Killer add-ons that need change.

The Trapper - Iridescent Stone.
This add on removes a lot of skill of playing Trapper and makes it very unfun to play against him.
The Pig - Tampered Timer, Bag/Crate of Gears.
Very unfun combo to go against. And needs very little skill to kill survivors.
The Oni - Scalped Topknot.
Really hard to react and try to dodge.
All-seeing blood and Silent bell should be nerfed
Blight's speed add-ons should go for same reason as Top knot
Nurses recharge add-ons. They're basically making her old Nurse
Huntress Charge time add-ons. Having less time to react to australia sized hatched is great
Hag silent traps. This is just evil
How clown's iri finger survived his rework?
Spirit speed add-ons. She's aalready opressive
Plague's black insence. Wallhacks for whole game for free? nice
Executioner range add-ons looks mandatory. Better rework them into something different
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Range add-ons for Executioner are the only good add-ons for him tho.
Agree with everything else.
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I don't like add-ons which gives your power such big improvement. That's why i like Nemesis. Add-ons just don't affect how his tentacle works and that makes his chase easier to balance. I think Phead should be same
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Plague's black incense is fine. If you know she has it just cleanse. You are choosing to stay injured from her vial purge.
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Which is the best and most optimal thing to do. Giving her Red puke is terrible
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If a plague has her red puke just pretend she is huntress. Use loops with high walls and other tactics that you would normally use against huntress. When plague is charging her puke she moves slower than survivors and if she holds it then she moves the same speed at huntress
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Problem is when she's not charging she's 115%ms killer. I played enough as and against her to tell giving her red puke is a terrible idea
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Trapper, Pig and Plague do not need any nerfs, thank you very much.