Daily's on PS4


I honestly don't know if anyone else is having this issue on PS4 but i feel like it really needs balanced. For almost a month now I've received nothing but Killer Daily's. I was under the impression that we were supposed to get a mixture of both the Killer and Survivor but that doesn't seem to be the case on PS4. As a survivor main I find it a little disappointing that I am being forced to play killer just to take care of these. There are ones that I can't do due to the fact that my bp goes into my survivors (most mori ones), meaning I have to replace it with a new one and shocker, it's always another killer daily. It doesn't seem quite balanced especially to someone like me who has issues playing killer specifically because it's first person. Don't get me wrong I can play killer if need be but not any good and it sometimes takes me 4 or 5 games just to get one daily done which is even more annoying since it's only for 30,000bp. Is there any way we can possibly get this fixed so PS4 can get a more balanced Daily System? By the way I do have the game also on PC so I've seen it more balanced there which is why I find this even more confusing. Thank you :)


  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    I think you just have had bad luck lol I’ve been there before and it’s evened itself out. Now currently I’ve gotten only survivor dailies but most of the time it’s been a mix of both.
  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53
    I'm jealous.  It's been mostly killer since I started playing in January.  They'll throw me a survivor maybe once a month if I'm lucky sometimes twice.