SBMM and the Ranking System are Fundamentally Incompatible

So, I thought I'd point out an important issue I have yet to see addressed. Incentives are given to rank up as killer and survivor. There's a problem with this. It's pretty clear that close matches make it hard for both sides to pip since it's clearly designed to reward the winning side. SBMM, if functioning, will ensure that close matches are the norm, and safety pipping will also become the norm as a result. For killer, this can be worked around by playing a variety of killers. Survivors, on the other hand, will be stuck. For the people that just play one killer or play survivor, get used to the rank rewards being unobtainable or require an insane grind of matches once your MMR is calibrated.

At this point, just scrap the current ranking system and give rewards and ranks based off of MMR. There's no reason to keep the old, non-functioning system anyway. Perhaps rework it to make pips more obtainable during close matches.
