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Stun Validation killed Demogorgon's shred

I noticed how stun validation is really powerful against Demo's shred. Survivors can just spam space bar and be safe as long as they get a frame of the palet even if I jumped first. They would just suddenly be on the otherside of the pallet. Not only do I not get the hit, (which would otherwise be a hit for sure before that update) but I also got stunned. What's the point of the Shred then? Don't get me wrong, Stun Validation was a good update. It eliminates those hits which would hit because of internet lag. But isn't it a bit overpowered?


  • Yeah they camp pallets now so I recommend you bait the pallet <Move forward slightly while charging of the abyss, and then wait till the move slightly then shred. Either you get a hit or a pallet.> Also stun validation is a good thing in my opinion means that if you outplay a survivor and time your hit right you get rewarded and vice versa.

  • Sbibe
    Sbibe Member Posts: 19

    So you're telling me the shred ability is just a fancy pallet destroyer, which can normally be done by just pressing space? This ability works best in tight spaces, as we all know pallet has a small space that survivors cannot dodge from. And at higher ranks, there's no such thing as pallet camping. All that chasing around just to get stunned or a pallet out.