Concept Idea - Cosmetic Randomizer
Hey everybody, today I had an idea while browsing the new cosmetics for legion and combining it with different older items. As you probably know, there exist a lot of cosmetics nowadays and many of us have multiple favourite cosmetic-combinations. Also, there might even be a lot of combinations that you didn't even know they existed yet, which is why I came up with the following idea.
I have worked out a concept for a fully customizable cosmetic randomizer. You can choose from your favourite cosmetic items in each category (Full Outfit + Head + Torso/Body + Weapon for Legion e.g.). I have even prepared a few concept arts to be able to present you my idea even better.
I want to execuse me for any language or graphical flaws in this concept, I am neither a native english-speaker nor a graphical designer ^^ My goal is just to give you an idea of how this system could work and what benefits it would give you. Please give feedback and upvote the post if you like it, so that the chance rises that one of the devs sees it :D
So, let's start in the lobby. At the end of each cosmetic-category, you will find an item-button to activate the randomizer for the selected category. When selected, the item from the selected categorie will be randomized according to the settings in that category, which I will explain in a moment. First, have a look on how that would look for The Legion in the pregame-lobby.
Yes, the icon isn't perfect, I know. As I said, it's just a concept ^^
So, as I mentioned, once the "Randomize"-item is chosen, the item from the selected category is chosen randomly from the items that are active in the randomizer-settings, which can be found at the little gear-symbol that is loacted in the upper right corner of the "Randomize"-Item.
(It would be smart to also rerandomize the according categories after each played round, so that the randomzing-mechanism is more dynamic and needs less user-input to work accordingly)
When opening the randomizer-settings, a pop-up-window (like the daily-challenges-window or the match-settings-window in a kill-your-friends-lobby) opens, showing you all your available cosmetics in that category. When clicking on a cosmetic, you toggle it to be activated for the randomzing process, so that it can be randomly selected as equipped cosmetic. You can toggle as many cosmetics as you want, but you will always have to toggle at least two cosmetics.
(IMPORTANT: If a cosmetic is activated that is part of a set, and it gets randomly chosen, all cosmetics from other categories are discarded and will be replaced with the remaining parts of the set)
Here are a few pictures of how that pop-up could look like:
I wasn't able to add quality of life-features like sorting cosmetics or navigating between multiple pages of cosmetics, but those would be included in this window too ^^
Thank you for looking at my concept idea, please leave your feedback below and upvote this post so that the devs see this concept :D
Corresponding Post in the DbD-Subreddit: