Is there a way to see what perks a teammate has in their perk pool?

I know this is a bit of weird question, and I apologize in advanced if this has already been answered some where else.
I play on xbox one and on a very rare occasion I play SWF with randoms (since 1: I actually prefer the solo experience 90% of the time and 2: I have zero real world friends that play DbD sadface.jpeg ) and one of the members of the party was making joke suggestions of what loadout I should use...which was perfectly fine, but they actually knew what perks and what level each perk was at for each character because they would make suggestions like "You should play as David with lightweight 1, We'll make it 3, Kindred 2 and pharmacy 3" 2 of which I had the exactly level of for David, and the third was available on my bloodweb for David.
I know I could of just asked them how they knew what perks I had at that time, but I didn't so now I'm wondering if there is a way to see what perks are unlocked for a player based on their Gamertag or the like.
I'm not sure if such a tool would constitute as cheating, which isn't my intent, but 1) its been bugging me since it happened and 2) it would actually make planning out survivor builds something I could do when I'm away from the game, so I can get into the game even sooner when I get back home for the day.
Thanks in advanced for anyone who can provide more info!
Also mods, if this does count as cheating please just go ahead and delete this thread...I enjoy DbD way too much to get myself banned by cheating or facilitating cheating.