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Bubba/Hillbilly= Guaranteed Face camp?

Clip of last game:

So normally I don't care if there's a facecamp--sometimes its all a killer can do in order to get a kill towards end game, it happens. But in the tiers of like 14-10, if I see a Bubba player... they're 100% gonna face camp the first person they get on hook. If not a facecamp, then they will directly stand on the staircase above basement and guard basement.

But its not just the facecamp--its them literally slugging and beating us and using chainsaw on us the ENTIRE TIME we are on hook. Like for 0 reason. This game our first player went down while on a gen, didn't loop him or anything, no pallet stuns, just got unlucky. She was hooked and we got a gen while she was on hook. Our 2nd player got downed while trying to bait out his chainsaw. I got downed trying to pick him up(our fault here was my friend didn't crawl far enough away from Bubba, he had gotten downed maybe 10 feet form where our 1st friend was hooked) so I ended up getting downed as well. Long story short--and as you can see in the clip--we lost.

Im rank 12 right now and at this point the ONLY strategy is to abandon our teammate. This doesn't feel like a strategy honestly, and the ONLY 2 killers I see doing this are Hillbilly, and Bubba. Thats it. If it was a real strategy then all killers would be able to utilize it in some way. But what bothers me more is they almost always just slug and rave chainsaw on us while we're hooked. He did it to our first player, and as you can see did it to me. Like I hadn't even seen this man most of the game while I was getting the 2 gens done--so IDK what his problem was.

This feels so massively unsportsmanlike and its literally only Bubba players that do this. Hillybilly is like the slightly nicer version who just facecamps. But Bubba? Literally will just slug you the entire time you're on hook.

I don't see how this is allowed in game, or deemed a "strategy" by anyone. Again, I know we should just ignore the hooked player--but imagine this as a solo match, it's completely unfair for the 1 person that got hooked they have 0 chance to play at all and will likely depip because of an overabused playstyle.

Thoughts, comments, anything? Because I really cant stress this enough--if its a Bubba, I 100% know how the game is gonna play out.

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