Can we make it a rule in a Killer rulebook?

If killer only has 5 hooks or less, no survivors are dead and only 1 gen remains. Survivors sshoould stop doing gens and start cleansing totems to give killer a chance and decrease chance of NOED.
Yeah no...
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Can you elaborate why?
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Not a good idea, this is why I try to start totem busting at around 3 gens remaining
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Probably because if you lose that many gens without getting 5 hooks that you're just losing the match? It shouldn't be required for one side to hold your hand. If you're losing because of bad map design, don't expect others to go easy on you because that's not how it works nor is that how it should work.
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True and that's why I called this "an addition to killer rulebook", as a tribute to infamous Survivor's Rulebook that killer can't camp, tunnel etc.
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i actually wrote up a draft for the killer rulebook, here ya go
Rule #1: Kill survivors.
Hope that isn't too complex, but I think it's a pretty comprehensive guide on playing killer
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Well survivor rulebook is just as silly as the killer rulebook and neither are actually relevant lol.
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You mean The Killer Rulebook, by Survivors. Its a rulebook on how killers must play. Your suggestion would be in a Survivor Rulebook.
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I only heard of Survivor Rulebook that survivors created for killers on how to play so survivors would have fun every match. Hence why I said Killers Rulebook which is the opposite.
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If the killer kicks a gen survivors must leave that gen alone and find a different gen
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Goods idea
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The Killer Rulebook was a lie invented by Killer Streamers who think highly of themselves and Survivors who cant play the game. Shh.
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I have to neutralize you now for revealing this secret.