Hag traps don't emit a terror radius, and some spots where they can't be triggered, etc.

cyniChris Member Posts: 207

Platform: PC, Steam

Description of the issues:

  • Since the Resident Evil DLC was released, Hag phantasms have stopped emitting a terror radius when triggered.
  • Since the RE mid-chapter, the phantasm spawn animation has a much lower framerate.
  • The front entrance to Disturbed Ward's main building (opposite the basement) has a spot where survivors can run over traps without triggering them. The Midwich courtyard stairs and corner of the basement stairs are the same.
  • The Doctor's "Discipline" addons are bugged - at tier 3 madness, the red stain is there, but the terror radius is silent unless you're actually within the Doctor's terror radius.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Play as/against Hag. Set traps in the aforementioned spots. The terror radius and animation issues are present on every map.
  • Play against Doctor with any of the Discipline addons (and I assume Iridescent King), get to tier 3 madness, leave the Doctor's terror radius.

How often does this occur:

  • Hag phantasm issues - every match against Hag.
  • Disturbed Ward & Midwich trap issues - every match as/against Hag, but it's inconsistent. Sometimes a survivor can run over traps without setting them off, sometimes they set them off, but it's always the spots I mentioned that have these issues - nowhere else to my knowledge.
  • Discipline addon issue - every match with those addons.
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