Bad Perk University: Lucky Break

Hello class, welcome to Bad Perk University! I'll be your professor for today, and we'll be going over the worst perks The Entity has to offer and see how to make the most out of them. Today’s perk that we’ll be covering has given me the most mixed feelings out of all the perks thus far. Lucky Break. Lucky Break sounds really strong on paper, but can be difficult to make use of. The first time you get injured, Lucky Break will make it so you don’t leave blood or scratch marks for 60 seconds, assuming you don’t heal yourself during that time. If you do manage to heal yourself, you basically pause that timer and then once you get injured again, the timer resumes ticking down.

So why is this perk bad? I’m not even sure if it is. The original version of the perk only hid blood, and while it did so for a whopping 3 minutes, it not hiding scratch marks made it very mediocre. The version we have now is an improvement, but a minute goes by quickly. I’ve gone back and forth with this perk, testing it with different perks and strategies, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s quite difficult to make it work in certain maps where breaking line of sight is difficult. Because you see, breaking line of sight is the key to making the perk work in your favor, giving you a better chance of escaping the chase. If you aren’t able to do that, and the 60 seconds are up, then you’re down a perk. The average number of chases that you’ll escape due to Lucky Break is one, maybe two if you’re, well, lucky. Is that worth something? Sure, it can be. A chase that resulted in nothing for the killer is time wasted for them. Though, if your teammates haven’t been working on generators, you pretty much wasted your time as well. So my final verdict is that when Lucky Break works and you juke the killer, it absolutely works. The thrill of escaping certain death is always exhilarating. But there are many times that the perk will fail you instead.

So how do we make the most out of this perk? Lucky Break is a perk that will not work well on its own, that much I was able to establish in my tests. You could, but if you want to get the absolute most out of those 60 seconds, you’re going to want to be healed up as often as possible. One idea is to bring Self-Care, Botany Knowledge and either Resilience or Desperate Measures along with a strong Medkit with faster healing speed. The idea is to find a safe spot to heal, and quickly heal up to preserve as much of the Lucky Break timer as possible. If you want, you can switch out Resilience or Desperate Measures for Bite the Bullet, allowing you to heal stealthily, which is the kind of style that Lucky Break encourages in the first place. But now, allow me to bestow upon you a build that made me very happy to play around with, one that gave me the most success with Lucky Break and has been some of the most fun I’ve had in this game in recent memory. Lucky Break, Quick and Quiet, Iron Will and Inner Strength. The idea is to find a totem as soon as possible in the match and then the strategy begins. When you get into a chase, try to position yourself so that you’ll end up breaking line of sight when you get hit. When you get hit, run to a locker, enter it silently due to Quick and Quiet, and poof, it’s like you were never there. And because Inner Strength heals you in 8 seconds, you lose very little time on Lucky Break, preserving it for the next chase you get into. There are caveats to this build of course. You have to find a totem before getting into a chase in order to quickly heal up and get back to working on generators, without the help of perks like Small Game or Detective’s Hunch. But even if you don’t, the suddenness and not immediately noticeable effect of Lucky Break is enough to confuse many killers and force them to abandon chase. The other important thing to remember is to not make it obvious that you got into a locker. And even if you do use a locker that’s not so obvious, some killers are smart enough to catch on and it still won’t work. But when it does work, it’s like a magic disappearing act. It always puts a smile on my face to see the Killer look around for me, with visible confusion in their movement, and just walk away as if they hadn’t chased me at all. Quick and Quiet, Iron Will, and Inner Strength are all very solid perks on their own, but adding Lucky Break to the mix creates an unorthodox, but wonderful symphony. If you want to make the most of every chase you get into with Lucky Break, this is the build to go with.

So how do we make this perk better? Do we though? The original PTB version of the perk that reworked it so it hid scratch marks had a duration of 90 seconds. This was absolutely too long, since it allowed you to escape a lot of chases before expiring. The 60 second duration we have now feels like a delicate sweet spot where you can escape one or two chases on average, and that’s probably okay for a potentially strong effect such as that. If you absolutely had to make a small change to Lucky Break, I think maybe 75 seconds wouldn’t be too crazy, but I honestly like the perk as it is. In very lucky streaks, I’ve been able to escape three or even four chases because of my build, and I would have never experienced anything like that had I not given Lucky Break a chance like that. If you like juking killers and want a new way to play Dead by Daylight, give my Lucky Break builds an honest try. Lucky Break, it seems you’ve narrowly escaped the chopping block. Consider yourself lucky. Thank you for coming to my lesson, see you next class!


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Lucky break is essentially impossible to balance in its current state. Right now I’d say it’s average but only with iron will

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    Yeah ill be honest lucky break is severely underrated. Difficult to make use of sure but when used properly especially on the weaker links in your team can completely destroy a killers momentum and although thankfully its rare, ive absolutely lost games almost purely because of this perk.