Bubba/Hillbilly= Guaranteed Face camp?

Clip of last game:
So normally I don't care if there's a facecamp--sometimes its all a killer can do in order to get a kill towards end game, it happens. But in the tiers of like 14-10, if I see a Bubba player... they're 100% gonna face camp the first person they get on hook. If not a facecamp, then they will directly stand on the staircase above basement and guard basement.
But its not just the facecamp--its them literally slugging and beating us and using chainsaw on us the ENTIRE TIME we are on hook. Like for 0 reason. This game our first player went down while on a gen, didn't loop him or anything, no pallet stuns, just got unlucky. She was hooked and we got a gen while she was on hook. Our 2nd player got downed while trying to bait out his chainsaw. I got downed trying to pick him up(our fault here was my friend didn't crawl far enough away from Bubba, he had gotten downed maybe 10 feet form where our 1st friend was hooked) so I ended up getting downed as well. Long story short--and as you can see in the clip--we lost.
Im rank 12 right now and at this point the ONLY strategy is to abandon our teammate. This doesn't feel like a strategy honestly, and the ONLY 2 killers I see doing this are Hillbilly, and Bubba. Thats it. If it was a real strategy then all killers would be able to utilize it in some way. But what bothers me more is they almost always just slug and rave chainsaw on us while we're hooked. He did it to our first player, and as you can see did it to me. Like I hadn't even seen this man most of the game while I was getting the 2 gens done--so IDK what his problem was.
This feels so massively unsportsmanlike and its literally only Bubba players that do this. Hillybilly is like the slightly nicer version who just facecamps. But Bubba? Literally will just slug you the entire time you're on hook.
I don't see how this is allowed in game, or deemed a "strategy" by anyone. Again, I know we should just ignore the hooked player--but imagine this as a solo match, it's completely unfair for the 1 person that got hooked they have 0 chance to play at all and will likely depip because of an overabused playstyle.
Thoughts, comments, anything? Because I really cant stress this enough--if its a Bubba, I 100% know how the game is gonna play out.
Bubba is a broken character. Like he's not overly powerful, but he's oppressive when it comes to saves. If the devs were to take my suggestion it would be to have it so his chainsaw does one state of damage. Basically a built in speed limiter. Now, he would need major changes to keep him viable. But that's fine, I want Bubba to be strong, but I want there to be good counterplay even within your ranks to a bubba camping a survivor.
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If you’re in a party with your friends and go up against a bubba, it’s probably for the best to pop gens early then cause while he is camping you guys just worry about gens till your friend dies. With the right perks you guys should be able to pop gens out with no problem I feel he is staying only in one place.
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Theres literally NO way to save someone on a hook with a Bubba/Hilly unless you somehow manage to bait a chainsaw out of them, or have like 2-3 other survivors come save. Thats massively unbalanced. I feel like they should make it so he can't do his chainsaw within X meters of a hooked survivor. Because this is WAY too abused right now.
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Leave that person. If you’re that person, martyr for the greater good. Stop feeding campers. They will stop when our community doesn’t allow them to have more kills. They’ll feel like idiots when the other 3 survivors do gens and escape. They RELY on teammates to be altruistic. Why give them what they want.
3 years I’ve been playing this game and I still LITERALLY laugh out loud when I get hit repeatedly on hook. Idk why, but I find that ######### HILARIOUS. Bonus points for me if I ran you for half of the game. I actually take it as a compliment then.
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My real issue with the guy was he was slugging everyone while they were on hook. It's just really toxic behavior and unsportsmanlike in my opinion. Theres literally 0 reason to do that. Maybe a hit or 2 of the survivior was real ly giving you grief--but even then, just unsportsmanlike. The clip I posted was maybe 20 seconds, but my ENTIRE hook phase he was chainsawing me and hitting me, then the "gg had fun :)" in post game chat....
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Yeah we know we have to leave the survivor behind, but like I said it just REALLY sucks for that 1 person who ends up being the first victim. Unfortunately for our friend she had just hit rank 9 and got depipped and she was really bummed :/
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You know how it is. You get some toxic survivors, you get some toxic killers. Most survivors know what is up when you are carrying them to the basement, they just DC. This strategy is even better than letting your teammate die.
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Slugging is a good strategy with killers. If he keeps going at I try that way he’ll be green and facing red soon as a green where his tactic won’t be as good, especially if you have iron will, head on, dead hard, and decisive strike. I’m a wraith main and learning executioner, but from what I’ve seen as a killer is that survivors normally do better if they let one friend play chase while the rest of you guys just pump gens out.
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However, when I’m fed up loosing as executioner then I play wraith and the chases don’t last as long.
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Is no one hearing the part where I said they just slugg you repeatedly while you're on hookk? Is this just an OK thing everyone does and doesnt have issue with?
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If I know gens are gonna fly. I'm clinging to that hook like it's my child.
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Again, I totally get that, but out of the 20 games I've had tonight, Bubba has appeared 3 times and 3/3 times they do this EXACT behavior. I legit even checked my footage to make sure it wasn't the same dude. All different players. Just beating hooked survivors.
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Any Billy who facecamps clearly doesn't know how to utilize him to his full potential. Staying in one place as a character who's power lets him rip across an entire map in seconds is just big dumb dumb energy.
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People think you mean slug as in, leaving you on the ground. But yes, I hit the survivor on hook if they flashed me.
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And the part where they feel the need to repeating beat us while we're on hook?
I 'm sorry but I'm like not clicking in my head where literally NO ONE sees an issue with this? I already said in my first post, I KNOW, just ABANDON the survivor--but again, that's hardly a strategy and its completely unfair for that 1 player knowing there's NOTHIGN that can be done to save them, and the entire time they are on hook a Bubba is just beating them with a hammer or wahcking them with a chainsaw. Its 100% unsportsmanlike and toxic as heck and I dont get how EVERYONE is missing that part of my post
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the game rewards it, every bubba i've ever played against does this. Had a Rank 3 Bubba do this tonight. Like if survivors are trying to go for a save--its gg.
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Ahhh okay, I 'm still learning the new lingo. When I say slug i mean getting hit. Liek you would no rmally use in a non-DBD setting. Like when you slug someone with a punch .
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It's literally a meme, just accept your death if it's you, and if he has NOED, accept that you'll likely lose another person.
It's usually the survivors' faults for getting themselves killed against a camping Bubba unless they were the first to get on the hook. I will admit, it's boring to go against, but nothing else you can do.
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I hear you on that and it is a good strategy on his part. Like if you’re on hook you’re on hook and you’re doomed no matter what and honestly IMO bubba is just the updated hillbilly, I will agree that bubba is broken with certain perks of his chain saw, but if you guys are grouped together then yes slugging in a valuable strategy. I had plenty of run ins where survivors would try to body block me from hook and flash light me and my only option was to slug everyone. That’s why wraith is my main. He fast, he go cloaked and surprise attack lunges. You just had a few bad games with a killer that is probably using his/her main to vent their frustration out when they lost too many times in a row with a killer they are trying to learn.
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Talking about Billy, not bubba.
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again. he 's hitting us. WHILE. ON. HOOK. just while we're hanging there. HOW is that a stradegy? to just beat us? then go "tee hjee gg i had fun" like out of every bubba game ive ever seen, thats all they do while they're face camping is hit the person unprovoked like literally no one is listening
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I had a game where a bubba was face camping and we had one gen left and my team decided to try some shenanigans with a rescue i knew it was a bad idea but the game was boring sitting on gens the whole time so I decided why not. He got a 4k and it was all our fault but you know what it was definitely the best part of that match because for a minute it was actually exciting and we almost got way with it.
I solo q btw
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Killer is not hard. It's why we need the DC penalty removed. If they play sweaty like that then we should be allowed to dc out of the game. Same with Killer main. If it's a bully SWF, you should be able to DC without penalty. Let DCs regulate the toxic play.
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Ok you should’ve said hitting and not slugging cause that’s a crawling survivor. Yes that’s does suck for that survivor, but you should just leave him and let him/her be a martyr while you guys just pop gens. Sucks that you are your friend won’t get as much blood points, but if you start popping gens Further from where he isn’t hooked, the killer will have a harder time getting to you guys across the map, especially if you left 2 gens at the north end and 1 at the south. He’ll need to run pretty far to check on the 3 gens while you just need to pop 1.
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Survivors come up with some of the craziest A Team shenanigans to save their bro. I still vividly remember facing off against some guerilla ops that actually managed to save the person. But the 3 of them died. Lol.
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There still should be DC blood points cause the match making is messed up for me. I’m rank 10 killer and when I play my worst killer, executioner, I go up against rank 4s reds, but when I play as my main, wraith, I go up against my level to even 15.
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I have that same issue with Pyramid Head. I stopped playing him for now because of it. I am going to wait until I get him p3 and hopefully I will be a better killer by then.
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Also deliverance and slippery meat are good perks for this situation, add that with borrowed time and decisive strike and your hooked friend should be able to get off hook once scot free Andy cause a big enough distraction to have you guy said pop gens
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What’s your opinion and PH, do you think his M2 attack should be re-worked so that it doesn’t do damage, but slows the survivor or makes the killer run faster for 10 secs and adds torment on the survivor. That way you don’t have to play a 50/50 if a survivor runs through your rites of judgement. I don’t know man, playing wraith who moves fast and going to PH just makes all the killers feel slow and sluggish.
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I've actually had it happen to me I was trying to secure a kill at end game before EDC was a thing and these 3 pulled some navy seal stuff to get there man. I asked if they were a swf and they said it was a 2 man with one of them been on a hook. After they got the unhook and a little distance I just let them go I was like yeah ok you guys earned that one
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And it's unfair how quick the gens fly which isn't in your control. Your point being?
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I play Bubba as killer (maybe about half the time) and I don’t face camp unless the survivor is being super toxic or they brought a key. I don’t find that strategy fun or effective for getting a 4K, and you also don’t get many bloodpoints. So, if you don’t bring a key and you’re not toxic, you’ll get get a fun match against me 😀
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So you play in SWF and still are surprised why you get hated and facecamped? If it's a post-ironic joke, it's a brilliant one.
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Even if the thread is a joke I think I should say it: it's ridiculously easy to save someone who is being facecamped, even if it's Leatherface. You just need 2 people and a bit of coordination, which you 100% have since you play in SWF.
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The best counter to camping will ALWAYS be to go do gens, feels like a pseudo-punishment for Bubba camping just do gens it’s not that hard
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I don’t see why Bubba is singled out here. Plenty of killers can face camp extremely well.
Myers with 99% tier 3, doctor can shock spam the hook, Oni can camp with blood fury up, anyone with an instadown addon can face camp, etc etc
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Best thing I can say is, learn to just brush it off and move on.
It's not right, it's completely toxic but that's the way quite a few people play the game unfortunately.
I have 2.6k hours and only now have I truly learned not to get too bothered and just move on. If it keeps happening then I take a break and come back when I feel more calm.
Again, it's not okay but best thing to do is rush the gens and get as many people out as possible. Tbag at the exit too if you're feeling spicy hahaha
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Okay stop assuming just because it's a swf that instantly they can do everything and avoid everything. It's evident you have a hatred for swfs, we get it.
A face camping bubba is not easy to get around and try and get saves whether you're in a swf or not.
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Bro, no one is missing that point. We've just all played the game enough to know it happens and you move on.
There is toxic people that play like that just to get the reaction you've given them.
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So op remember what I told you in ex killer thread?
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This again? DC penalty is NEEDED because people will dc against killers or maps they don’t like WITHOUT penalty. Just stop with these “remove dc penalty” comments and posts, it’s too abusable.
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lol @ within x meters of a hook that would be abused by survivors. talk about bias or what so if the killers going back for the hook as he was leaving because someone unhooked then what? cant use his power even though he wasnt camping and was leaving. honestly lol
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I just don't get the inconsistency with the two chainsaw killers. One stops once he's downed someone with his chainsaw, the other one keeps going.
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Survivors have all the means in the game to survive without getting hooked once. Finish the other gen's and leave as to not give the Killer more than a 1k.
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It's impossible to get a safe unhook against a facecamping bubba. If you think its so easy send a clip of you and your SWF doing so.
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Just do gens then. Survivors don't need a counter to EVERY SITUATION.
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Low ranks yes, not seen much face camping at 15-11 tbh.
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I can clip how SWFs are doing it against me. It's possible and easy, just use BT, lol. The unhooking animation is shorter than chainsaw rev time, so by the time Bubba is able to down the unhooker the unhook animation will be completed and BT tanks the chainsaw.
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I mean, I guess you can consider that a counter but then what about the unhooker?
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Bubba most of the time is a guaranteed camp. Billy not such much. He can still down but billy would have to hit a direct hit but bubba has an aoe. Best way to counter is faking the save and making him over heat.