Please make an option to disable playing against survivor with friends!!!

I can’t stand playing against a team who’s main goal is to gen rush you down in a min and a half. I feel coms defeats the entire purpose of the game, to work with strangers to overcome odds of death in the game. Not 5gen in 2 mins. It makes it a very painful experience for newer and seasoned players. And I might add very unfair and makes the game undesirable.


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    You can still face good solos who will gen rush you. SWF isn't the core issue you are having.

    But regardless, this will never get added because punishing players for trying to play with their friends with higher queue times will hurt the game.

  • a7xguy187
    a7xguy187 Member Posts: 15

    I appreciate your feedback and respect your opinion but I do disagree. Only because it hurts the game equally, if not more in my humble opinion, to have that kind of toxicity in the game. I’m new and I admit that. But to get in a match with 4 linked up and mic’d up survivors who can verbally relay everything I’d quite unfair. And then I get messaged and trolled about how poor I am at killer. I feel it’s a cheat, and it’s being exploited by players who otherwise wouldn’t fare half as well solo.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    This is the problem with depip bully squads not neccessarily swf.

    Altough swf is an advantage, punishing everyone who wants to play with friends by not letting them is a bad idea.

    I mean, most of the killers would opt out of playing against them.

  • a7xguy187
    a7xguy187 Member Posts: 15

    Thanks for your feedback :)

    but that is the core issue. That’s why, again just my opinion, why folks would opt out. It’s toxic and unfair :(

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,284

    Oh, how this game would die over night.

    Survivor queue times are already very long and most SWFs are not that good.

    To more than double the amount of time it takes to find a match for survivors is not something you want in the game.

    BTW: this is gonna increase killer queue times as well.

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510
    edited September 2021

    With MMR on, strong solos could be in theory be matched together ... and they can be even better than voice-com SWFs using game experience, common sense and perks (e.g.; Bond, Kindred, ...)

    For instance, they will not care much about each other at the end of the trial, where killers usually gain additional kills by taking advantage of the over-altruistic typical behavior of SWFs

    Finally, BHVR will never add such kind of option for obvious reasons!

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 404

    I think a good balance is to give the killer an extra perk slot for each survive with friend to makeup for the massive advantage of comms

  • a7xguy187
    a7xguy187 Member Posts: 15
  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    This would legit cause the game to die overnight. The swfs keep most of the games going and most of them arent this bully swf squad everyone thinks about. You just need to get better at playing against them cause some solos gen rush too.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    I know a bunch of killers I came across in the past few days would've had that option turned off, and then they wouldn't have gotten to complete their challenges with me and my friend. And as killer I've come across other SWFs just memeing around.

    This change would affect all SWFs, even the ones just out to play casual fun matches.