Now that p3 claudette is no longer viable stealth outfit, what are alternatives?

Jonathan Byers. No one will recognise him
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I use the 900 iri green shirt on Claudette with brown pants, Same functionality. Adam with a dark brown trenchcoat can be really impossible to see. I used Meg with Zoey's hair and the black coat with the white front back in the day and it worked.
The problem now is you have white maps like Ormond and the indoor maps that don't let you become a plant, but default Dwight on Ormond is kinda tricky sometimes, same with default Jake. (Green body, brown pants.)
Alternatively you can go full rainbow colors and click a flashlight at the killer. He's going to see you and think you want a chase but in reality you don't and he'll walk away to get a less troublesome survivor. It's a bluff, but an effective one.
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I wanna say some of the Francis outfits? I’ve definitively been able to blend into a stack of garbage cans as black trench coat Francis before.
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Bloody outfits still blend in decently well on almost everyone.
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Yellow Dwight in the cornfield though just sayin
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Why is P3 Claudette no longer a viable stealth character? Did something dramatic change during the character remodel?
Try throwing the blond hair, white cat shirt, and zebra pants on Nea. Then play on Ormond. YOU won't even be able to see her. :P
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Please use the lime green one, I promise I find it really hard to see her. The bright colors blind me better than your flashlight ever could, promises.
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Detective Tapp with his investigation suit, Tactical trousers or bloody tactical trousers, and any headpiece that isn't the police cap
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I noticed on farm maps with default Cheryl wearing neo camo shirt I look just like corn.
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Stop Playing immersed please, we are not in 2018.
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iri ?
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P3 Meg is surprisingly stealthy and also small
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What is a stealth outfit? I played the game only with nvidia freestyle. I can see clear as day with my settings. I once played it without and could see like nothing, much difference and i hated it.
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Get good at looping
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I think they mean iridescent shards
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This will sound racist but Adam is really dark i was doing a gen with an Adam earlier and the only thing i saw was a black spot on my screen
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Get good at reading. Also being hard to seen can't be disadvantage if you want to lose the killer.
Also I play most of the survivors with different outfits and played killer and survivor since 2018 at red ranks.
Yawn. Next time either answer the question or move along.
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Arguably you just cheat, because the lighting and color scheme is there to allow for stealth play. Using 3rd party software to disable that is just cheating. However, in this game a lot of cheats are allowed, so nothing will happen anyway. But i hope you never get angry at people using stretched resolution, because thats about the same.
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Jeff with a crown
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All is fair in love and DBD
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How do you know how I play just because I asked about stealthy outfits?
How about stop making assumptions we are not judgemental? Or are we.
I c9mbine playstyles depending on a situation and I am a decent looper. Would I pay for flashy outfits if I play immersed all the time?
People like you is what is wrong with society today. And if there is a person out there who plays how they want to play it is their business. You are not god.
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Title. That's your post. It's not baseless. You don't need stealthy outfit if you know how to run. So that's best advice you'll ever get
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So according to you no one with stealthy outfit knows how to loop. God why do I even keep responding to people like you.
And like I said I play with different outfits. Just because I am asking about stealthy ones doesn't mean that i am going to immerse myself 24/7 not doing anything.
Smdh. I thought things like these didn't need clarifying.
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Jake has a green jacket that blends in brilliantly with Yamoka and Swamp. In the exit gates, there used to be a green sort of curtain/material on the wall, I used to blend Jake in with that too lol.
David has a lot of black gear, also good for hiding
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Why is P3 Claudette not viable anymore what happened to her outfit??
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i've always seen P3 Quentin as more viable for stealth than a P3 Claudette....a rare breed they are for sure, but when I have one in my game, I always lose them!
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Even if you're good at looping, it still makes sense to use a more 'immersed' outfit. Indeed, a good player with a dark outfit can be a nightmare for the killer. A good Survivor with a dark outfit is able to be stealthy when they need to, but can also still take aggro and waste lots of the Killer's time.
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It may still be viable but her prestige was nerfed a bit with her model rework. Her prestige overall has a lot less blood on it so she's a bit easier to see. They did the same to Jake's prestige, although not to the same extent.
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Ohhhh I see that's annoying
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I mean, it's not a huge deal. The recolours of her default outfit are still great for stealth as far as I'm aware.
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Head: Expedition beanie (dark gray)
Torso: Hiking jacket (gray)
Legs: Sturdy cargo pants (light gray)
Probably not the best stealth outfit but I've found a bit of success with this one. The gray looks a bit bland but hey, it's an outfit intended for stealth, not fashion. You can swap out the beanie for whatever really as long as it isn't too bright or flashy. Indeed, the default or scruffy Jake headpieces might be even better than the beanie. The cargo pants are a little on the lighter side so there's probably a better option. I just chose the gray one because it matches the all gray aesthetic. You'd be surprised how well you can blend with the gray hiking jacket though. Even on low graphics settings with a brightness filter.
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People can play how they want. Thank you.
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Going off this I'd say Nea, Kate or Zarina might be a good stealth option since they make less sound.
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Ace makes less sound than them both but they have him as medium stealth perhaps due to being bigger.
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Calm spirit lucky break iron will doesn't matter what you wear. I like wearing random outfits and seeing what I can blend into. If killer sees you good luck to him keeping line of sight. Rub your tummy tums with a medkit and try try again.
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I know, but is disgusting to face immersed teams, they hide as soon as they start hearing the heartbeats and you feel stupid roaming around the map spending two minuted to find someone, in addition they frequently hide when there are only two remainin to wain you to kill the other anf search the hatch which sometimesends up being an insanely long matche.
I know that is a problem of the game design but we can do our part as player to avoid that kind of unfun situations, me for example, I never tunnel and camp except in some situations.
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But juking the killer and lose him in a chase is more fun than just run around in circles until you drop a pallet, then go to the next loop. It might be not as efficient, but somehow, in a game, i like to do the things that are actually fun. And stealth outfit helps with juking.
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You're generalizing a whole category of people into one playstyle. Sure some immersed players do everything you mentioned, but some don't and actually know the right time to help their team and come out of hiding.
I play immersed/stealthy (except I wear whatever as long as I think it looks cute). I try to avoid the killer at all costs, except I know when to come out and help my team when it calls for it. I'm not gonna be hiding in the corner of the map all game. I'm usually the gen jocky, but if my teammates need help, I'm there.
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You know someone who wouldn't recognize Jonathan Byers? Wow I can't think of anyone who doesn't.
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You mean cheating, like using discord to communicate in a game, that has no ingame communication? Yeah, seems right.
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If I’m feeling stealthy and have challenges that require me to play that way I’ll usually play as Adam. He has a black trench coat and you can easily juke people in the bushes with him and/or hide in dark places. He’s a beast and definitely the best stealth survivor. Female survivors with any dark clothes will work too because they’re tiny and hard to see in general.
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They did reduce the blood on his outfit by a lot sadly but yeah he used to be my go to for stealth challenges
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I don't actively worry about my clothing on characters, but my Claudette wears the base shirt in gray, the black skirt with black leggings/boots, and the dark red hair. For some reason, killers seem to pass right by me if I'm hiding in a dark area.
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I got you covered sweetheart :)
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Using a Key without DS? You must be either brave or insane, lol.
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Or let people play how they want.
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Disregard this persons post. Play immersed. No're not doing yourself any favors wearing neon and trying to outrun me.
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Not really a fan of being completely "immersive" but being hard to see can't hurt anyone.
If I was immersive and being useless like some think I am just by asking this question (funny right) I wouldn't be rank 1 probably even on last gen with all the freezes and crossplay on. Also I wouldn't pay for clothes that I like.
Example. Sorry about the horrible camera and bad angle (had to hide name).
Actually I love chases but I love losing the killer too. Most of my survivors don't wear blending outfits. I tried p3 claudette before the remodel a little so I was interested which stealthy ones are good now so I can try sometimes.
And look what happened lol. But even if I was immersive I don't have anything against how others play as long as they are respectful to each other.
I love wearing outfits that look cool and good to me most of the time but I guess I can't ask about stealthy outfits because I am garbage then. Sigh.
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Iridescent shards