What even is the point of spinhead

Worst ability in the game. I'm not even gonna rant about it or give some constructive critism because it will be ignored as everything else we said about him on the PTB.
I'm actually fuming I spent money on this killer.
Never buy day one even dlc content
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If it's less then 2 hours you can refund it in steam
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on top of that no more "I CAME" Yes, its a silly line but that was the most fun thing about him.
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I spent auric cells I already had on my account on him :(
Yep, they killed the meme.
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You also spent money on his cool perks, that sounds worth it to me.
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Well you can't refund auric cells so i'm afraid you're hooked now
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But he could've just waited for them to appear in the shrine.
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You can't refund dlc on Steam, only the base games if your playtime is under 2 hours
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Those perks would probably take a year to even be put in the perk pool and even longer to appear in the shrine since BHVR doesn't put the newer perks added by new chapters until a decent amount of the year goes by
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DLC purchased from the Steam store is refundable within fourteen days of purchase, and if the underlying title has been played for less than two hours since the DLC was purchased, so long as the DLC has not been consumed, modified or transferred.
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As far as I can see as a solo survivor, I have to constantly stop working on gens and get teleported to. I can run the killer for 5-6 minutes and my teammates cant even get gens done because he passively forces us to stop playing? It's like Legion and Doctor and Nemesis and Freddy combined. I'm not having fun at all, but every Pinhead has had a 4k so far.
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That's a funny joke Amigo.
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That's your responsibility for that.
I'm buying Pinhead because I find him fun to play as. If you don't enjoy him then that's fine, but it's on you for buying him.
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Not unusual to have bugs day one. Still going to buy and progress him. Attempt the adept. If it DCs me as much as people are saying, I’ll just play another killer to progress him in the meantime.
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Literally one person grabs the box and it stops the hunt for everyone. It’s kinda simple. No clue how you see nemesis and doctor etc. in him.
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Are you fuming at yourself, though, that you spent that money?
There are tons of sources out there on how the killer plays and there will be tons more now that it's live. If you bought right out of the gate and you're prone to buyer's remorse, that's on you.
I bought Nemesis and I've played him like... twice. Maybe someday, but I just prefer to have all the content available.
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Frankie say relax