Stretched resolution strikes again...

now this is something new. With using stretched resolution you can reveal GF in places, where you wouldn't reveal him if you would be without stretched res.
3:13 perfect example
that's so stupid.... how is it still a thing
While I do think stretched res needs to be dealt with (only way is for the devs to make it so that changing resolution doesn't literally change FOV and idk how easy that is in all honesty) this imo isn't that big an issue given how most times he's so laggy you can't even begin to reveal him half the time lol. Literally had multiple games recently where he's dead centre in my screen, I even tested by walking up right against him, and no sound or anything.
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This explains why i get broken out when nobody is visible.
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I said the same thing. Yea it needs to be dealt with....who knows though. Maybe they have something in the fix already, just a guess of course.
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Nothing will be done since it is a survivor thing. The only time things get changed are in the face of really bad publicity like colour blind mode.
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I don't use stretch res, I'm on ps4 and couldn't even if I wanted to. I've heard the reveal for Ghostface go off while I was behind a rock and all but maybe a tiny corner of my screen was covered by the rock. Meanwhile I can face him head on an arms length away and nothing. Not saying stretched res isn't a problem - they definitely need to do something to remove the advantage it gives - but Ghostface reveal is so inconsistent and messed up that even without stretch res you can reveal him without actually seeing him on your screen.
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tbf ghostface is buggy as ######### and always has been, one of the most broken powers in the game. still ######### stretched res and the people who use it
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Oh, no! Now survivors will reveal me! That has never happened off cooldown before. I am so scared of their long style resolution.
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This only negatively effects killers so I highly doubt the devs care at all. I mean they have known for a while now that this gives survivors more FOV than they should have and yet It hasn't been fixed for years. If you want this to be fixed then find a way killers can exploit it, then the devs will take notice.
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Ah, tru3 on his everlasting crusade against something which is just blown out of proportion now. Mainly thanks to him...
Out of interest, did he check it without stretched tho? Ghostfaces Reveal is so broken, would not be surprised if it would work the exact same without stratched resolution.
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They have patched bright red lights and no fog,etc nonsense that you could do. Why can't they do the same here?
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The video shows it a bit earlier, at 3:12...
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Thank you. I only watched the part where he used Stretched Resolution, this was already enough for me so I did not watch further.
But still I think that this is blown out of proportion by now. Nobody will ever know if someone is using stretched resolution or not, unless they are streaming. And I am quite sure that we will reach a point where Killers will start to blame Survivors for stretched resolution because they think it is the only way why they lost.
(Sure, it should be fixed, but I dont really give that much of a ######### about it, as I said, I will never know if someone is using stretched resotution... But there are also other things, like using Filters to make the game super-bright or just playing on low graphics to have an advantage... All this should not be possible, but it is whatever)
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why do everyone think consoles can't play stretched
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Many people don't realise that you don't need PC software in order to change the resolution of the hardware you're using to see the game.
And tbf, it isn't necessarily obvious.
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You can completely tell if someone is using stretched res.
I've played a game (ironically it was my one game against Tru3) where I spectated a random Nancy. She constantly had her camera pointed at the ground, where you could only see Nancy and basically none of her surroundings.
She was playing normally, as if she could see things miles away that weren't on the screen, and she escaped against Tru3s Nurse by playing immersed and seeing him halfway across the map when I could only see Nancy's feet.
I don't see how that's "blown out of proportion". Stretched res gives you a huge advantage, you can see things you shouldn't be able to, without putting yourself in any kind of vulnerable position, and now you can reveal GF when completely behind cover so...
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I don't know dude, I'd say there's a lot of reasons for which one can criticize Tru3, but being dedicated to bringing as much attention to all the bs that comes with stretched res is certainly not one of them.
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Nah,that's just Ghostfaces reveal mechanic being trash
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You can't though?
Or am i mistaken?
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my sister used to play fortnite in stretched resolution on ps4 and basically works for every game, and even if the console don't support it, monitors always have aspect ratio settings. It's easy to think and come up with, no idea why it's just related to pc like you don't access any special application or hardware you wouldn't already own
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as you wish. 1:44
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It's pretty convenient. If SWF isn't to blame for the loss, it's definitely stretched resolution. Nothing to do with GF's reveal mechanic being completely wonky since release.
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I main Ghostface and I've played against streamers who use stretched res before and never noticed anything weird. The example he showed on the video could maybe have been done with native if he positioned correctly (a bit further from the wall and nerr the tip, like he was when he suddenly streched).
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My god thats disgusting..
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3:40 he accidentally changed from native to stretched without moving his camera, and as soon as he changed it, he revealed GF, while with native he wasn't being able to reveal him
if he would revealed GF in the same position with native, i woldn't have any questions. but no, he wasn't revealing him until resolution was changed
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He did move his character
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I wonder why on other games I change resolution and I see exactly the same but not on this game
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Yeah, this game has some wild issues that just don't make sense lol
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You don't need him to at the centre, you need him at the Top
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this is not streched
this is a hack called "jesus fov" or something. its a software and a hack to increase your FOV.
ive tried multiple streched resoulutions out to see the differences from 1600x1080 down to 1280x1080 and non of them gave me that fov.
if you type jesus fov on youtube you will see what i mean.
this is definetely not streched res effect
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It actually is the centre he's supposed to be at, not that it matters. In the case I'm talking about I turned my screen enough to see no angle would even begin to break him.
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ok nvm i watched the video. fully. but it still makes no sense to me because the screen is not streched to the outside its more streched to the inside with blackbars?
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That's honestly insane. I'm not really sure how anyone could defend stretched when they see something like that.
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That's just how it fits into his Twitch output resolution. It's not narrowing his screen at all, it's widening it vertically, and then shrinking the whole thing to fit.
The reason why this gets called "stretched" resolution, is because when this FoV is applied to a regular resolution output, instead of you seeing black bars on the side, the new vertically enhanced FoV is 'stretched' outwards to the sides. So it looks like it's 'stretched' horizontally, but you're getting greater vertical information.
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I think shadowborn(and to a lesser degree M&A) FoV increase is the answer.
No seriously I do genuinly believe it is as the advantage of the perks FoV change is to allow the killer to see past what is normally on screen.
So something tells me that those two perks effect resolution instead of proper FoV as a development shortcut to allow them to see more then normal but it also means the game has to show more at all times to accommodate the possibility of the increase especially with M&A's FoV being conditional.
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MAKE THE LOOPS TALLER!!! (think McMillan walls)
If it's an exploit - PROBLEM SOLVED
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I don’t think it’s a survivor versus killer thing, it probably is more of a technical hurdle where they aren’t sure how to automatically lock the aspect ratio without breaking something else.
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I agree, I stopped watching Tru because I got tired of his constant complaining about … well, everything! It doesn’t mean he’s wrong about stretched res though.
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Prolly cause we don't know how, or our older tv's can't do it maybe?