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Legit question for Killer mains. What would you prefer we did then?

So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an ######### for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

I'm a little confused here.

I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!


  • Wahara
    Wahara Member Posts: 237
    edited October 2018

    I don't care about any of those things. They're annoying and they drive me crazy, but it's fair game. I won't camp you out of spite unless you're tea bagging me or taunting me with your flashlight, or being obnoxious by running behind my heels.

  • Soul_Consumption
    Soul_Consumption Member Posts: 68

    They're just bitter because you're a pain, and you should cherish that because you got beneath their skin with jukes, and flukes, so cheers to you friend.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    The only thing that truly gets under my skin are flashlight clickers and people that purposely abuse in game mechanics that aren't meant to be there. Such as locations you shouldn't be able to reach.
  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    If you can get a killer to be pissed off at you and you didn't:

    -Blind them
    -Loop them
    -Teabag them
    -Hook rush your pal

    You are what I like to call a Good Survivor. This is a horror game. Not a bumrush and bully the killer game. I'm not a killer main, more of a 60/40 survivor main.. but the sandbagging in this game is real. I only camp someone if they loop in the same area over and over and constantly flick their flashlight at me. Unless the exit gates are powered, i'm eating your face. lol

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an ######### for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    I would never blame you, I would blame the game for giving you the opportunity to totally dominate a killer not being a top tier killer.

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    Don't loop, its toxic.. Use Straight lines and stealth

  • Markness
    Markness Member Posts: 242

    The most important thing you should do is... ...

    Not give a ######### about what someone else thinks of your performance in a video game. Just leave match after you're done and queue up for an another game while you're watching something spoopy on the other screen.

  • Killigma
    Killigma Member Posts: 372

    Anything besides; Gen rush, 4 man flash squads or general toxic behaviour is fine with me. Looping is a pain but mostly all Survivors get cocky and mess up at some point.

  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    Sometimes people complain about stuff as a symptom of a wider problem or a growing feeling of frustration. You may have done nothing wrong but that particular killer had been treated like ######### for too many matches prior.

    Just rise above it, be nice, and hope your niceness infects others.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I get looping because it's boring as hell and survivors usually have a big ego because they know how to run in a circle, but stealthing and evading? There's nothing wrong with that. I'd rather they did that than looping.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an ######### for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    My guess… everyone knows the toxic behavior.

    Brightly colored survivor with flashlights clicking to get attention, tbagging to taunt and get chased.
    Hookswarming survivor, executing bad baits and getting mad, if a killer doesn't take it.
    Tbaggin behind every pallet and window. Tag teams tanking hits and bodyblocking the hook with the conga row of death.
    Voice com SWF teams that use OoO to share the position of the killer.
    DC to give hatch. BT near the open gate. Healing downed survivor near Freddy.
    Tbagging at the gate or just holding the game hostage after the gates are open, just to show of.

    I could continue the list forever.

    Of course a survivor should try to juke a killer to survive, but it is a totally different story, if you see people that WANT to get chased and never even TRY to lose the killer. And ofc they run DS. :P
    Of course survivor need to do gens, but there is "doing gens" and "gen rush". No that is not the same. :P

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    Just don’t act like a male anatomy. 

    I hate it when people deliberately want to be chased and loop. Or when you flashlight at a pallet. And there’s gen rushing. 

    Although what’s really bothering me event wise are survivors who are only in it for themselves and intentionally try to screw me. Oh believe me I know both sides can be anuses - last night I had 3 killers in a row who were just jerks; one of whom was a pig who just had to tunnel and down me out of harvesting (even though I wasn’t resisting) even though they were going to win because 2 people disconnected and the 3rd left after getting me off the hook in my struggling phase. But there are much more survivors who jerk killers around. 
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    If you made someone salty and you didn't BM at all, then it means you played the game well. If you think killer salt is bad, trying playing killer for a bit and hearing the survivors QQ. It's always 4 against 1 and they'll always find something to complain about :/

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited October 2018

    Killers aren't upset at you for looping/gen rushing, that's just playing the game. We're upset at the devs for allowing that to be the game play or for the gens to be able to be done that fast. I get angry at the survivors in the heat of the moment as well, but it's just the devs to blame really, you're just using the tools they gave you. Their anger is justified, just in the wrong direction is all.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2018

    You are supposed to die and let us hook you three times. No looping, no stealth, and most importantly, DO NOT complete gens.


    I agree with taking hard camping as a compliment. It means I did so good that it pissed you off and now you want to make sure I die, even if it means losing a lot of their Chaser points and having the other three Survivors escape. I looped a Pig on Monday at Lery's and when she caught me, she hard camped and hit me on the hook over and over again. The other Survivors took advantage of this and finished the other three or four gens so they could escape.

    As for the problems you're having, it's just Killers being upset at the devs for allowing this to actually happen. Stealthing and evading could be seen as toxic because some Survivors get really salty if they are the last one left and refuse to escape through the Hatch or work on gens, so they stay immersed in order to waste as much of your time as possible. If you aren't trying waste the Killer's time, then you are not doing anything wrong.

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an ######### for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    Honestly I only hate loopers, keep playing immersed, I’ll find you...
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    I agree with taking hard camping as a compliment. It means I did so good that it pissed you off and now you want to make sure I die, even if it means losing a lot of their Chaser points and having the other three Survivors escape.

    In some cases this might be true, but hard camping also happens if the team is playing overly altruistic and all of them are just sharking the hook.
    If no one is doing gens and I know it, because I can see them all around the hook, why should I leave?

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Wolf74 said:

    @SnakeSound222 said:

    I agree with taking hard camping as a compliment. It means I did so good that it pissed you off and now you want to make sure I die, even if it means losing a lot of their Chaser points and having the other three Survivors escape.

    In some cases this might be true, but hard camping also happens if the team is playing overly altruistic and all of them are just sharking the hook.
    If no one is doing gens and I know it, because I can see them all around the hook, why should I leave?

    You’re right, you shouldn’t leave if you know Survivors are swarming the hook. In my example, the Pig didn’t know if they were any Survivors near the hook. She just started hitting away and the other three Survivors completed the gens. 
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I came across this YT'er today that clearly was a killer main. He got super salty when he got pallet slammed while picking someone up without even checking the area. Then a Claud tbag'ed him like twice at a safe pallet when he broke it (with Brutal BTW) and he got salty. Then when Claud was on her last hook a Nea tried to body block but the hook was really close and stuff and he's all mad about that too. Like he doesn't realize you get points for taking a hit when someone is being carried and might as well if that person is on death hook. It was a bad choice still from Nea but there are reasons. He got salty because they were just doing survivor things.

    This is what killer mains don't get. These guys are just playing the game. It's not always toxic.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    sToP sUrViViNg AnD lEt Me KiLl YoU

    It won't ever stop for both sides. Killers getting mad cause you did what you had to do to survive/help your team and survivors getting mad because they didn't get to escape.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    While you might not be like this, survivors in general feel entitled to survive no matter what. If a killer gets a 1k, a lost game, that survivor that died doesn't feel they have one because they got camped end game. Many feel that they should be able to 1v1 a killer and win, and that's not how asymmetrical games work obviously. What I want is a fun game against competent survivors who pop a good in chat no matter if it's a 4k or a 4 man escape. 
  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an ######### for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    I can't speak for all the killers you face, but tea-bagging because you dropped a pallet, and running a brief lag switch are the only things I find particularly toxic.

    You're supposed to loop, and the killer would be better off finding a less-skilled survivor to chase and kill. That isn't any more toxic than the killer utilizing his attack to hit you.

    Sure, it can get frustrating to run in circles for 10 minutes and get no kills, but that's just the way the game is playing against skilled survivors. It isn't your fault, if it's anyone's.

    I would say, if you're getting a lot of hate in chat afterward, treat it the same way you do being camped: take it as a compliment, even if it isn't meant as one.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    If you are called names, it means you did well.

    If you are told to k!ll ur self then you did GREAT.

    For either side.

    When babies throw the salt, hold out your popcorn and enjoy the show!
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Image the devs would change the killer hit box, so they can loop as fast as survivors. 

    Forum would collapse, because survivors wouldn't know what else to do. 
    They never learned to juke. 
    They never learned to play stealthy (ninja claudette on a pitch black night isn't playing stealthy)
    They only learned to run in circles. 
  • SteveyHooves
    SteveyHooves Member Posts: 246
    As a killer main I don't upset easy about the the game. But a friend who is a survivor main who started playing killer for the vials oh man... polar opposite. Someones looping screams. hex is destroyed scream. chasing someone to long... well you get it. He finds killer so stressful when I tell him if expect all those things and call chase if it last to long. I keep using words against him he said to me when I playing killer.

    "You can't Blame them they're only trying to survive." 

    I mean personally if you loop me for days. sooner or later I'll catch up hit you and get you on the hook. 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @SteveyHooves said:
    As a killer main I don't upset easy about the the game. But a friend who is a survivor main who started playing killer for the vials oh man... polar opposite. Someones looping screams. hex is destroyed scream. chasing someone to long... well you get it. He finds killer so stressful when I tell him if expect all those things and call chase if it last to long. I keep using words against him he said to me when I playing killer.

    "You can't Blame them they're only trying to survive." 

    I mean personally if you loop me for days. sooner or later I'll catch up hit you and get you on the hook. 

    It's always fun if survivor mains switch sides and get our perspective of what they thought is "needed to survive". XD

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I haven't encountered killers punishing survivors that juked them.

    Less looping and more juking is what I say.

    What we have now is basically Tom and Jerry.

    Sure, Jerry the mouse is having a blast, but poor Tom is irked to no end.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    I personally play how I want to be played against on both sides. On survi no items, crutches, semi-infinites or bs offerings (haddonfield, mist etc). And no addons as killer that suck the fun of the game (insta saw billy etc).

    Sure if I loop killer for 4 gens I expect nothing less than camp. But on average I dont get camped or I camp people who play for fun.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an ######### for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    Doesnt matter what you do.
    If you do well in your job, thats a problem because the game has been designed for casual "fooling around" instead of players actually trying to win.

    Blame the devs for that

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    Easy, try to actually lose the Killer instead of being a noob and abusing loops.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Easy, try to actually lose the Killer instead of being a noob and abusing loops.
    - Tells people to lose the killer

    - Has a Doc avatar, and Doc in his name

  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an [BAD WORD] for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    Some people are just salty, no matter whether they play survivor or killer. I don't mind if you loop, stealth or gen-rush (you're just trying to win), as long as you don't play toxic.

  • Zypher84
    Zypher84 Member Posts: 8

    got the your a noob camping killer after game.

    there were 3 generators left all very Close to each other with good viewing.

    why should i be stupid and run to other side of map?
    ofcourse i stay Close, i pratrol the 3 generators randomly.

    And i only body camp hooked survivors if they over do t-bag/taunt me when they manage to pull down pallets infront of me and do it on the side.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @Greater_Cultist said:

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an [BAD WORD] for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    Some people are just salty, no matter whether they play survivor or killer. I don't mind if you loop, stealth or gen-rush (you're just trying to win), as long as you don't play toxic.

    You get it! I say it all the time too....DS me, loop me, pallet me....It's frustrating as hell, but all viable mechanics.

    And don't flame me when I camp in order to turn a 0k into a 1k or run NOED. It sucks for someone, but It's all legal and viable.

    Some people don't understand the difference between competitive play and "toxic" play.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @The_Crusader said:
    DocOctober said:

    Easy, try to actually lose the Killer instead of being a noob and abusing loops.

    • Tells people to lose the killer

      • Has a Doc avatar, and Doc in his name


    You don't know how to stealth a Doctor ?

    Keep playing, you will improve.


  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Giche said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    DocOctober said:

    Easy, try to actually lose the Killer instead of being a noob and abusing loops.

    • Tells people to lose the killer

      • Has a Doc avatar, and Doc in his name


    You don't know how to stealth a Doctor ?

    Keep playing, you will improve.


    Another "git gud" post, yawn.

    Don't need to stealth him because he's so easy to lose in a chase.

    But it's well known he has better tracking that other killers.

    Keep trying hard though....tryhard.
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an [BAD WORD] for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    @Gurpsmeister said:
    So at the end of a match I hear it constantly. I get called names because I looped you hard. I get called immersed and an [BAD WORD] for stealthing and evading. I get called a tryhard gen rusher if I'm working on gens.

    I'm a little confused here.

    I mean if I'm camped I usually take it as a compliment. To ME it means that I was enough of a pain in the butt to earn the company. I have no complaints about the tactic and anyone who claims tunneling is a thing doesn't understand the game.

    I'm just super confused that as a survivor it seems no matter WHAT style I do, I'm a jerk for doing it? What do you want Killer mains? YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!

    All I want from survivors is respect no teabags after pallets or at exit gate just a respectful game

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @The_Crusader said:

    Don't need to stealth him because he's so easy to lose in a chase.

    So you complaint for the sake of it ?

    I don't understand, if he's already easy to deal with, why complaining about him ?

    Explain me the bigger picture, i can't see it.

    Is the objective to nerf all killers to Freddy's level ?

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    edited October 2018
    Giche said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Don't need to stealth him because he's so easy to lose in a chase.

    So you complaint for the sake of it ?

    I don't understand, if he's already easy to deal with, why complaining about him ?

    Explain me the bigger picture, i can't see it.

    Is the objective to nerf all killers to Freddy's level ?

    Yes, basically yes.

    Edit: almost forgot. REEEEE
  • TerminalEntropy
    TerminalEntropy Member Posts: 71

    There will always be ppl who relieve stress after having their asses kicked by calling names. I mean c'mon, gen rushing although annoying is your goal in the game, just like someone said before if anyone is to blame - it's the devs for giving us "wait for the awsome future" treatment without any temporary solution. Well maybe with the event I'm a bit unfair here but on the other hand it's very "temporary" :)
    Same with being stealthy, that's what Survvivors should be focused on, not getting caught, if you manage - bravo. And unlike looping good stealth really gives in game feeling of being outplayed.

    Real complaint one can have is this damn looping as it exploits stupid imperfection of the game structure and...well it doesn't stick to anything.

    All in all guys already gave the right conclusion, screw puny flamers and rub their salt in their own wound by simple disregard or some laughter if you feel like it.
    By the way, why do you think a disabling of chat hasn't become an option yet? ;]

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Giche said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    Don't need to stealth him because he's so easy to lose in a chase.

    So you complaint for the sake of it ?

    I don't understand, if he's already easy to deal with, why complaining about him ?

    Explain me the bigger picture, i can't see it.

    Is the objective to nerf all killers to Freddy's level ?

    Was a joke, hence the ":p"

    Why do you killer mains get so touchy? Anything that may even be slightly taken as a killler nerf and you lose your minds.

    Is the game really that hard for you?
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753


    More the fact this game's history told me that the Devs tend to listen to those "jokes" since release.

    One of the reasons it took them months to fix Infinites back then in 2016.