Michael Myers is laughable

So I just faced a Myers who gained infinite tier three in the time it took to do one gen, how is that fair. What's even worse is that Michael couldn't catch me, so what he did was down the last survivor, let the survivor get up, then both survivor and the killer looked for me, the survivor found me first, I healed them, then Michael came, I sprint burst away from Michael dropped the pallet for the stun, tried to run away, even though I knew I was going to get tunnelled if Michael ever caught me anyway, but instead I was blocked by the other survivor lol, of course the killer downed and hooked me and because you Myer has infinite, it isn't like I could give a good chase against an infinite tier three Myers and a survivor and of course the killer rewards the survivor with the hatch. I wonder does anyone think this match was fun to go against and I'm just weird or does that match sound extremely boring and irritating
It's true, he is. The fact that people think his sausage bod is good to look at...... I can't.
Oh yeah, that is such a terrible experience, been there done that. Just write their names on a list and you know what to do from there.
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Honestly it sounds like one of your teammates was been dumb and fed him stalk
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The most funny thing about him is you dont know what his addon are, until too late.
With the red hair addon, either "how does it take so long for him to reach Tier3? this is certainly not good, he must have Hair addon" or "wait, why his Tier3 takes so long to depleted?"
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Lol, right I decided to do that at one point in time, but then I figured I'll be writing down so many names because they're so many toxic players, I think survivors should be allowed to see the names of the players playing as killer and let us decide if we want to go against that player, especially if they're toxic, I don't get why we're forced to do certain things in this game, that makes it boring
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Yeah you're right, the survivor probably did, smdh about this game, so toxic alot of times
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I think that comes from the crazy skill gaps in the game i might be playing against some red ranked survivor thats just chilling but because his skill level is so much higher then mine i have to sweat and they take it as toxic because there not really trying this goes both ways of course
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Sounds like that was the survivor's fault for sandbagging you, even if it was an accident.
I think Myers with infinite tier 3 is weaker than base-kit Myers, simply because it takes 10 years to charge it up even with J. Myers which brings it down to 5 years, and the fact that he always has a 32m radius, giving survivors time to hold W. If you 99 tier 3 without infinite tier 3, you can sneak up on survivors with the lower terror radius from tier 2 so that they have less time to get distance from you. Couple that with Rabbit's Foot and Monitor & Abuse, and he's a lot more threatening than infinite tier 3.
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Was expecting this to be about how weak myers is
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I mean, complaining about Mikey? Damn who's next?
Trickster being too op with all his knives😂
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Same man hahaha
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You think trickster is op? Stay on topic
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Infinite tier three Myers is weak, you killer mains want it all
Wow so he gets worse, guess I should stop complaining then, I never won against a infinite Myers though so, he's not to weak lol
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Infinite tier three Myers is weak, you killer mains want it all
What? I'm not even a killer main.
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Perma tier 3 in one gen? He must have gawked at some afk or clueless survivors for a full suck. That's a loss no matter how you look at it.
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Thanks for the idea. I feel like Monitor and Abuse would be great on him. No idea what Rabbits Foot is, though.
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It and M&A makes your TR 4m in teir 2
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Oh, geez, that is absurd. Ha ha ha... what the hell? Move over Ghostface, you have some competition!
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Its pretty hilarious but he does have very loud breathing you can her and he's like 10 ft tall and the occasional spin chill will negate it
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Infinite tier myers is very weak IF the survivors know what they are doing.
It's a noob stomper addon.
You are also having a very unhealthy us vs them mindset. Your teammates fed him stalk and sandbag you and for some reason you are pointing at the myers.
You having bad teammates isn't the killer's player fault
It's pretty clear you are new so i suggest changing that mindset asap. It will only frustrate you more.
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I've had survivors vault a window and stand there like you know I'm just filling to 99% and your team is probably going to pay the price.
Honestly I started playing survivor because I was starting to find killer unfun and was getting mad at survivors I figured I would play survivor and chill let that survivor hate cool off.
Nope I have even more survivor hate they are just as much an AH to teammates as killers. Farm unhooking, leaving me after getting my first hook to die even know I had kindred, running to the gen im on and slamming the pallet down or fast vaulting and taking of and keys yeah later teammates me and my buddy are out of here good luck
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Did you report the survivor who was helping the killer?
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Oh, I was about to warn you that you would hate them even more once you played with them... But I guess you already figured that out. Do not get me wrong, the chill ones? Amazing people. Love them.
The problematic ones? If they were on fire and I needed the bathroom, I would look for the bathroom. The nicest way I could put that.
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I think I have more of a problem with them as a survivor than a killer lol. And I agree they are not all like that. I've had jerk killers as well like deathslinger that slugged the last two of us and shot his gun at me for 4 minutes tell we both bleed out, or this huntress that tunneled me for some reason like she dropped chase with an injured survivor that she was close to knocking down to come back after me being fully healed she didn't face camp me but would drop chase to come at me
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Infinite Tier 3 Michael Myers is weaker than regular because of how long it takes to get there. I only used it until I got Evil Incarnate which was a pain. Survivors disconnecting when grabbed was a big problem.
If I remember right it take more than one survivor to get to tier 3 when using infinite. If they got tier 3 on infinite that fast I would say a couple of survivors were not paying attention or messing around.
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Its honestly laughable how stupid some people in this community are. "Oh yeah? You disagree with me? Stupid [Killer/Survivor] Main!"
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Infinite is weak in high level play though. It takes too long to get relative to what he'll get out of it. Double stalk speed is generally stronger because survivors are more aware and break LOS more frequently. Infinite tier 3 does no good if there's 1 gen left by the time he gets it.
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Ummmm it was sarcasm buddy lol try and understand that next time.
Yano I was joking because people literally complain about every killer. Complaining about Mikey? Like wow okay then hahaha