Very fun cruel limits buff idea

Whenever a generator is completed, all pallets and windows within 12/14/16 meters are blocked for the remainder of the trial.
A simple endgame perk.
that sounds problematic.
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It's only 16 meters man... Do you even realize how small that is.
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The perk could be map wide and I still wouldn't run it as I'm sure the timer would be ridiculously short.
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The change I propose would make it an endgame perk, making portions of the map being COMPLETE deadzones at the end of the match even If the killer never went to that area of the map to begin with.
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Oh my fault I was under the sense your buff was already explained that it's not going to happen (no shot). Best case either pallets or vaults not both and I'm sure that wouldn't happen. Considering ST is lost soon I doubt any buffs come to the perks but if so best thing they would do is increase the range OR time blocked leaving the perk still butt tier. Increasing the range to map wide for a extended time is the only way to be viable.....Somewhat.
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I would say only have it cover windows, increase the distance a bit and it could last all match.
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That doesn't really matter, it could block rooms where there's only a vault way out with breakable walls.
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That's either useless (Shelter Woods) or a ton of value for absolutely no effort (Gideon)
No thanks
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Need an example
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that one room on dead dawg is an example
this room. took image off google got no credit for it.
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that upstairs room in dead dawg, that would be a litteral trap even more than it is to go there if this perk permanently locked windows
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That's the point of the perk buff... to create deadzones....
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Would the 16 meters from the gen on the balcony reach this window?
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dead zones is one thing, literal traps is an entirely different thing.
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it would depend where the generator is ofc, but i think in the closer configuration it would.
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That's an interesting change. The only problem I see is that it would be heavily reliant on RNG: you could have it affecting literally nothing, or have the killer shack completely blocked for the whole game.
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Would it block dropped pallet?
Even if only window, there is chance to create a cage, which survivor will have no way to escape from.
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That cage bit is due to bad map design.
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I thought they are not even buffing cruel limits since stranger things is not even a license anymore.