Chapter Concept: The Grim Mob

DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546
edited September 2021 in Creations

New Killer: The Horde

Jamison Mitchell was born to be a killer, or at least that's what he thought. He saw those around him as weak, and weaklings were threats to society that needed to be purged. So he embarked on a spree of killings, striking down all he deemed unworthy. The law enforcement could never find him, even after he left clues for them to find. While it is true he could have continued without being stopped, and it is true that the weak could be eliminated, he realized the error of his ways when he saw that others were doing his work, too. Of course his judgement would fail if he was surrounded by idiocy. The weak minds of others had clouded his judgement. He now realized that he needed to elevate as many minds as possible to his status of superiority. He recruited anyone he could, and eventually amassed a large group of followers that spread throughout the land and inducted more people, until their members numbered over Two Hundred. They would go into different towns and loot, kill, and terrorize anything they saw. but eventually, they all just disappeared without a trace.

Terror radius: 24 meters

Speed: 113% (Hag Waterlogged Shoe speed)

Height: Short

Power: The Horde Awakens

Every 30 seconds, a new member of the horde will emerge from a locker to a maximum of 2. This additional member moves at 110% speed and cannot harm survivors, but can get in chases and reveals survivors periodically with killer instinct while doing so. A sprinting survivor is revealed every 3 seconds, a walking or crouch walking survivor every 1.5 seconds, and a survivor being still is revealed constantly. At any time, press the active ability button to switch to the selected horde member. You will suffer from a 3 second period where you cannot attack and move at reduced speed before going back to your normal speed.

"The weaklings will be exposed and we will destroy them"- The Horde

The awakening

For each tick of killer instinct, the awakening gains an additional charge point. At 100 charge points, The awakening can be activated. Once activated, All current Horde members will despawn and then respawn 2.5 seconds later in the 2 lockers closest to you. They will follow you until they find a survivor, after which they will chase the survivor from different angles. Once the survivor is injured, one member not being controlled by you will despawn. If the survivor is downed, all horde members left that you are not controlling despawn.

"We are so excited to enlighten you." - The Horde

Eliminating Horde Members

Survivors can eliminate Horde members in several ways. Eliminated Horde Members refresh every 60 seconds.

Horde members can be eliminated by:

-Being flashlight stunned

-Being stunned by a pallet

-Being fast vaulted into

-Being in the way of a fast locker exit (does not need to be Head On)

-Not detecting any survivors for 15 seconds




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