NOED. Let's talk ya mains.



  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452

    [Haha nono word go brr], a night just passed and when I check back in, this completely blew up.

    Now that I think about it, maybe it's better if I hadn't asked.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If this game was CoD, noed is an enemy pave low. Everyone wants it shot down but nobody wants to switch their load out and do it themselves.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452

    Aye, I'd say that's 100% most of these responses.

    I was expecting something a bit 'different' but all I got was the same meal with a different seasoning. And it all tasted horrid.

    So I not just understand why NOED is so widely hated, but also why most survivor mains are typically entitled.

    If you're annoyed by a perk so damn much, then just use a perk to counter it. I'm not sure what's so wrong with that. It's not like it's the first time you've used something to [bup] killers specifically.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    There's plenty of perks that counter it. The devs keep adding more perks designed to help find totems and they still aren't cleansing them. The problem isn't with the game, it's with the community.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Long ago it didn't use to be a hex. It was like a 2 min duration thing that activated once the final gen was complete. They changed it because for those 2 mins the killer was unstoppable and there wasn't anything the survivors could do to prevent it.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Must of been before the console launch of the game. I started playing towards the end of the summer in 2017.

    They may have changed it but it doesn't mean they shouldn't consider changing it again.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452

    I mean, yeah, I don't want it to have a speed boost. It certainly isn't really... Nice. To put it simply.

    The reason why 'just do bones' is so widespread is because it is that simple.

    With no dull totem to spawn on, the hex doesn't activate.

    Yes, there may not be some times where the totems you cleanse do nothing to improve gen progress. But that's more of a soloq and lack of coordination issue more than the perk itself being an issue.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    It's amazing how anyone can make a lazy post like this that says absolutely nothing new or interesting and it gets comment after comment.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452

    Well, say something controversial, and it'll snowball like no tomorrow.

    Just learned that one today because... Well, I woke up to 50+ posts about people bashing each other on the head with inconsistent or common arguments.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    It's a simple saying but not simple in practice. Especially now that the newer maps are getting extremely good with hiding totems.

    Also it isn't really a solo q issue. Yes I can see if a team is getting destroyed then that's because your probably not in a good swf team. The face camping Bubba example though has nothing to do with solo q. This is where the quote is incorrect.

    I don't mind the instadown but just the speed boost feels a bit overkill.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I'm not saying "They changed it once, they shouldn't touch it ever again!". If that were the case DS wouldn't have been fixed. It took several changes to get it to what it is now.

    I'm just saying it used to be worse.

  • DeadByFrameLag
    DeadByFrameLag Member Posts: 56

    Noed its completly fine. Stop genrushing 24/7 and do bones. Thats it. Stop crying about noed.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 537
    edited September 2021

    Old undying would have forced survivors to learn totem locations

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited September 2021

    and old ruin would have forced survivors to learn to hit great skill checks. Yet another example of lowering the bar.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Ah ok. I was going to mention DS as a defense as well 😂

    It sounds pretty bad back then but without the speed increase I assume it wouldn't be as bad now as it was back then. I think most people would just hide it out. If they removed the hex part and made it a 1 minute timer only I think it would be better.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    "and it isn't a hard one at that"

    Record yourself doing 5 totems in soloQ and show the killer's perks in the post-game screen

    I want to see how many times you waste an astronomical amount of time for no reason

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,827

    It’s not even a good perk anyway like come on.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419
    edited September 2021

    The counterplay to NOED isn't to do bones, it's to just crank out the gens and leave without going for a late unhook. That's it.

    Don't save your friend, just leave, and the killer gets their one crutch-kill instead of taking the team. Your chances of a win are exponentially higher playing like this. If you spent 2 gens worth of time running around for dulls, you've wasted too much time and your team is going to lose, NOED or not.

    That's the problem with this perk, it requires a HUGE time sink on the survivor's end on the off-chance the killer has it

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563
    edited September 2021

    "Just do bones" yeah I'll tell my teammates that aren't in my group that I've found 3 and where they are because we can communicate that. Then you have killers my hexes are gone in 20 seconds :( , sorry "just doing bones" :)

    I have no problem with noed but the retorts to " just do bones" is over simplified and idiotic.

    Instead of making a totem counter for all players BHVR did the whole "we'll put it into a perk" instead of doing a good job balancing.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    This is my big issue as a solo survivor. The other problem is that some maps just have bugged totems that can’t be broken. You can say “just do bones” all you want, but you’re ######### if the game won’t let you break it.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Who has time to do 5 gens....and find 5 hard to find totems?

    On Lery's map there is no way.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Survivor mains REALLY hate NOED. And it baffles so many reasonable people because it is more or less the only perk in the game that you can actively prepare for and the game rewards you for it.

    I see this attitude in a lot of other pvp games, people cry because they are unwilling to adapt. People tell them the counterplay. They say that counterplay doesn't matter because the design is bad. People say the design doesn't matter because you can avoid it. They say the counterplay is the strength of the tactic. They counter by saying the counterplay is easy. Neither side cares what the other is saying, so they repeat the same nonsense circularly.

    That is a lot of steps for individuals to go through in the discussion and that is not even getting into the tangent of whether it is "deserved."

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 313

    See the problem with this is you are acting like every game is a 4 man swf on comms but in reality the vast majority of games is solo survivor and in those cases you have to bring the best perks to ensure your survival and your survival alone because you are not in an swf. Perks that help with totems are sub optimal for solo surviors.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    but noed bruises my ego >:(

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,913

    You don't need a SWF to say in chat "hey someone run a perk for totems".

    I will agree with you though, that they should have made the totem counter just default part of the UI.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,913
    edited September 2021

    You don't need a 4 man SWF on coms to do 5 totems. You literally have 16 perks among you, just be the 1 guy who brings the totem one and say you are in chat? My standard SOLO QUEUE RED RANK survivor build that i pip with probably 80% of the time is:

    • Windows of Opportunity, because i don't know which pallets are up since i'm not on coms.
    • Kindred, because i'm not on coms so i can't communicate when they killer is camping or know when the rest of my team is going for a save.

    Then depending on the item i bring, i'll run some perk combo like:

    • Inner Strength + small game (to counter totems and NOED)
    • Detectives Hunch + Iron will
    • Counterforce + OOO (if i want to get chased)
    • Any other 2 (if i run a map)

    The only time i don't pip, is when i get facecamped as the first survivor hooked, which happens rarely but does happen and is its own problem that should be dealt with. Generally i'll hop on the first gen i see, do a quick look for a totem nearby (especially if i have small game + inner strength for a heal later). Then after the first 2-3 gens, i go on totem duty, then if i haven't been hooked i'll go aggro the killer, or if i have been hooked i'll play it safe and do some gens/play more support.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    Ahahaha ######### it, I'm on team noed. It's a second chance perk for killers, perfect for making up for your mistakes (the survivor version being dead hard) and squads that want to bully. Also really good for teams that just hide all game - great hiders. Sometimes it can come in clutch.

    Fun answer though: jUsT dO bOnEs. Literally that's all you have to do. I run Small Game on my Nea for when I don't feel like dealing with noed and want to keep count on if my team is even doing bones in the first place and about a quarter of the time.... No. They are not.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    If you have crossplay on and play with different platforms you can't really relay that message

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    People will read this and still say "just cleanse bones". Don't bother trying to explain logic to them

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Everyone is so focused on doing all 5 totems, they seem to forget you can just break the 1 totem when its active just like every other hex.

    I hope we don't hear breaking 1 totem takes "too much time".

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Breaking one totem takes too much time because once they get stabbed, they are instantly down. It is already too late, Penguin! And you aren't accounting for how long it takes to find. The 3 of us searched for a whole 2 minutes while the poor victim was sitting on hook. How is that acceptable to you? He DIED. D-E-A-D. Game over, man. And then while I was bagging at the exit gate, he got me too. It is so broken and he wouldn't have gotten even one kill if it wasn't for No Skill ED. Word up, homie.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Oh how could I have been so blind? Those poor survivors 😪 nOPed should be broken instantly upon interaction and have its aura reveled to all survivors once the gens are powered, then we can find it in the evil impossible to find spots the totems are in and maybe, maybe, the perk will be somewhat bearable.

    To be truly balanced it would also need to give the survivors all their hook states back and extend the hook timer to 5 minuets per state and prevent the EGC timer from progressing if we open the gates, just to make sure the killer gets no undeserved kills. After all, endgame is such a large part of the match and last so long.

    A moment of silence for our fellow community members who have been bonked by a no skill killer while bagging groceries at the gates, they just wanted their tea for tomorrow. Poor poor tea baggers. I hear its good for their mental health.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    I really don't know what you're trying to be sarcastic for as if you'd do any better than the lot of people here complaining in terms of finding totems.

    No one's complaining about the act of doing totems. There is one main issue with several sub problems and it all starts with teammates.

    1) You never know how many totems your team cleanses. You as a survivor cleanse three totems. Did your teammates cleanse the other two? Who knows unless you spot check all five totem spawns, wasting time.

    2) Some maps it's extremely common to never come across a totem i.e. Léry's due to how well hidden they are and subsequently, how much more time you'll waste finding them. Issue isn't not knowing the spawns, it's that on some maps it's too many spawns.

    3) Kind of a paraphrasing of #1, but teammates are almost always unreliable in solo queue. You cannot do anything in solo queue without babysitting your teammates and that includes having to spot check did they cleanse all totems or wait for the magical NO ED to potentially appear. Because of how chaotic games are due to matchmaking you can't just say "cleanse bones" when there's almost always too much going on to just sit and waste time to look around for multiple totems. Some games are like that, most games aren't. Unless you want to be a detriment to your team.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited September 2021

    "I really don't know what you're trying to be sarcastic for"

    Did you even read what they replied to (that I wrote)?

    "Everyone is so focused on doing all 5 totems, they seem to forget you can just break the 1 totem when its active just like every other hex.

    I hope we don't hear breaking 1 totem takes "too much time"."

    Literally the first line they wrote: "Breaking one totem takes too much time because..."

    The sarcasm is a reply to me saying "I hope we don't hear breaking 1 totem takes "too much time"."

    Problems 1, 2, and 3 you just outlined are all about teammates and (I believe) doing all 5 totems. You don't need teammates to break 1 totem. Also as I just said:

    "Everyone is so focused on doing all 5 totems, they seem to forget you can just break the 1 totem when its active just like every other hex."

    1) ok, don't waste time on all 5, do the 1 at the end. Remember any totems you see for later just in case.

    2)"Issue isn't not knowing the spawns" if your problem is you can't find the totems, yes that is the issue. Its harder on indoor maps but that just means you have to be better at knowing where they are. Or you know, map/perks of which you have multiple options (my personal choice being small game, but I hear detectives hunch is good too).

    3) see 1.

    Why are you still talking about doing all 5 when we specifically mentioned just doing 1 at the end which is easier, not team reliant, and doesn't take "too much time"? Its just like finding every other hex. Unless now we're going to say all hexes take "too much time".

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I run small game (which comes with a counter) so I can usually find them without any difficulty. Sometimes on those maps with 2 floors though? Yeah, sus. I will admit.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    And this time you are assuming I am a PC player xD No chat on console

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    Oh, check the comment just a couple replies below that. It already happened, from a guy whose name I don't remember, to who I didn't bother replying. Some people think they are funny.

  • Damarus
    Damarus Member Posts: 600

    In a game like this, pretty much everything is team reliant. Say you don't break any totem, like you are suggesting, and the killed has NoeD. Ok, which totem has it now? Is it on the other side of the map from where you are? Will the randoms on your team open the exit gates while you find and cleanse it, or will they hide forever? Will somebody else the hooked guy while you find and cleanse it, or will nobody do that? Will YOU be the hooked guy that gets left behind, because people are not going to help you against a killer who needed to rely on such a thing?

    What you are saying, basically, is: I see someone carrying a gun in the metro, and there is a police officer next to me. But he still hasn't shot and killed anybody, so I don't need to warn the officer yet. Once someone is dead, which might as well be me, then he can be warned.

  • SirGando
    SirGando Member Posts: 374
    edited September 2021

    Yeah, i dont understand the hate for this perk tbh. I get it, its annoying and seems unfair but if you play it smart you can avoid a snowball that could be caused by NOED. It should give a killer 1 extra kill at best. anything else is a mess up by the survivors.

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 918

    How did you know if he had NOED or not until someone eats it during the EGC?

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    To everyone complaining about searching for totems is taking time away from doing gens.

    You are just reinforcing the argument about gen speeds and gen rushing.

    Whilst as survivor I won't actively go searching for totems, unless corrupt is in play, if I see one I will cleanse it. The only time I don't is if it is in my sight whilst working on a final gen, if it lights up once the last gen is completed then I will cleanse it

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 452

    So.... Uhm, I guess this didn't really solve anything. Well, it reassured me of something.

    Some survivor mains, as I kinda expected, are a bit short-sighted.

    Ok, so... First off. From what I heard, at least, most of you are unwilling to "put in the time to find all 5 totems and destroy them".

    If you want to counter a perk, you have to put in the time to do so. And yes, you may fumble from time to time, but you are trying. And the reward you get is a chunk of BP, and the hex being spawned into a predictable spot if you know where the last one is.

    It's similar to doing gens, with the difference being 'its faster if the killer isn't running a perk that hampers that', and that it 'makes escaping easier rather than providing that opportunity'. If the issue is running around the map aimlessly, then, you know, run a doggone perk that helps you if you have that much trouble with it!

    Secondly, I've heard people say the answer, 'Do bones', is 'too simple' or 'too idiotic', or... Something along those lines. It's varied.

    And in retort.... It's an answer. It's not meant to be something you accept or take to heart, it's a [bleep]in' ANSWER to a question! You don't see anyone hamper on someone replying 'yes' to a 'yes-or-no' question, because it's a bloody answer.

    It only goes to show the willful ignorance you naturally have because of your refusal to accept "Do bones" as an answer, despite it, y'know, being an answer that works. There are ways to counter NOED, doing bones, leaving the first chance you get, don't get hit, etc. But deliberately ignoring the facts all to make the game more easier for yourself is painful to the people who actually want the best for this game.

    NOED is already niche, usually only working once before a survivor ends it. The only way the killer can cause full wipeouts is if they were given the opportunity to do so. It's how camping, Tier 3 Myers, Demon-mode Oni, and other one-shots can sometimes do this in the duration it lasts. The intense altruism works against the survivors in dangerous circumstances because it results in more collateral damage due to them being grouped up. Usually obviously so to the point when they don't care the killer is staring down their necks.

    Honestly, I won't bother with sayin' more. I'm going to discredit the future arguments against NOED because, well, they're inconsistent, they aren't based on fact, and frankly, most of them are wrote by 13 year olds who flunked english classes.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    Do you not see the problem of one person having the burden of doing something that should be a group effort? It would be ok if it was a SWF and there was some designated coordination i.e. totem guy, one or two people who have BT to unhook, another who dedicates to pressuring gens. There is no such coordination in solo queue.

    Many games are too chaotic to just be going around doing totems when teammates are often too incompetent to allow for that and it's better to pressure gens instead.

    No one is complaining about one totem being too much to do. It's the fact that it's often too much of a burden to try to all totems every game and pressure gens, do well in chase, on top of many times having to babysit your teammates because they do stupid stuff like do generators like 3 gen you and etc and so on that will ruin the game if you let them do it, and much more.

    I don't go out of my way to babysit survivors. I just react to what I see on bond and the amount of dumb stuff I see teammates do is astounding, and it happens almost every game and I have to correct their mistakes almost always.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491
    edited September 2021

    "Everyone is so focused on doing all 5 totems, they seem to forget you can just break the 1 totem when its active just like every other hex.

    That is a horrendous strategy for solo queue and only works for SWF. Presuming NO ED is active by that time, could you theoretically just wait until it happens and then go look for the hex and break it? Yes but you're allowing for NO ED the time to get its pressure. Before the last gen procs, you could have ran around the entire map and saw all five totems and know where they are and you're still wasting time checking all five locations and giving NO ED significant time to pressure your teammates.

    And also good luck trying to do that on the several maps where totems can have hoards of spawns, i.e. léry's, midwich, RPD, and to a lesser extent but still very difficult extent several other realms.

    This is extremely terrible advice especially for large maps. Try doing that on a map like Mother's Dwelling, even if you managed to come across all five totems during your play on the map, and see how much value NO ED gets unless you just coincidentally find it on your first try. The reality is that you're probably not going to come across all five locations during your time on the map if you're not deliberately looking for them and thus wasting time at the end trying to find NO ED.

    The sarcasm is a reply to me saying "I hope we don't hear breaking 1 totem takes "too much time"."

    I'm aware of what your sarcasm was towards and it was both dumb and unrealistic for solo queue. Maybe a different story for a person with mid to high MMR, we'll see, but this is about non-MMR solo queue. I also interpreted that phrase as not specifically about breaking one totem and never doing one again but simply talking about how long it takes to do a totem, and extrapolating that to doing multiple and up to five as one survivor. That's just my take though.

    2)"Issue isn't not knowing the spawns" if your problem is you can't find the totems, yes that is the issue. Its harder on indoor maps but that just means you have to be better at knowing where they are. Or you know, map/perks of which you have multiple options (my personal choice being small game, but I hear detectives hunch is good too).

    Yea I can very easily tell you don't have much experience with totem spawns if you're saying this tripe even on maps like Léry's and Midwich, which that comment was targeted at (including RPD which arguably is harder due to its size).

    Some of these maps have close to four dozen spawns and the issue isn't only the number but the size of the maps (or the layout, and something like Léry's where all the rooms look the same is confusing as hell). That means you have almost a 1/50 chance of guessing correctly and you have to do that five times, even if you just try to look for the totem at the end.

    I know you're trying hard to act like a totem master but stop, it's not working, along with your condenscenion as well which is extremely boring. Yes maps and detective's hunch (which is alright, not really great) are fine but it shouldn't be one person's responsibility to do something that's a group effort. And trying to bring in a map every game is unrealistic and I shouldn't have to dedicate a perk slot to make up for teammate's incompetence of trying to find and do totems.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    Bring a map or use one of your 4 perk slots to do bones...killer has to use up a slot for noed you can use one to counter🤑

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119
    edited September 2021

    So you can't be bothered to do bones and do gens whoops killer has gambled and lost. Should have brought a map or a perk to find totems. Most totems spawn near a generator as it is.

    Do you find blood warden OP?

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I’m convinced that the people who are still complaining about NOED are just lazy at this point. The devs buffed Small Game to make it easier for us to keep track of how many totems have been cleansed (something solo queue Survivors have been praying for, for lifetime) not to mention Jill’s perk “Counterforce” being added to the loadout.

    Get it together lovelies 💜

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    edited September 2021


    Crazy real life analogies don't really help your point.