Please Fix Hit Validation

For the most part I have no complaints with the new hit validation system. Very rarely do I have hits "taken away" from me, probably once every 3 or so games.

My problem isn't the system being in place but how it is done and me not likening it most ;likely is because of my ape brain. See when you go to hit a survivor at a pallet and the game "takes away" the hit from you, you still have the sound que and blood splatter of you getting the hit. My problem derives from when this would put a survivor into the dying state. This is because when I do put a survivor into the dying state my state of mind becomes a lot different, find the survivor.

The same thing happens when a hit gets "taken away" from me. My brain is like "ooo I downed the survivor time to pick them up" when they actually are down. Now this will only cost me a second or two but that second or two can be the difference from making it to a loop or me downing them in a dead zone.

So if you have the knowledge(and ability) to fix this BHVR, please could you fix it.


  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Its nice to see a 100 ping blight rush to my side of the pallet only to be teleported back and stunned instead of being hit as survivor but it does the same to a low ping killer vs a high ping survivor.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'd rather go back to peer-to-peer and have everything be determined by the player with the best ping in the lobby. This way, players who are laggy for any abundance of reasons will not receive unfair advantages.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Honestly I've gotten stuns I know I shouldn't have gotten. So I'm on the same side of the pallet as hillbilly he charges at me I throw down the pallet he gets stunned and teleports to the other side of the pallet. Like how does that happen.

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I've actually had it happen in the open a couple of times I don't understand it. I hit them got all the sound effects and they didn't go down. they weren't cheating because I downed them a few seconds later.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    I attacked a console user, swung through them with the game forcing the attack animation out of my lunge and just before i cleaned my weapon they dead harded. It was that delayed but the server just said nope!

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    I am a console play and have had that happen about 3 time but only once with DH.

    I've also hit a couple people vaulting pallets broken the pallet to realize the survivor didn't go down

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    Actually it was all determined by the host, which was the killer. Which is why lag switching killers were often complained about. Even since the Dedicated Servers hit priority was given to the killer regardless of their ping. Now its based off of who has the fastest connection to the server they are connected to. What you said is blatantly incorrect.

    If they had the feedback delayed until each hit was validated I would lose my mind. The instant feedback means in the majority of your hits you won't notice anything because the feedback was instant, it only becomes noticeable when your input reaches the server after the survivors input did. Otherwise every hit would feel disconnected and janky even worse than it is now.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    I honestly think they should add some type of visual and audio cue for when the server rejects your hit. I've gotten used to always checking to see if the survivor goes down or not, but it is still a waste of a few fractions of a second. If the game immediately told you very clearly that your hit was rejected it'd be better.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    It's not incorrect if it's what I want for the game. Every action being determined by the player with the best ping would be an incredibly healthy change. The dedicated servers are barely stable. You could live next to them and still be getting 80+ ms.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    The matchmaking places you in matches that have the fairest ping, it won't place you in a different continent but it also has to place your teammates or opponents as well so everyone has a fair connection. Your description of what you wanted was blatantly incorrect because the host was the killer, and the killer was able to manipulate their connection to gain an advantage over the survivors.

    TLDR: P2P was not "determined by the player with the best connection to the lobby." It was determined by the killer who could manipulate their connection to gain an advantage. The Dedicated servers can't just place you at the closest server when the other player's ping is also taken into consideration when matchmaking you.

    I stand by what I said, you are blatantly not understanding how it works. If you want resources to help understand what exactly is being used I recommend reading this

    What Is Amazon GameLift? - Amazon GameLift

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I will just say that I had the funniest thing happened when I was playing Killer and streaming it to my girlfriend over at Discord.

    I talked about how there's this bug where you will get feedback you hit a survivor but the server denies it, making it seem like you didn't hit at all. And the very next second after that, I got hit validated.

    Like ######### clockwork. If to a new player (because she is rather new to this game) that looks wrong and bullshit, how does it feel to someone who has played thousands of hours in this game?

    I get it, I hated getting hit by the Killer after stunning him. But as I said mutiple times, this is just the same problem, but thrown to the Killer side. It's no coincidence that the complaints started to become more about how much it sucks to feel Hit Validated rather than being hit through Pallets.

    Usually the advice for not getting hit through pallets is to not greed the pallets, and that's usually good advice anyways since as a Survivor you'd want to minimize risk while maintaining a surplus of pallets to use on the map.

    But what can Killers realistiaclly do in this situation? Just assume that the Survivor already dropped a pallet a couple of miliseconds before it happened? They're not mindreaders. In a chase, the Survivor chooses where to go. That's the point of the chase. The Killer has no control on which building and loop you choose. They can force you one way or another. But they cannot force you to go exactly where they want all the time.

    Like I said though, if the instant feedback is gone. I assure you that all of those threads complaining about hit validation will disappear overnight. Because people won't feel robbed.

    Instead, they'll just feel like pallets are wider than normal. But that will just go away since people can get used to wider pallets, they won't ever get used to feeling denied of a hit.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    So the system still rewards WiFi+VPN meta, but now it's survivor sided instead of killer sided as it was before. The current survivor meta of WiFi+VPN+stretched res is unbeatable now.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Joining a lobby with 200 ms+ is certainly not being placed in a fair ping match.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    Of course not, but lets just be real here. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been placed into a lobby and my connection has exceeded 100ms. Unfortunately it has happened, the system isn't perfect. The Dev's themselves prioritize getting you into a lobby fast with fair connection and ranks come third in that consideration. But this making sure that among all of the people connecting to the server the ping is as balanced and fair as it can be, if it can connect you at 20ms but someone else is at 120ms it'll try and find the best possible connection for both you and the other person.

    Again read the documentation I attached to understand how Gamelift can handle matchmaking players with connection.

  • voelkl
    voelkl Member Posts: 12

    They don’t drop it too late. The pallet needs to be dropped and reach the halfway point on the servers end for the hit to be invalidated.

    It is quite literally which command reaches the sever first. So either the pallet dropped first or you have ######### internet.

    The hit animation is entirely client side and has nothing to do with the server.

    The client just needs to be patched to hold the hit animations until the server confirms the hit.

  • voelkl
    voelkl Member Posts: 12

    How exactly is the pallet mechanic highly flawed? The sever rejects the last action. So either the pallet is dropped first or the killer hits first but has terrible internet. Why should the other players suffer from poor latency?

    The vaults you speak of are not part of the new hit validation system. They have only added pallet stuns. The vaults are the same old spaghetti code as before.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Low ping has always screwed you over with vaults. Watch any twitch streamer play killer and they get hits on survivors that have fully vaulted because most of them sit around 60 ping. While people like me and detailed have really low ping and will hit the window frame or pallet with the survivor still on them.

  • voelkl
    voelkl Member Posts: 12

    Yes vaults are screwed I'm not contesting that. What OP and all the other comments are about the new hit validation system. Which vaults haven't been added to. I'm all for them adding pallets to the new system should take away a lot of the pain points.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Vault hits have been a problem since the original hit validation was introduced. However, survivors with bad connection that drop a pallet get priority over the killer who has good connection. Pallet has to be 50% down is a lie too. Pallet drop animation could be 5% complete and you still lose the hit.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    I also got something new a few weeks back.

    A survivor enters a locker in my line of sight, i start the pulling out animation at the same time as they try to exit it. But unlike normally when the grab goes through, they run away, not damage, downed or anything and I was stuck in the finishing animation and had to wait for it.

    So now it seems that ANY kind of grab is screwed somehow not only hooks or windows but all of them.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095