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Would a Dead Space Chapter Fit In DBD?

TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

It is now official that EA is in fact working on a well thought out remake for the first Dead Space. Dead Space is one of the most critically acclaimed horror video games in history. Set many records and received great scores all over the place.

I'm not the biggest fan of EA but it is what it is. Please this is not and I repeat not a discussion about your thoughts on EA

What I am looking for is a discussion on whether or not a Dead Space Chapter would do well in DBD.

Resident Evil did very well in this game and Dead Space was partially inspired by Resident evil. I personally think it would do very well.


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556


    But it would be just a survivor. The cool dead space killers are either too big or Isaac himself.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759
    edited September 2021

    I like your response a lot. I didn't really think that BHVR could make their own spin on a Necromorph of course with the Licensing approval that is.

    DontNerf made a pretty good point about the Necromorph. Only other killer I could see would be Nicole Brennan. Or the Marker paranoia itself. When though Nicole herself wasn't a villian but in Dead Space 2 she was projected as the haunting visions Isaac kept having. I personally would want to see a Necromorph.

    Since Demogorgon made it into this game and isn't a Unique creature from his habitat. There are more than 1 Demogorgon as it's a species. I don't see why a Single Necromorph couldn't make it into this game.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 965

    Isaac would make a good survivor, but for killer the only thing that comes to mind that could work as the killer would be that unique unkillable uber necro w/e it was called at the end of DS2 that lead the swarm after Isaac shut down the power.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    It's not about it being unique in dead space. Necromorphs mostly just walk/run forward and attack. It would just be demogorgon again.

    I'm not sure I want a unique necromorph for dbd. Feels like a cop out.

    Rather they make the killer several different necromorphs. And you switch between them for different abilities.

    Regular one for speed, the one with a bomb in hand for an instadown, the baby one with tentacles for a ranged attack. You can place 1-2 traps on the map that are that big worm one that grab your feet...

    I changed my mind, I like my concept for a dead space killer. We can make a full chapter

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Honestly a unique ubermorph would be pretty sick! That thing scared the ######### out of me when i played the dead spaces games.

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  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    After the names we already got in here, Dead Space is honestly a no-brainer at this point.

    When (and i'm on purpose not using "If" but "When") DS gets its teaser trailer, i won't even be surprised.

    Might be the first license ever that i'd get a bit excited over though.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    Not really tbh, I can't imagine Isaac in his suit running from a single necromorph and not dismembering it with a plasma cutter. His futuristic armor wouldn't fit well with the maps either.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    Compared to how crazy Nemesis is in RE canon, Dead Space is pretty grounded and would fit wonderfully.

    Having Isaac is a no-brainer, but for a killer they could add the Ubermorph from DS2. It's pretty mysterious and in game it looks like it commands the other Necromorphs, which could be a part of it's power.

    As long as something is horror, it would fit.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

    Dead Space wouldn't translate very well to DBD unless BHVR got very creative. There is no main villain that fits the role of a killer besides the Marker itself, which is an immobile object. They'd have to get VERY creative and turn the Marker into something similar to the masterminds in RE: Resistance, spawning and taking control of Necromorphs and the like.

    Isaac is a bit more of a fit, being an engineer and all, but the suit is a bit of a spanner in the works. And the suit is a necessity; it'd be like if Pinhead didn't have the box.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    He canonically runs a lot from necromorphs when he's unnarmed. And sometimes when he is armed

    Case in point, the opening of ds2 and the first necromorphs in ds1.

    And when he faces the regenerating necromorphs.

    Also his basic armor just looks like a jumpsuit, it works.

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  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,557

    Who could say Dead Space cant fit when Trickster exists? y'all wild for that.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    We desperately need an alien killer and Necromorphs would be dope. If Silent Hill and Resident Evil were good enough, Dead Space is not that far behind, in my opinion.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Honestly my most wanted chapter

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    I prefer xenomorphs, but any alien stuff from other franchises like Dead Space would be nice too.

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    To be honest i just want Isaac Clarke as a survivor, i don't really care if it becomes it's own chapter or a Paragraph DLC with the inclusion of Isaac Clarke. Being able to play as him would be a dream come true. He is easily one of my favorite video game characters of all time and it would be very interesting to see if they can implement a functional RIG that works when you take damage. Now i know some people will say "the futureistic suit doesn't fit well in DbD" well we got Trickster. But honestly if we do have an Isaac Clarke survivor it would be top tier if Gunner Wright voiced Isaac once again.

    I really do think that with the new Dead Space Remake BHVR can really capitalize on it and try to see if they can make a chapter or Paragraph DLC to bring Isaac Clarke to DbD.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    He would be in his civilian outfit from Dead Space 3.

    Both good choices. I would personally vote for Ubermorph

    I'd be completely happy with that too. I have another thread discussion all of his survivor perks.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,495

    Ofc it would be.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    Perk Ideas for Isaac, these would be cool I think.

    "Resist the Influence" Years of resisting dark forces has strengthened your mind beyond measure.

    For every totem you cleanse gain a token up to a maximum of 5. When you would normally be affected by any totem effects you instead make a skill check. Upon succeeding the skill check you consume a token and ignore any currently active totem effects for 10/20/30 Seconds. After "Resist the Influence" expires any current active totem affects resume their affects as normal.

    "You can't have us."

    "Stasis Module"  Once a supplementary accoutrement to your Rig suit is now an everyday accessory for you.

    Press and hold the Active Ability Button for 2 seconds while standing within 4 meters of the killer to slow all of their movements and actions by 50% for 3 seconds. "Stasis Module" has a cooldown of 140/120/100 seconds

     "Stick around. I’m full of bad ideas."

    "Whatever It Takes" You're a master engineer and always find another way.

    During the trial if you're the last survivor and at least 4 generators have been completed you're able to bypass the last generator being finished and open one of the exit gates but takes 100%/75%/50% longer to open the exit gates.

    "...doesn’t look like I have a choice."

  • Spykitty358
    Spykitty358 Member Posts: 51

    These are actually really good ideas, i like Stasis and Whatever it takes but have a feeling it could be a little strong, or at least the stasis one might be. I was always thinking that maybe he can have something like Leon's flashbang where he could craft an item (also using his engineering skills) and have some kind of stasis bomb that could slow down the killers, but that would be out right broken. I was thinking of a boon Totem that might increase repair speed since that's a thing now. But Isaac having a Boon totem doesn't sound right and also we all know the communities preference on boons. It's definitely hard to think of good perks that wouldn't be broken because i always think of perks through the perspective of both survivors and killers. But i definitely see him having Generator related perks.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    I wouldn't mind seeing Dead Space but than again EA may want more than what they get cause they greedy.

  • TerminatorGuy
    TerminatorGuy Member Posts: 434

    It would absolutely work without question. Issac Clarke survivor + Ubermorph or Regenerator Necromorph. I strongly believe we will be getting this license in DBD 100%

  • UntilValhalla13
    UntilValhalla13 Member Posts: 186

    They could make it to where the killer could reanimate a dead survivor's body to create another necromorph. That new necromorph could be like the zombies, but much faster and better AI. XD

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,495

    Ofc it would fit, Dead Space is one of the best horror games.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 867

    Who necromorphed this thread? I don't think it will fit and I doubt BHVR can get a license deal with EA.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    We could just give plague a puker skin and be done with it xD.

    But yeah, basic slasher would be a good killer because they where versatile. Power could be temporary transformation into their stronger black form.

  • TwitchyMike
    TwitchyMike Member Posts: 759

    That is actually a sick idea! I actually have an older thread with an Isaac Clarke survivor concept but I don't have a Dead Space Killer Concept yet.

  • entitysbreakfast
    entitysbreakfast Member Posts: 126

    2 word: HELL YEAH IT WOULD FIT. Ok that was five words, but that's what I would love.