Can BHVR define a win first before implementing the SBMM?

D3spair Member Posts: 715
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Title says it all. I want BHVR to define what a "Win" is in the game. For all I know as BHVR devs are not in the Higher MMR brackets a win are the following.

Survivor: Escape

Killer: 3 Kills

If this is the case, A Blendette who has a Key and escaped via hatch while 3 Teammates are Dead and 5 Gens are remaining is considered Skillful. A Trapper who got Genrushed with no hooks and got 3 Kills via NoED is also skillful.

I hate the SBMM as the blogpost is hinting that a win is just 3 Kills and an Escape. The guy who looped the Killer for 5 gens and died being face camped is not as skillful as the guy who escaped via Key.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    "No, because that would let people abuse the system and they definitely won't if we don't say anything."

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    I imagine it will be much the same as it is now, reaching certain benchmarks in various categories, will define if you rank up or down.

    having a linear completing "x" objective means you win will just mean people ignore everything else at the purpose of winning.

    Much like how when doing certain challenges people ignore eveything else, to sometimes others detriment.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    BHVR isn't interested in defining the thing that would in turn define game balance, because that would prove their individual and collective incompetence - balance is a mistake and rarity in this game, not a feature. They're too interested in overcompensating for their inexperienced and biased/slanted collection of "data".

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822

    This is my question: are we worried that Key Claudette is going to key out of every game until she reaches the top of the MMR, where she actively becomes an obstacle for her team -- or are we worried that Key Claudette will "undeservedly" be judged as skilled by a computer?

    If it's the first thing, Key Claudette would either have to keep hiding and keying out every match for the rest of her life, or else she'll get pushed back by the MMR eventually. So, a few people would have a few annoying games with a teammate who hides, but, over time, the system would put her back to the level she actually plays at.

    If it's the second thing -- oh well. The computer is wrong, but how much does it affect the game play? Not a lot.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Who cares how it ranks other people? As it is right now in higher ranked play, you have a TON of boosted incompetents that made their way there by crutching up on SWF and the meta. MMR should help thin those ranks out a bit and make solo queue at higher ranks a bit more palatable.

    It will also give players like myself a better time of things, since I won't be getting ranked up and into matches where I am in over my head. That way I won't be screwing over my team mates, and I'll be able to enjoy games around my own skill level, with players who are also closer to my skill level.

    My only real concern is that they're just going to throw matchmaking out the door, "remove" everyone's ranks, and toss us all in one giant Bingo roller. Then whatever 4 Survivors and 1 Killer get randomly pulled and become a match they can just say "Oh. They must've had a good series of games prior to this one." as the Rank 1 Killer steamrolls 4 Rank 15s. Or the reverse of course. It leaves the matchmaking system completely closed off to the player base, and that's something I am not comfortable with. At least now I can get a reasonable read of how my match actually did go post-game. 4 reds? No wonder I was having a bad time of things. 4 browns? Yep. Felt like it. And the same on the Survivor side.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I'm expecting it to be extremely generous as the core audience for the devs are casual players. Figure it will be closely related to the pip system where only a depip counts for a lose and the win is anything above the safety zone. Maybe even removing the safety aspect altogether. Hopefully it's more attuned to actual play cause emblems are garbage at evaluating players and context of events.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Didn't you pay attention? in the last questionnaire BHVR asked us to define a win.

  • Renjiro
    Renjiro Member Posts: 53

    This game isn't balanced enough for a proper match making. WAY to many second chances, broken mechanics and so many other factors. For me one or zero kills is a loss, 2 kills is a draw and 3 or 4 kills is a win.

  • Renjiro
    Renjiro Member Posts: 53

    I think safety pip should be removed.

    And we should have a double depip.

    It's way to easy to rank uo tbh

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I agree that they made it to easy. I preferred it when things were more difficult, but player complaints were successful in opening the gates for the inexperienced.

    Without proper mm though depips only help smurfs and affect solos.

  • Renjiro
    Renjiro Member Posts: 53

    I used an exploit to derank myself, so I could learn Trickster without playing against sweats. But I ranked up so fast again. Becouse safety pipping is so easy.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    There is no exact win condition. Multiple factor affect your ranking which then can be used to match people where the expected result is going to be 2k 2e.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    They won't define. BHVR just makes players define win as whatever they define. Which feels a bit sly.. With these slow game balancings they do, defining what is win will only backfire them.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    You would think that right before implementing a full system based around skill and performance they would at least tell us what a damn win is