How To Make Breakable Walls An Actually Interesting Mechanic

thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,256
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Of course, this will require a few placement adjustments and a bit of map rebalancing-- especially on Dead Dawg-- to make it feel more meaningful.

Simple: what everyone was saying before, survivors should build them, but there's a catch.

Survivors have to use broken pallets in order to make breakable walls. Let's call these resources "Scraps."

Survivors can do a quick 10 second interaction in order to pick up these scraps from a broken pallet. While carrying scraps, survivors can't carry any of their other items.

Bringing scraps to a door location (so now there's much more flexibility on where walls can be set up) will prompt survivors to complete a 15 second interaction to build the wall.

If a survivor does not complete the interaction, the wall will fall apart over a period of 3 seconds. If a killer attacks through a wall that a survivor is in the process of building, they will inflict the Deep Wound status on the survivor.

This allows the survivors to gain something back from what they've lost. Pallet for wall. It uses quite a bit of time between scrap collection a building but can yield a notable effect if the killer needs to catch someone quickly. It also punishes survivors for mistiming the wall building, as a killer can instantly swing through one that's unfinished and cause that survivor to use more time mending.


Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
