The Xenomorph: The Alien Chapter

Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

Killer: The Alien

Movement: 115% /  120%

TR: 28 Meters

Height: Tall

Primary Powers: Stance Switch:

  • Standing

In Standing stance, the Alien has a standard lunge attack and gains access to one ability:


When standing, the Alien can stab itself in the torso with its tail to coat the tail in acid.

Using M2, the Alien flicks its tail, flicking acid in front of it.  When this comes into contact with a survivor, they become Burned.  Burned stacks up with however many particles come into contact from the flick spread, similar to the Plague.  The more use of flick, the less particles leave the tail until a Replenish is needed.  When the meter becomes full, the Survivor goes into the Dying state.

The Alien has only 3 flicks available until its ability evolves before it must Replenish.  When Replenishing, the Alien will stab itself again.

Replenishing in quick succession (less than 10 seconds apart) will cause the Alien to go into 2.5 seconds of fatigue.  Doing so again in succession will begin stacking a 5% Hindered status to the Alien for 15 seconds.

When flicking acid onto a pallet or breakable door, the object will be coated in acid a few moments before breaking on its own.

  • Crawling Stance

When crawling, the Alien has 120% movement speed, 20% faster vaulting, becomes Undetectable, and gains access to Tail Whip.  The Alien cannot lunge in Crawl stance, nor use standard attacks.


The Alien gains access to Tail Whip while crawling.

Tail Whip is a short ranged ability that can reach to a maximum of 12 feet, that injures survivors.

When performing a Tail Whip, The Alien will stand still and prepare, its tail uncoiling.  Movement is disabled in this state.  The longer the Alien charges the coil the longer range the tail whip goes.  Tail Whip can injure a survivor.  An additional Whip can cause a Deep Wound.  If a Survivor is inflicted with Deep Wound, Tail Whip can cause them to go into a dying state.

Secondary Power: Evolve

After a survivor is downed, the Alien can perform an Infest action.  When infesting, the Alien will send a facehugger upon the downed survivor.

Survivors who are Infested with a facehugger will not be able to be recovered until the facehugger is done, after about 20 seconds.  The Alien cannot reinfest already infested survivors.

Infested survivors will have an icon for the killer.  Periodically, they will have bouts of coughing and gagging, which they will have to suppress.  These progressively get worse throughout the match, and after 20 minutes the survivor will die.  Infested survivors must escape before 20 minutes are up if they become Infested.

Bouts of coughing and gagging will eventually turn into pained gasps, requiring more focus to choke the thing back down.  While these bouts occur, the survivor will be highlighted in Killer Instinct for the Alien.

For every infested survivor, the Alien gets one token for their power.  The Alien can hold Alt and press M1 or M2 to select which ability they want to spec their tokens into.  The following effects take place:


1: More particles appear per flick.  Injured survivors require significantly less acid to down.

2: Gain an additional flick of acid before running out.

3: Increases the viable range of flicks.

4: No longer suffer from Hindered from Over Replenishing.  Gain two additional flicks of acid.


1: Tail Whip gains an extra meter of range. Reduces recovery time of missed and hit strikes.

2: Tail Whip can now break and strike through pallets and breakable walls.

3: No longer reduce speed from a successful hit.

4: Tail Whip gains another meter of range.  Healthy survivors now receive a Deep Wound upon a hit.  Injured survivors can be put into the Dying state.


  • Brown

Weyland-Yutani Logo

An employee button in the shape of a W and Y combined.

  • Slightly increases the speed of the Alien’s stance switching.

Leaking Vial of Saliva

A cracked bottle of collected xenomorph saliva, intended for laboratory testing and analysis.

  • Moderately reduces the sound of the xenomorph’s footsteps.
  • Slightly reduces killer breathing.
  • Slightly reduces killer Terror Radius.

Empty Egg

A xenomorph “egg” which is curled open and empty.

  • Slightly increases the time taken to resist a chestburster.

Dried Resin

A sample from a xenomorph hive, this resin sample has been left out too long.

  • Infested survivors suffer from the Hemorrhaging status effect while injured.

  • Yellow

  • Weyland-Yutani Uniform

A company uniform of the Weyland-Yutani Corporation.  There’s a torn hole in the chest region of the uniform.

  • Moderately decreases the time to stance switch.

  • Half-full Vial of Saliva

An in-tact vial of xenomorph saliva, though recently spilled.

  • Considerably reduces the sound of the xenomorph’s footsteps.
  • Moderately reduces the sound of the xenomorph’s breathing.
  • Moderately reduces the xenomorph’s terror radius.

  • Dead Facehugger

A dead facehugger, shriveled and empty.

  • Moderately increases the time it takes to resist a chestburster.

  • Preserved Resin

A laboratory sample of resin, preserved and in-tact for study.

  • Infested survivors suffer from the Blindness status effect for 60 seconds after being infested.
  • Resisting a chestburster applies the Blindness status effect for an additional 30 seconds.
  • Infested survivors suffer from the Hemorrhaging status effect while injured.

  • Polarized Silicon

A slab of xenomorph skin, smooth yet rough and difficult to penetrate.

  • Slightly decreases the speed of Replenishing.
  • Moderately reduces the fatigue time from Over Repenishing.

  • Green

  • Filled Vial of Saliva

A full bottle of xenomorph saliva, without a single imperfection.

  • Tremendously reduces the sound of the xenomorph’s footsteps.
  • Considerably reduces the sound of the xenomorph’s breathing.
  • Considerably reduces the xenomorph’s terror radius.

  • Fresh Resin

Freshly collected resin from a hive.  It's still glistening with wet saliva and sticky gunk.

  • Infested survivors suffer from the Mangled and Hemorrhaging status effects while injured.
  • Infested survivors suffer from the Blindness status effect for 60 seconds and 30 seconds after resisting a chestburster.
  • Infested survivors suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 60 seconds and 30 seconds after resisting a chestburster.

  • Melted Metal

The remains of a melted material from some sort of acid.

  • Slightly increases the total particles per flick when using Acid Flick.
  • Increases the total flicks from Acid Flick by 1.

  • Dorsal Spines

Preserved organs from a xenomorph, the purpose of these organic tubes are still currently unknown.

  • Slightly increases the vault speed of the xenomorph in Crawling Stance for each infested survivor.

  • Xenomorph Skull

A skull of a xenomorph, with the chitin and skin still attached.

  • Slightly decreases the speed of Replenishing.
  • Considerably reduces the fatigue from Over Replenishing.

  • Purple

  • Serrated Tail

An evolution of a xenomorph that is designed to cause as much tearing damage in the body as possible.

  • Considerably decreases the Deep Wound timer when using Tail Whip.
  • Slightly increases the time it takes to Mend.

  • Sensory Glands

Sensory organs located in the skull of the xenomorph allows it to utilize electro-reception to find prey.

  • Survivors highlighted by Killer Instinct will also highlight the auras of nearby survivors within 18 meters.

  • Kane’s Rib

A shattered rib from a ribcage.  Still has dried blood on it.

  • Slightly increases the Replenishing speed for each Infested survivor.
  • Slightly increases the charging speed of Tail Whip for each Infested survivor.
  • Moderately increases the time it takes to resist a chestburster.

  • Motion Tracker

A broken motion tracker, barely functional.

  • Using Tail Whip on a survivor interacting with an object or another survivor will instantly put them into the Dying state.

  • Pink

  • Ovomorph

An in-tact ovomorph, likely waiting for a new victim to stop by.

  • Removes the ability to infest survivors.
  • 8 facehuggers will spawn around the map, wandering and leaping at random survivors that are not infested.
  • Infested survivors that are leaped on will be stunned for 3 seconds.  The killer will see their aura during this time.

  • Secondary Jaw

A secondary jaw that rests inside the mouth of a xenomorph, used to impact and break bones and skulls.

  • Removes the ability to spend power tokens.
  • At 4 power tokens, your M1 ability turns into Secondary Jaw.
  • Striking a survivor with a basic attack without lunging will cause the Secondary Jaw to attack instead, instantly downing a survivor.


Perfect Specimen:

You represent the ideal killer, relentless in approach.

Whenever you hit a basic attack or a damaging special attack, gain a token.  Whenever you miss a basic attack or damaging special attack, lose a token.

For each token, you gain 10% additional speed when recovering from a successful basic attack.

Gain as many tokens until the speed of recovery is equal to standard speed.

Agile Predator:

You remain agile even in situations where others would be limited.

When you are carrying a survivor, you unlock the ability to lunge.

You pick up and drop a survivor 30% faster.

Relentless Hunter:

You are always on the trail of your victim.

Whenever you destroy a pallet, gain Bloodlust.