Pinhead Advice

I like Pinhead. His ability is very skilled related. I have to work on the aiming for sure. So far I’ve noticed ppl solve the lament configuration around a pallet or on the side of a large wall. It certainly detracts from the awesomeness of the box.
ive been using Surge, BBQ, scourge hook, and agitation. Is it an awesome build? Not really but it lets me try and figure out if scurge hook is ok.
ive noticed he has issues around strong walled loops due to the fact even if you hit them with a chain, they’re breaking them fairly well.
I would like to hear other’s ideas about theories as to the best way to use pinhead. Is he best used as a slow down killer or a stealthy little masochistic ninja? I haven’t fully formed my own decisions yet but I should probably be trying to play against him as a survivor but with the DCs that’s not exactly easy.
His chains break quicker than you cast them. They have to be bugged.
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Ive been using starstruck, infectious fright, make your choice, and deadlock on him and ive had some good matches. I dont like the addons that extend the distance the chain can travel because then if you miss youre stuck watching the chain travel for longer than without that addon and its better if you miss to just go back to controlling pinhead faster.
Im going to try hex plaything with hex third seal and trail of torment and tinker eventually.
I think hes great so far. The trick seems to be with getting the distance correctly between the chain spawn and survivor. You want it to spawn like 3-6 feet away from them and you want to aim fast.
Also knowing when to use the chains to monitor an area rather than to slow someone down is key.
On strong loops the chains can help you end a chase slightly faster than waiting for bloodlust but you need to really know how to anticipate a survivors position on the other side of a high wall.
I think hed be great with ruin if you can get a chain hunt going survivors will constantly be losing progress as the chains pull them off objectives. It also would discourage people from holding onto the lament configuration because the chains would synergize with ruin even more against someone holding the box.
With some strong perk builds hes great and his 4v1 is great and lets you free up some perk slots for things other than gen regression.
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well every time I play him it bugs out and I get dc'd so idk even know how to really play him yet