Kate Denson's Perks

Not that i care to make survivors stronger anyway, but why are all of Kate's perks meant for new players? They're terrible.

  1. Windows Of Opportunity

See vaults and pallets until you use them then has a 40 second cooldown. (Everyone else can usually tell and know where they are on every map.) Deja Vu 3.0

  1. Dance With Me

When fast vaulting or leaving a locker you don't leave scratch marks for 3 seconds. 40 second cooldown. Lightweight 2.0 (can only go with quick and quiet to not be total garbage but good killers can hear your ASMR run breathing anyway.)

  1. Boil Over.

Struggle effects (just the effect that makes the killer sway, not the quickness of escape) is 75% better. Also makes it so killers lose 14 metres of hook aura while carrying you. (This perk will only semi but not really work on new killers who can't find hooks without auras. Also the perk is cancelled out by iron grasp which reduces sway by you guessed it. 75%

When i finally saw her perks compared to The Clown i thought it was a joke. Obviously we don't need another perk like SC DS SB or the old BT but man these are god awful.


  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    Boil Over is the only one I kinda enjoy. It should be a counter to Iron Grasp in all effects, including wiggle speed. But if that were the case, against a non Iron Grasp using Killer, it would make DS quite annoying to deal with.

    Then again, DS needs to be axed anyway

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    They're all quite fine except for Boil over in my opinion, that I find lackluster.
    WIndows of Opportunity should be a starter perk tho, not behind a paywall. And they should have given another perk to Kate instead.
    Similarly to the Hex : Thrill of the hunt perk that got introduced for everyone to have.

  • davidps4DBD
    davidps4DBD Member Posts: 79
    Boil over is my main concern. Yall don't find it intimidating? (Havn't seen it used)
  • Magicbear
    Magicbear Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2018

    I like the other two much more than Boil Over. Boil Over sounds good until you realize it says "struggling effects on the killer are increased by x%" (ie. the sway you cause the killer while they're walking) and not "you struggle free from the killers grasp x% faster". Doesn't counter iron grasp, they still carry you for the same amount of time but maybe they bump into terrain a bit more.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    they're all useless except Dance With Me, but it has to be synergized with lithe or QnQ and even then it's still crap.

    just another cosmetic character. lol.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474

    Boil Over and Windows of Opportunity are trash. Dance With Me is good if paired with Lithe. When survivors have perks as overpowered as Sprint Burst or Decisive Strike, anything weaker is going to seem like it's trash.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    I feel like iron grasp and Boil Over needs a buff in my opinion to make them more effective in general but it won't be much, we'll have to see how these changes might affect the perk. Maybe iron grasp reduces struggle effects by 100% at tier 3 and Boil Over increases struggle effects by 100% at tier 3. Dance With Me should make mind games easier and activate when you enter a chase to add confusion. Maybe Dance With Me has an increased duration but I'll leave that to you guys to decide that. Windows of Opportunity is fine as it is because it can help new or inexperienced survivors learn loops and pallet positions.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    I like how there are so many different and contradicting opinions on this thread. :P
  • theagitatedapricot
    theagitatedapricot Member Posts: 78
    I think people are underestimating how useful Windows would be. How many times have you turned a corner thinking there's going to be a pallet and you find out either one didn't spawn or it was already used? You don't always have clear line of sight until it's too late. It also seems to work against the Doctor's hallucinations. 

    I'm not saying it's meta breaking but it's not trash. It definitely needs the cooldown removed or significantly reduced, though. OR it could also include a vault speed increase, like Bamboozle.
  • Shadowchao121
    Shadowchao121 Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2018

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    I think people are underestimating how useful Windows would be. How many times have you turned a corner thinking there's going to be a pallet and you find out either one didn't spawn or it was already used? You don't always have clear line of sight until it's too late. It also seems to work against the Doctor's hallucinations. 

    I'm not saying it's meta breaking but it's not trash. It definitely needs the cooldown removed or significantly reduced, though. OR it could also include a vault speed increase, like Bamboozle.

    Most people make sure they know these things before they ever get in a chase though. They will work on a gen and look around them and see which pallet or window is close enough to help them escape if need be. That already takes away from the perk because of the cooldown. They will use the window or pallet that they know is there and then for 40 seconds it won't matter cause they can't use the aura anyway.

  • theagitatedapricot
    theagitatedapricot Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2018
    @Shadowchao121 Yeah but I specifically mentioned pallets that are not in your line of sight. It also means you don't have to spend anytime actually checking to see what's around you, it's just automatically displayed for you. And yeah, the cooldown is excessive.
  • Shadowchao121
    Shadowchao121 Member Posts: 71

    @theagitatedapricot said:
    @Shadowchao121 Yeah but I specifically mentioned pallets that are not in your line of sight. It also means you don't have to spend anytime actually checking to see what's around you, it's just automatically displayed for you. And yeah, the cooldown is excessive.

    I mean yeah basically it's for lazy people.

  • ShockDoc
    ShockDoc Member Posts: 8

    Ok so I have been rank 1 survivor and rank 1 killer. I just want you too know, Quick and quiet is an amazing perk when it comes to losing killers. Every time I grab it I am purely confident I can lose this killer with just about no problem, aside from doctor shocking. Pair that with "dance with me" and "lithe" you go through a window, with no sound, then get a speed boost that leaves no marks..... this is like the auto ghost 2000 (not really if the killer is competent. but still.)

    So I can garuantee everyone here, if you are below rank... lets say 5, and you have trouble losing the killer, rock those three perks.. you will have no more worries.

  • Setsune
    Setsune Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2018

    @Shadowchao121 said:
    Not that i care to make survivors stronger anyway, but why are all of Kate's perks meant for new players? They're terrible.

    1. Windows Of Opportunity

    See vaults and pallets until you use them then has a 40 second cooldown. (Everyone else can usually tell and know where they are on every map.) Deja Vu 3.0

    1. Dance With Me

    When fast vaulting or leaving a locker you don't leave scratch marks for 3 seconds. 40 second cooldown. Lightweight 2.0 (can only go with quick and quiet to not be total garbage but good killers can hear your ASMR run breathing anyway.)

    1. Boil Over.

    Struggle effects (just the effect that makes the killer sway, not the quickness of escape) is 75% better. Also makes it so killers lose 14 metres of hook aura while carrying you. (This perk will only semi but not really work on new killers who can't find hooks without auras. Also the perk is cancelled out by iron grasp which reduces sway by you guessed it. 75%

    When i finally saw her perks compared to The Clown i thought it was a joke. Obviously we don't need another perk like SC DS SB or the old BT but man these are god awful.

    The problem here is that survivors have so many op perks that those seem average, but they are not, they're actually pretty good.

    1. Not everyone has 1k hours and all maps memorised, this is helpful expecially late game when most pallets are broken, gives you that extra time to plan. Imagine this scenario, you take Lithe, you will know how many pallets you have around before you have the need to cross the window and active your speed boost.

    2. In my opinion the weakest of the 3. This perk will only work nicely combined with "stealthy"perks and a lot of potential vs Nurses, since u kinda only use the lockers to avoid the blink hit or billy chainsaw.

    3. Amazing perk at higher ranks if you body block, this with swf will be a nightmare. Good Killers don't usually take Iron Grasp, since they nerfed sabo there is pretty much no need.

    Will those replace the meta perks at the moment? Probably not, but they add room to creativity and new builds.