Why do so many people hate Claudette?

What did she do to you? She’s an amazing woman that just wanted to live a normal life yet all you people just hate on her. It’s not her fault that the people that play as her ruin her rep. I guarantee you if it was actually Claudette herself controlling Claudette, she would be the most caring person for her teammates in every trial and it’s just facts.
I don't like I always say. I find most of them reliable teammates at red ranks.
I love Dettes in my lobbies.
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That makes me happy to hear ☺️
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They're liars. They love her and wish they could be like her. Their hate is really aimed towards the fact that they'll never be like her.
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I think most people realize that. Its not Claudette the character they dislike but the type of player she usually attracts.
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Oh it’s jealousy? Ah I see, same reason why they hate Yui too.
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It's not Claudette herself as a character what's hated, but how certain players use her.
I don't mind her when I see her my lobbies, but I have gotten more than a few that have been... nefarious to say the least.
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She still doesn’t deserve it. Hag and Nea deserves hate way more.
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shes a free female survivor with one of the most popular solo q teachables, as well as boasting a high natural Stealth stat. She's going to be a popular character no matter what, and inevitably that means by sheer numbers that some less than pleasant people will play her.
I rarely play Claudette, but when I do I make sure to wear the flashiest clothes and charms possible with an anniversary crown because Claudette is too cool for school.
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You should play her more. She deserves more mains.
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I really should since now is the perfect time. I was in a feedback loop of only playing Cheryl since she was my only surv with all the perks because killer addons eat all my BP(demo is my current bp sink), but I decided to branch out to Jill but then she got stung by a swarm of bees.
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Claudette is weird, at rank 20 Claudettes tend to hamper the team and self care in a corner
At Red Ranks, they are gods
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They're disliked mainly because of their toxic reputation.
You remember that one youtuber who called himself "The toxic Claudette" and would post videos of him going against noob killers and him escaping every game to make the viewers falsely perceive him as some dbd god? If not, well good, because he didn't help with that reputation either and it even influenced a lot of his fan-base to be like that.
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Poor Claud. She doesn’t deserve that rep.
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I guarantee you if it was actually Claudette herself controlling Claudette, she would be the most caring person for her teammates in every trial and it’s just facts.
Lies, she only cares about herself. Otherwise, her perk's name would be "Others-Care."
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Have you seen “Empathy”?
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Yep. She sees them. But she chooses to care for self instead. ;)
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I have nothing against claudette, I have everything against self care gamers though.
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No Claud will never.
Well any survivor can use it in a selfish way, not just Claudette.
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She uses her own blood to heal the wounds of others. That is why it is called self care. Once others acquire the perk, they are actually granted the ability to summon some of her blood for its healing power.
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I like claudette but survivor character stories don't feel like they matter when other people control them.
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If it was Claudette herself, she would be a sweet and caring survivor for the other survivors.
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Literally the people in my first ever Killer match gave me such an awful experience that I
A. Didn't play the game again for 6 months.
B. I still despise all Claudette's because of them.
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I will admit, Claudette is the only survivor I relate to because (apparently) she's autistic and is a huge lover of insects and animals.
Her story makes me cry because her tome mentions she was always isolated from other people at school when she was a child and she'd always study and observe bugs and insects. I did this all the time in Primary school, I never really had much friends growing up so I'd always hang out with myself and observe bugs, insects, the school's chickens etc.
During secondary (and this is going to get deep so get the tissues now) I had a very hard time making friends. I only had one who is still my best friend to this day so thank god to her, but during our lunch breaks, I would just sit in the toilets all the time and quietly read my book or watch youtube because I could never pick up the courage to meet someone new and make friends.
That's why I relate to Claudette on so many levels, even though she's just a fictional character, her backstory and the character herself mean a lot to me and in my opinion they nailed her story.
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I’m sorry you had to experience that, but it’s not Claudette’s fault :c
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Her p3 is nerfed into the ground after the remodel so I don't think she is good for stealth anymore. Unless some other costumes work with her well.
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Is Claudette a new survivor? I've played this game for years and never seen one. I do put invisible survivors on hooks sometimes though. This game is kinda magical that way.
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Not nice to queen Morel
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Still the character they used and most Claudette's are toxic. Ergo, they must be sacrificed.
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I apologize with all of my heart. For I must kneel before the one that gave us all Self Care, a perk so powerful it controls the flow of the trial. May no corner of the map be unused and the moon offerings forever be in your favor.
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She my main girl ;3; I love her dearly!!!
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You are indeed forgiven. Claudette may be royalty but she is merciful with her kind heart and perfect soul.
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Because she's selfish and leaves people (even those who previously showed kindness) to die (0:54-1:08)
and is so pathetic she somehow got grabbed while standing up (0:28-0:36)
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Alright that’s very disrespectful to our ruler. You will be punished with 15 straight camping and tunneling Spirits that use Ruin Undying followed by 13 straight sweaty Twins, followed by 21 straight Nurses with Infectious Fright. Also you never get to play against Demopuppy ever again!
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Are you talking about ochido?
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Yeah, but I believe there's a rule where you can't mention his name or something, idk I could be wrong.
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Thanks for ignoring my story :((
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I LOVE Claudette as a character, it's just a damn shame that the majority of her players tend to be... y'know...
There's still some good Claudies tho.
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Wait I didn’t see it I’m sorry, could you quote it so I can respond to it?
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Yeah poor Claud.
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I love Claudette, but she gets a bad wrap because a lot of people who play her are either new to the game or are just #########.
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Because she's hard to see. Get out of the ######### bushes you candy asses.
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I play her a lot, and I’m ######### at survivor, lmao.
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I always heard that people hated Claudette because she blends in too easily with the rest of her surroundings. Because she's black I guess? I don't know, I never hear anyone say the same thing about Tapp.
I like Claudette, I think she comes with one of the more solid perk sets. And anyone can blend into tall grass or bushes if they wear dark outfits, especially if they've prestiged as well. I've never had any issue with her as killer, the only female character that I seem to get regular attitude from is Feng.
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Awww, I'm sure you're not!
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Idk how to quote from another page but it's in the previous page.
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No it can be pretty cringe. One moment I loop like a god but the next I embarrass myself.
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My killer gameplay on certain killers is good though. Some killers I’m awful with though.
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I'm pretty sure that's how we all are. No need to beat yourself up over it!
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Alright I found it. Again sorry I didn’t see this.
I can also relate tbh. I’ve made a lot of friends in the DBD community though but my personal life, I’m much more laid back despite being super outgoing on the forums. I’ve just started my first semester at my new university last week. I’m a transfer student that has no friends yet at the school and I feel completely alone in class and in the cafeteria when I have lunch. Doesn’t mean I’ll eventually make some friends though, but right now I just have the DBD forums to talk to friends on.
You’re definitely not alone. Also thanks for sharing your story, I really loved reading it.
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I’m not worried about it though. I would honestly prefer to have a good time rather than becoming very good at the game. I mean I would want to improve at it as that’s part of what makes games in general fun. It’s just not something I’m super worried about doing though.