly designed add on. Tampered timer + extra box to search makes it impossible to search all boxes, which is really dumb.
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Not really a saw killer tbh. Whilst I understand your perspective I do think pigs does not live up to her theme as a jigsaw based killer.
Her traps should be the defining aspect of her kit. Stealth is often a side note to a lot of killers strengths with there power carrying a unique way to enhance the experiance.
If pigs trap got even further nerfed only to improve her dash then she would feel even less unqiue. I dont think we would see an overhaul for pig given how slow content is released. But I would ask people to consider the fact she is based off of the saw license not the halloween or scream franchises.
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90% of the unfair trap situations emerge because of terrible map design. If a pig on midwich set a trap on you and you have to navigate the map using archaic routes and cross large distances that isnt the pig's fault thats just trash map design.
Imagine if you got rpd with pig and the boxes were evenly spread out across the map even without tampered or crate of gears you can lose to rng. We keep saying maps are to big and the minute a ppwer which is known to be very underwhelming on smaller maps is an issue we suddenly say "better nerf pig".
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I faced a Pig that had a really long box search time yesterday. I know it's not Temper Timer but let me explain :
She sent us on Midwich. I was the first to get a trap and my team activated it so i ran to the first box i could find (luckily pretty close to me) it wasn't it. By the time i'm running for the second one, the Pig is chasing me in the opposite direction of the others boxes, then dropp chase to make me waste time running back. I was super lucky and got it off my third try at 1 sec remaining.
This is without Temper Timer, so i can easily imagine i was dead before i could even try the second box if she brought it. This is not ok. She already got tons of pressure with her traps because i forced myself to 99 the gens i could find (i was basically the only one doing gens)
A survivor should be dead because the killer brings an addon or two, especially if the killer doesn't "work" for it (by that i mean it's not Tombstone level which actually require more than down + trap = dead)
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I mean, Pyramid Head in the games isn't a buffed up guy who hits you through walls and sends you to cages. Freddy's power also barely has anything to do with the movies. I don't think being faithful to the source material is that important.
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I feel base the timer needs to be decreased and the addon less severe.
There needs to be more incentive to not pop gens when a person has a trap on their head.
I feel it should be difficult at base to remove a trap if is instantly active. Right now you can just pop gens whenever you like and the rbt person can generally get it off.
That's why the addon seems bad cause it's only then that instantly popping gens gets punished.
If survivors learn that completing gens before the trapped survivor had some time to search some boxes will always be dangerous then this addon isn't that bad.
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Bad example since Iri Head + Belt got nerfed. I totally agree with you though. Until Pig gets a buff or rework, Tampered Timer is totally fine.