we need the match making by skill back

its impsible to play vs al red ranks with 5 minutes all gens, with killer like trapper, legion or nemesis ...im rank 13... and my matches take tiem 5 minutes... they bullying me... joke me ...tbag etc...

i need to play vs ppl with my skill...im a casual player...i dont want to competitive in this gme..i love your game cause is a terror game...not a cstrike terror game... pls behaivour separate us...pls


  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    It only appears for short trial periods here and there, unfortunately. For as long as I've played (several years now) the game has always primarily run off of rank. For Killers and Survivors alike you can easily end up in red ranks in the month timespan regardless of skill or game knowledge and then you're unfortunately stuck there permanently without taking a long break. On the 13th you'll depip 1-4 ranks at most and then in a week of solid playing you're right back into the red ranks.

    I don't say this to discourage you or turn you against the game, only to warn you that this is likely how it's going to stay so that you can be prepared for that and find ways to still enjoy the game! My advice is to blow off the red rank rounds. If I'm paired with people who are far beyond my skill and are demolishing me in the round and I find myself getting frustrated I'll get up and make a cup of tea or check my phone for a bit and let them just be on their way.

    No point in getting frustrated over something that isn't your fault or within your control! Hang in there and happy gaming! 😊