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MMR has to be public

Member Posts: 1,140

Let's be honest, the worst affected by the SBMM will be the veteran players. On killer side they will have to constantly face strong survivors and on survivor side they will allways face nurse, blight, spirit.

If we want to make the top players sweat their asses to be able to win from now on at least they should be compensated in some sort of feedback that proves that you are at that level. Like ranks in overwatch, CS GO, Dota 2, League of Legends... Give us information on wether the system thinks we are getting better or worse please. Otherwise we have no incentive to really get better at the game because, who cares we will allways get on average, let's say 2K for a draw, no matter what skill you have.

Feedback on our performance please, all I ask. And if possible public leaderboard and being able to see the ranks (mmr rank not the grind rank we have now) of the players you've gone against after the match ends.

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  • Member Posts: 2,184

    Isn't that what the new ranking system is supposed to do?

    It's like SR and MMR in Overwatch. You can see your numerical SR but you can't see your MMR

  • Member Posts: 1,140
    edited September 2021

    No, as far as I understood the new ranking system is like the actual pip one but rewards you each month with BP and gets rested but your MMR is not. If it actually works as you said then it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 2,450
    edited September 2021

    If i want to i can get the same result with trial and error. Do you think that now with the MMR people will downrank less than with the visible emblem system?

    There are a lot of games with invisible mmr, which have a problem with smurfs and downranker.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Do you really think that people won't end up digging up the exact factors that influence your MMR? I give it a week. People will try to exploit the system downward anyways.

  • Member Posts: 2,184


    You may be wondering: With Skill-Based Matchmaking enabled full-time, what will happen to ranks?

    Ranks will become Grades and feature all new icons, ranging from Ash to Iridescent. You can increase your grade by earning pips just like before, though there’s now a limit to how many pips you can lose.

    On the 13th of each month, grades reset to Ash IV (the lowest grade) and you’ll receive up to 250,000 Bloodpoints depending on how far you’ve managed to climb. You’ll be rewarded for each role separately, so playing both sides can reap double the rewards."

    Yeah, after going back and re-reading, it does come off like how you described it. Though I am curious about the "Limit to how many pips you can lose" thing is about and if MMR could limit how far down it can fall, but that's a huge reach. I just assumed with the rank change, something similar to OW's competitive titles would follow after.

  • Member Posts: 1,140
    edited September 2021

    It's funny that you mention Smite and Siege, 2 games with ranked and casual modes with completly different matchamking systems to make your point. I'm actually in favour of introducing a ranked mode and a casual mode, but every time I've mentioned this everybody puts their hands on their head: "This won't work! THE QUEUE TIMES!!!" 70k concurrent players, yeah queue times won't be an issue. "But sweaty players will abuse casual mode!! It's useless!". Then why all those games have at least 2 separate queues one with luck of the draw and other SBMM and it seems to work?

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    So let me see if I understand you. You are happy with a unique gamemode that doesn't reward experience in the game with either having a higher win rate than other people or being able to see people MMR and know if you are better than other people? I hope you at least agree with the second part. If they want to make it a unique gamemode they have to reward players with a public emblem or a number that represents their skill level in the game otherwise there's absolutely no sense of progression.

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    I don't see how you can substantiate any of those claims. I doubt that will make BHVR display it.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited September 2021

    Well, I think that hiding it removes the trust that people have in the system. The Overwatch community had massive complaints about not being able to see their MMR, or the MMR of their opponents relative to their own, resulting in not knowing if they should have won, should feel good that they won, or it was simply a complete imbalance. To top it all off they also started showing who was and was not in a party together.

    I guess my point is a lack of transparency around this SBMM system is inevitably going to make a lot of people unhappy, and I hope they're aware of it. If you can't even give people a general idea of what "skill" is in this game relative to what the system uses to determine it, then how can we even be expected to trust it's functional?

  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited September 2021


    Public MMR will make sweaty people even more sweaty and by more sweaty i mean more genrush, more tunnel, more camp. Its all about these numbers then.

  • Member Posts: 371

    I literally face nurse and blight every time i play solo q with cross off sbmm will actually be amazing because I will have good teammates that will actually last at least 30 seconds in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    It is really the opposite. Telling people their mmr would more or less defeat the purpose of it. And beyond that, you will be able to tell, trust me. Every other competitive game has mmr and sometimes it is weighed against rank, and you can EASILY observe the discrepancy. Good players will be able to tell if they are good.

  • Member Posts: 325

    Those games are symmetrical. The "sweatier" both sides get in this game the potential for wildly unfun games increases because of it being asymmetrical with no defined win condition. As a survivor if your goal is to escape you will now be nearly forced more than ever to use all scummy perks that killers complain about. And as a killer you'll be forced to play in all the scummy ways survivors complain about. And that's just trying to complete the objective in the game has nothing to do with being sweaty. During mmr my survivor matches all ended the same way, killer would finally manage to hook someone, and camp/tunnel and pray the survivors didn't just do the rest of the gens and leave. Nobody really had fun nobody got more than like 16k bps but there was nothing left to do in the game that wouldn't be totally throwing for either side. I think the one game a killer got more than a kill happened to be again Scott jund on blight and he got a 4k because being solo queue everyone threw themselves at the first hooked person and essentially threw the game.

  • Member Posts: 325

    And because of the lack of trust in their ability to judge skill automatically, we don't know if the immersed claudettes that hide the second they hear a terror radius and urban evasions around the map but escapes is judged as more skilled or the player that managed to run the killer for 80% of the game enabling the actions of everybody on the team but ultimately died. That's why we need to be able to see the MMR.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    When people find out how it works - and I believe it will happen in future, although BHVR will not reveal it themselves - the first thing those people will do is exploit it. There are a vast number of people who already manipulate it. Some may genuinely want to know how it works, but even then their subjective experience may cause them to find fault, even if there is no fault to be had.

    I feel the current system wasn't great, but a sizeable reason for this was because of the dishonest players within. Derankers, smurfs and such would have caused problems as much as the odd matchmaking. In fact, was the system, in its virgin state, going to work, but the inconsistent data within caused by players damaged it? It won't solely be because of that, but it's not an entirely BHVR-made problem. But hey, goodness forbid that the player could be at fault, eh?

    Maybe they could give an overall score, but to break down for all to see how it works would be a big mistake, and we'd only have the problem-makers amongst us to thank for the fact we shouldn't see this in full detail.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    So let me see if I understand you. You are happy with a unique gamemode that doesn't reward experience in the game with either having a higher win rate than other people or being able to see people MMR and know if you are better than other people? I hope you at least agree with the second part.

    I'm not certain I understand the first part. If you mean your winrate never really changes from being a newbie to an experienced player because you're being matched correctly according to an MMR system, then yes I'm happy with that. As to not being able to see your or others' rankings, I'm also fine with that.

  • Member Posts: 325

    people that to "derank" dont need to figure out how it works to derank. They can just run at the killer and die. Having it public would only be exploitable to get into higher tier matches than you should and if people want to do that who cares.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    The way I interpreted it is that your grade wont diminish and you won't be "punished" out of your rewards each month if you have a string of bad matches or you switch to a new killer you've never played or hardly played and it has to calculate where your MMR should stand.

  • Member Posts: 219

    that and prolly to prevent deliberate de-ranking to get easier matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    The grades won't affect match making any longer but it's a reasonable assumption by some that "If I derank my grade I'm lowering my MMR" so after a certain point there's no way to assume based on your grade how much lower your MMR is going.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Then were the hell is the sense of progression? If you allways have the same winrate and there's no rank or MMR number to see if you are improving or not the game will die in the long run, because people want to feel like they are working towards something. Sure they will come to play for fun from time to time, but people won't be playing as much because everything will remain the same once you have grinded everything. If you want SBMM and don't want to kill the sense of progression we need to see ranks or the game will bleed players.

  • Member Posts: 21,203
    edited September 2021

    You have a problem with Overwatch's ranking system? Or Siege's?

    Just give me SOMETHING to look at to see a leaderboard, if I'm going to be put in objectively less enjoyable matches, I should have some reward.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    When has there ever been a meaningful sense of progression, apart from the grind? I've played since late 2018, just before spirit came out. The first time I hit rank 1 on each side both felt pretty good, I'll give you that. Since then...I'm red ranks both every month I bother playing a lot - most of us on here probably are.

    Progression for me isn't told to me - I only recently started getting flashlight saves consistently. I went from my first game of blight where I didn't get a single hit and honestly wanted to ragequit to being able to pull off hits that make me cackle like a low budget supervillain. I don't need the current crappy system to improve, I don't need to be told whether or not my opponent is better than me, I usually know, and I don't usually care.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    It may be simple to derank, but before you would know when you're at the lowest level you want to be at before swatting the newer or lesser of players. Now, without the ranking and only able to derank by a set number of pips, the line is far less clear. Without a real visual aid, how does someone know when you're at the right level of novices to exploit them? How many games will they have to go through until they can only "guess" that it may be easy street?

    It's more complex than running into a killer. Besides, knowing how it works or knowing how it doesn't, just play the game. But if it turns out it's not as easy as it was, then whether someone wants to blame the system rather than themselves, it's down on them.

  • Member Posts: 325

    my dude they dont need to get to the lowest of the low to stomp and be jerks. We are also talking about a very small portion of the community here in general. And its absolutely not more complex than running into the killer do so will get you zero points in any sort of system possible. And I would like to lay the game with some vector of how I'm doing there is zero progression system with the planned MMR.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Maybe I didn't explain myself: it's more complex - not because of running into a killer or standing still - but because you won't know how many games you'll need to do that for.

    The new system won't let you depip below a certain level, so it'll be blind losing to get to a level someone wants to be, but a sudden influx of successful matches will slap them right back up again. If someone doesn't know how far they have to go down, and also how much they'll get bumped back up for stomping a round, it's much less obvious and trickier to hit that manipulative sweet spot.

    Unfortunately, I feel that knowing the how-to's of this system would just lead to more complaints, regardless. Some people who find out they aren't as good as they think will blame the system, rather than their skill. If someone isn't willing to understand their limits, or is too egotistical for their own good, the most perfect system will be labelled trash anyway.

    Ultimately, my experience was really excellent, and overall the consensus was that it was a vast improvement - certainly better than any previous iteration.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2021

    Well, no, it doesn't have to be. Just that some of you want it to be.

    When I play Quick Play in Overwatch, I have zero clue what my MMR is. Blizzard doesn't show it. And 5+ years later, I'm still playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 219

    Yup. I just hope they implemented somethign that will recognize when survivors or killers try to throw a match.

  • Member Posts: 21,203

    Likewise, in Competitive, you do.

    There's no reason to not show it, especially since SBMM is really only used in competitive games. They need to pick a side, is this game casual or not? If it is, no need for SBMM. If it isn't, remove the RNG aspects.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    Correct. But adding SBMM here didn't suddenly make it a Competitive mode. It's the same concept as the MMR system in, say, Overwatch. The MMR system in RoleQ Quick Play is there to try to facilitate fair matches.

    They did pick a side: casual. Adding SBMM doesn't change that when other casual modes in games also have an MMR calculation to facilitate fair matches.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    They say they hide it to "prevent abusing of the system", which makes no sense, because players can just suicide or AFK to intentionally reduce their MMR anyway. I think the real reason why they hide it is to hide the fact if it doesn't work as intended, as usual.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    You can still have sweaty games in casual modes, though.

  • Member Posts: 21,203

    Again, why does it matter if we can see it though?

    We know that the system is flawed already. If you wanted to de-rank, just AFK.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2021

    Oh, I didn't say it mattered. I don't have an issue with seeing it. My original comment was tongue-in-cheek on "has to be" made public. It doesn't "have to be," people just "want it to be." There's a difference.

    The game is playable either way, thus the Overwatch example I gave.

    But if BHVR were to make it visible, I wouldn't have a dog in that fight either. People are going to de-rank their MMR regardless. It isn't hard to do, in any MMR system out there, hidden or visible. It's just flamin' tedious to do.

  • Member Posts: 21,203

    Instead, they've completely hidden it and said "trust us" when we literally know not to trust them.

  • Member Posts: 1,140
    edited September 2021

    The progression with the actual system was getting better winstreaks and getting better than everyone else. Now we won't even have that. We will have nothing, just the grind. No winstreaks, no rank that proves that you are best than other people, just BP. I still don't get why would you be against showing ranks. WHY?

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    You might not now what your MMR is, but you know what your rank is, wich is based on MMR. The new "ranking mode" is not connected at all with MMR, it's just a grinding thing that resets every month and gives you some BP. Why are you against showing your rank? How do you know the system thinks you are getting better if you don't even know an estimate of your MMR?

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    How would knowing this change anything, people who want to throw are gonna just run to the killer and kill themselves on first hook regardless and its not like that's changed unless they implement some kind of "protection" against something like that but they've said nothing about that and if they do implement something like that then what would be the advantage of not telling players that killing yourselves on first hook does nothing to your score?

  • Member Posts: 2,209

    I've played both of those games, heavily. Over 1k in smite and I think around 700 in siege and the more weird thing is that players would prefer to smurf then play the high level version of this game. Sweaty dbd to most is just an awful experience for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    That is a very bad idea. No matter the intentions of revealing such a number, it will inevitably end up making people sweat just so the Petty Gatekeepers don't bully the crap out of them and let them have opinions, which is basically why people get competitive despite not wanting to in just about every game ever.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    So you want to say every other game in existence that uses MMR is doing it wrong, and BHVR is the only team doing it the correct way in their DbD?

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    I don't think everyone seeing everyone else's sbmm rating is such a good idea. I would like to be able to see my own though, just to keep an eye on it and see what score I'm working best at.

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