Your sbmm potato killer

Which killer on your roster do you think will have the lowest sbmm score and have the best chance of being paired against potato survivors?
Out of the killers I play its gonna be trickster.
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Trapper/Billy/oni/phead/nemmie as I have zero interest in ever playing them. I even stopped playing them for dailies a while back.
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Definitely Billy, mainly because I have barely played him so I still have a lot to learn
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Trapper, Billy, and Trickster because I rarely ever play as them.
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Nurse. I think I’ve played around 6-8 games with her total
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Outside of pinhead cause he will literally just come out with no MMR, Probably Spirit.
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I am on console and hopeless with her. Its people like me that have her kill rate stats so low.
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Nurse. I play on console so yano...
I'm actually happy I can try more killers and not have to worry about getting matched with extremely high tier survivors trying to learn Nurse on controller etc...
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Putting aside that I'm a Trickster one-trick, I would say personally for me it would be Hillbilly. I've probably played him maybe 2-3 times and my blood points will never be spent on his bloodweb. He's the only level 1 killer I have on my roster right now. I find him incredibly hard to control and not fun to play and when I did play him it was mostly just m1 mind games just to get a down because I'm terrible at using him.
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nurse for sure, ive only played her like twice, i learned billy and huntress back in the day because im not good with nurse.
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I'm a potato with all of them, but holy molly do i suck with blight. I've had my share of good matches as nurse on the past but i don't think i had a single good one with pinball boi
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Probably Nurse and Billy. Those are the types of killers where people need to give me free hits at the exit gates to complete their daily missions. I thought as a console Blight, he would be up there... I am already ten times as effective with him compared to those two. But he would probably be relatively low too. I am very new to him.
Out of the killers I play regularly? Trickster. I got worse with him after the "buffs."
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Pinhead will roughly have the SBMM-Rating of your other Killers. He will not start at 0, otherwise every Pinhead would start at 0, getting brand new Survivors who face nothing but Pinhead for a few days (and even worse - from experienced players). So it has to be a Killer where you play badly.
@Topic: Nurse, easily. Got Baby Survivors during the last SBMM-Test, I am horrible at Nurse. But I never really bothered to learn her, but I might do with SBMM.
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Freddy. I've never even touched that killer ever. Not for perks or gameplay.
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Probably legion or trapper because from my experience they get the least amount of kills
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Nurse.. I dont know how to play her-
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Of the killers I actually intend to play: Demogorgon, Oni and Plague. I'm so stoked to be able to play these guys now.
Of all killers: Nurse, Trapper, Leatherface, Huntress. But I doubt I'll be playing them anyway.
My time playing Wraith without sweating is probably coming to an end, but at the same time I'm not too pessimistic about my chances, because Wraith is pretty strong.
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Half of the killers I never played so probably one of those
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Trickster because he's pretty much impossible to play on console
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Nurse, because I play her the least by a significant margin.
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Probably spirit. I just don't enjoy playing her, so her mmr is probably crap.
Or nurse, because I'm pretty bad on her. But I do play her from time to time. So I don't know which would be worse
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Billy, Trickster, Oni, Blight, and Ghostface are my guesses
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That would be trickster. I played him mostly when he came out before any buffs, and lost, a lot, including to pretty bad survivors
(if you think survivors trying to blind you at the exit gates is tragic, imagine when they can't even aim at your face and blind your ankle instead. The pain)
post buffs, last test I played him a couple of games against deeply terrible survivors and won quickly which should've kicked it up a bit but it's probably still pretty low.
Nurse is probably second place but i've improved as her so my nurse survivors are noticeably better than my trickster ones.
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Nurse. I play on console, and let's just say.. I have no idea how to blink properly.
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For me on Console probably Twins. On my PC account? hard to say.
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All of them since I only play Trapper when I tire of survivor. The only other time I play a different killer is for the challenges.
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Probably Trapper since I don't play him at all. I'd assume I go against new players with him.
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Huntress, PH, Freddy, Billy, Plague, Trapper and Spirit. Trapper I never play cause like if I wanted a trap killer I would just play hag. PH, Huntress and Billy are kinda hard to pick up at rank 1. Spirit I exclusively play for challenges, her adept or a meme like pretending to afk next to a totem and chest until someone touches it. Plague just feels so slow to play like everything about her is slow she walks slow while charging power, her puke feels like it moves slower than survivors sometimes, drinking from fountains feels slow, waiting for survivors to be infected is slow, waiting for survivors is cleanse is slow and coming from someones whose favourite killers are blight and twins slow gameplay is the bane of my existance. Other candidates are Myers and GF who I recently dislike because I like fast paced killers a lot more but both of them I used to play and win with fairly regularly same goes for Wraith who I havent played much of since his 2 big buffs but was my favourite killer for a while. Legion and Pig also fit into that I used to love them and play them a bunch and was good at them(but how good can you be with legion) but kinda moved off them to other killers. I mained Blight, Oni, Doctor, Nurse, Bubba(only with speed limiter for some reason I just really loved double sawing people) and currently Twins. Trickster I played a decent bit then kinda went on a break from DBD and when I came back to the new Trickster I really dont like him and went on Slinger for a while until landing on Twins. Nemmy I dont own and Clown I have done his adept and his Unleashed challenges and thats like all I have played with him.
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A lot of them. I got to red ranks as pig and never had the chance to learn anyone else. (Most of my 450+ hours goes to pig.) The LOWEST would probably be Bubba, Spirit, Hillbilly, Clown, Doctor and Nemesis. I don't really have an interest in playing any of them. I have tried everyone else at least once or had about 10 matches with them.
Im down to finally learn how to use Nurse, Deathslinger and Huntress tho. I don't mind playing Hag more while I'm at it.
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Nurse. Even rank 20s teabagged me. Not gonna really play her to be honest.
Other than her, Deathslinger, Huntress, Billy, Trickster, Pinhead when I get him.
That's all I can remember from the roster of who I don't play or can't play right now.
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Trickster and nurse probably
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Hillbilly or myers. I never play them any more.
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Bubba ! I hate him so much as a survivor and never play him as a killer! Never ! Not even for the dailies.
And Nurse, since I play mostly console - I am soooo bad with her!
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Hag. Never ever touched her in my entire killer play time.