200 Matches as solo survivor, here is who I faced. *Updated (300 Matches)

Here is how often I've gone against each killer over 200 matches as a solo survivor at red ranks (currently rank 2).
I play on the Asian servers.
I only consider a win an escape through the exit gate (hatch is too cheap to be considered a win).
I run Smash Hit, Any Means Necessary, Blast Mine & DS, so....not busted perks nor weak, too. Also used yellow med kit with 8 extra charges.
Not really sure what the point of this post is, just thought it was quite an informative piece of info.
Updated after 300 matches.
Poor Billy, they stop playing you because the insta saw is gone.
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Don’t think that’s why
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That's the reason. It's not the overheat mechanic. Every billy used to run Carburator, Primer bulb, Spark plug, Engravings.
Example. They gutted Freddys add ons. I used to face full slowdown Freddys every other game before the nerf.
Where is the Freddy mains now? I mean Freddy add on mains. That's right, no one plays as Freddy anymore.
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This explain I faced 3 Wraith in 4 matches yesterday.
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Freddy was strong and boring, now he is weak and boring, why would anyone play him
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and Billy was strong and fun, now he is weak and not fun, why would anyone play him.
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I still like playing as Freddy.
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This argument is always dumb and lacks of any evidence.
Nurse and Huntress got their busted addons gutted; people still play both of them and they're not easy killers.
Coincidentally, the people who say this stuff are the ones who never play Billy.
Another one is "The nerf only affected bad Billys"
I really wonder where all these good Billys are because i went against this killer like 10 times since the nerf, and they were almost all totally new players trying out a free character.
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Or maybe because his add ons are garbage and there are multiple easier killers who can do what he can but with less punishing mechanics and higher rewards in gameplay? Maybe
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No surprise there about the Blight, but I'm jealous you often face Nemesis. Give me your Nemesises please.
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All i'm seeying is pig having a 100% winrate and therefore is SSS tier
I don't want to hear excuses like this is from the survivor point of view and she actually lost every match
The data is obvious when i interpretant it the way i want to
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Going from Freddy most common to Wraith is terrible to less terrible
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Fake pallet Freddy is still fun to play.
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That's what im saying...? They gutted his add ons and no one plays him. Same with Billy.
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Lacks of any evidence lol. I have 5k hours and 2k of them are only billy.
All billys used to play with insta saw add ons or crack Billy. That's why they're gone now. Same with Freddy.
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I wasn't arguing with you
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I don't know why people like addons so much... I refuse to run addons on any killer because without them it makes winning so much more satisfying. I don't use the best perks either. Maybe I'm just weird. Idk. lol
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I dont use them most of the time as well. But when I do, its nice to have something to choose from that isnt useless.
Theres different in playing without addons because you choose so, and playing without them because they are all worthless anyways
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I'd be more interested in seeing wins in terms of 3 or more escaping because escaping by yourself through the gate is about as easy as a hatch escape in most cases.
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Seeing...anyways, why does this have to be 1 side v.s. another, it's just data, nothing more or less?
I make it clear a win is me escaping, so anyone can see that pig is barely played and doesn't win when she's played....really don't get your point?
Maybe this would be a more accurate showcase of a win, if it was a SWF team, but solo survivor at red rank, I'm not going to stay around if I die first to see if the other 3 escape. That's why I made the criteria me escaping through the exit gate only, which of course is harder than a hatch escape, to say otherwise is objectively wrong.
Plus, again, why I don't think your reason for a win is wrong, it kind of heads into that gray area of what is a win, which I'm not interested in doing. Thanks for the suggestion though.
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How do you face so little Deathslingers!? He is the most common killer I face, it's beyond painful. I'm suffering over here! xd
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It's amazing that no matter how over the top goofy or insensable you make a meme post there is always somebody who takes it seriously
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Can I face the Hag that few times, too?
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I'm glad this has got people interested and it's created a chat, but I'm just 1 person, I really don't really wanna commit to collecting data that hard, who I faced and a simple win/loss is something I can just pop in the end of the game, takes 5 seconds and then I'm into my next lobby.
That would just take far too much time..sorry :(
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Thanks for sharing!
It is interesting to see these stats.
Would be interesting to see if the killers you face change after MMR is turned on.
Also would be interesting to see if the killer popularity changes per continent or if it is the same everywhere.
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All right I'm going to let you in on an experience you can never know. You've just started playing Billy you have the following element's to master with your power. Close ranges saw's, map traversal and curving this was old Billie's learning challenges. Now if your new and play modern Billy you have to contend with less opportunities to saw due to increased debris on reworked maps, overheat management, more difficult map traversal for my first stated reason, Significantly harder curving training on account of overheat actively punishing you for trying to practice your curving.
If overheat isn't so bad then they should just remove it and use the leather face overheat method where threatening the saw for too long overheats it. You are actively punished for practicing with your power. That is a problem and I know this because behavior should have learned this lesson when they changed pyramid head. Pyramid heads ranged attack was initially on a much longer cd. It turned out this annoyed a lot of players who were trying to learn pyramid head because his power punished the player too much for practicing his power.
An experienced player has no idea what a new player or even a mediocre player is going through trying to learn Billy. Instead of tuning out and pretending there is no issue even though the community to this day agrees Billly is a boring killer. Ffs even the Billy man himself ohtofu said Billy isn't fun to play when he was playing speed limiter Billy. I can link the clip if you want it and that guys loved Billy. Not to mention a lot of modern map design is awful to play on as Billy. A lot of indoor maps like hawkin's, lery's, RPD, gideon meat plant makes his power very limited.
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And in how many games as a solo do your teammates do more harm than the killer?
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LOL, ummmm....it does happen a fair amount, normally it's one of three things;
1.Someone will self-care for 32 seconds in the corner of the map instead of of coming/going for a rescue
2.Everyone will leave gens when I'm hooked, crouch nearby and they will all just wit, meaning no-one does anything for 20+ seconds
3.One team member will just a lot of pallets early which kills mid/end game chases.
However, I don't really mind this, even with the solo queue handicap, I find it a far more enjoyable way to play survivor than playing in a big SWF team....because it becomes far harder to win, SWF is almost a guarantee.
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Watch out, you don't want any of the "Freddy OP, and boring to face" people to see this.
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How the hell do you get 10 Demogorgons in your games?
I've only seen one in recent memory, and that was months ago.
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Maybe it's region, it's possible he is just played more often in Asia?
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I live in Asia.
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It makes sense though
The persuasion of people who say things like X killer is weak that killer isn't played as much.... Y killer is boring that killer isn't played as much
Z killer is strong that killer is played more
People will hop on the X,Y,Z train cause someone they watched shares that opinion
Would love to see a killer player do this (and some of them have done... I tried but got lazy... and too specific for my own good)
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In my region, I tend to get a lot of Demogorgons. He's a fun killer to face. Glad he ain't a rare to get.
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That teleport
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That's a whole lot of Wraith, I haven't realized he's been so popular since his tweak. Fascinating.
Are you up for doing this on killer side and record how many of each survivor you see? I did a 50-match one some time ago and Claudette came up 33 of those 50 games.
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######### only 2 pigs and plagues? Pig i could understand but plague is actually a good killer, i don't get it. And i bet the ones you encountered was because they had a quest.
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The thing that made me stop playing freddy was not the addons... It was the unnecessary nerf on his kit after the undying nerf.
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You cant tell me you didnt had a single Nea in your match.
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Thank you for doing this. I know it takes time, and even with all the effort people won't believe you. I did 200 games and tracked number of escapes and number of bloodpoints. I proved Killers over 90% of the time have the highest score and less than 40% of the time 2 or more survivors escaped. I wanted to show with data that the game was killer sided. When the facts proved this point people scoffed.
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You had... Twins, Plague, Hag and Demo... THAT MANY TIMES??
I have seen a total of 3 Twins, 4 Plagues, 12 Hags and 4 Demos by playing since the 25th of December, 2016.
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Pretty impressive the frequency of Nurse
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For clarification: is the wins column indicating your wins or the killer's?
Did you escape in 17 matches against Wraiths?
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The wins column is me personally escaping through the exit gate (hatch isn't allowed).
So yes, I escaped 17 matches against Wraiths.
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I main Freddy, Twins and Plague. I really think they are some of the most fun killers but it looks like no one plays them except me, lol.
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Freddy slowdown addon were the only good addon he had. Now people play freddy when they want to save some BP
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I'm not surprised in the slightest Wraith was #1.
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because addons are sometimes the crux of a killer build or playstyle that you can't get with no add-ons.
For example, The Beast-Soot on Wraith.
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It is the reason actually. Before you could do well on Billy with his good add-ons without having to know how to curve well. Now you only really see good Billy and bad Billy players because to do well on him now you have to know how to curve. You can't just be overall good/decent at basic m1 killer things like running tiles and mind gaming while relying on instant saw for your 1 shot downs anymore.