bloodpoints required to p3 max survivor and killer at this point in time

bloodweb feedback: just want to make sure the team realizes that it takes about 11.5 million bloodpoints to p3 max one survivor and 11 million to p3 max one killer. I know you guys said you were working on some things but i want to make sure you know our reality here right now.
You have 84 perks (killers), so 252 tiers. Till you reach rank 50 you can get 59 tiers, which costs around 1 600 000 BP, after it you have cost around 50k for 2 tiers, so right now, if you have all perks to get everything without prestige costs around 6 400 000 BP.
So prestige 3 + all perks should cost around 11 200 000.
and we have 24 killers, so you need 153 600 000 BP to max out all killers without prestige.
If you want to max every killer with prestige too, then you will need 268 800 000 BP.
Survivors have 95 perks, so that is 7 250 000 per survivor without prestige.
You would need 594 150 000 BP to get every perk on every prestige 3 character.
Happy grinds.
I have feeling they believe that players would stop playing without grind, which is just sad they believe that little in their game. I have everything I want and still play. If they are scared players will stop playing, then just bring SBMM and show us our ratings, then everyone will have goal to get better rank so our egos get bigger.