Survivor MMR not working..?

as killer its working definetely for me since i always get good survivors with atleast 2k hours up to 5-8khrs
but as survivor i still get these babys even after like 20 games.
-im doing 2gens average
-90% escape rate
-90% of game escaping without getting hooked
-Alturism not so strong but if then 90% save unhooks
-chases atleast 1 minute (but the 100hrs i get i ran mostly for 3gens till they give up)
but i still get killers with 100hrs max 500 not close to my skill
same with survivors still below average or babys
what am i doing wrong? what is your experience solo survivors do you get better players and if so how you playing?
im playing as good as i can but idk
as i said killer is working definetely i get matched with same skill level people but survivor nope.
You probably need data. Take the next 10 games as survivor and get the average kills vs escapes. Also check the scores. If the escapes vs kills is around 2/2 then it's probably working or if the scores are all really high, then it's probably working. No one is sure how BHVR has MMR setup.
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He said he has already played 20 games, how is 20 games not enough data on a single player?
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Because he hasn't collected the data. He can't objectively make a decision on something he hasn't done yet.
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He doesn't need to collect any data, the game does that, that is MMR's work. If he has already done 20 matches, which is absolutly possible, this isn't even a question, then the system already has a very solid base for him, how can it not?
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Your right, he doesn't need to collect data, because I bet SBMMR is working for him fine.
However, if you are going to say SBMMR is bad, then show me the data. Show me 20 matches of data. Show me the number of kills each match and show me the number of escapes each match. Show me the survivors and killers scores.
Saying you have a 90% escape rate sounds really vague to me. Usually when you see statistics like that, it's 92.57%, not 90%. Also, it doesn't tell me how the other survivors did. It doesn't tell me player scores. It's to vague to be useful in discussing SBMMR.
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I had OK MM so far. I noticed a difference between solo and different swf so far. Some of my friends have a more aggressive and some more a passive playstyle than me. The more aggressive ones seem to have quite a similar rating as myself whereas my more passive friend seems to have lower rating. Matches with them have more old green ranks as teammates or opponents (I am Iri II right now)
So I think it kinda works.
If I may ask what is your playstyle?
Post edited by LapisInfernalis on0 -
If you're solo queing the game uses the average mmr of each survivor so if two really good survivors end up with two really ######### survivors the killer is gonna be in between which would be like a baby killer to you
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Sounds like hours played doesn't correlate to whatever MMR is using to calculate matches.
Why would you assume hours played is the only metric needed to decide if matches are good or bad?
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There's a few things that is likely happening.
First, SBMM can only match people with people currently in queue. Meaning if all other survivors in your mmr range are in a game and not in queue, then SBMM will take survivors outside of your mmr range.
Second, the match might be balanced based on the average of survivor MMR. So if you have the highest MMR of the 4 survivors you might be raising the match average.
Thirdly, the other survivors might still be placing. System is only a day old and many survivors might not have played since it came out. You might just be matching with survivors who haven't been placed yet.
Forth, you or the other survivors might not have correctly matching MMR for your skill. This could mean your MMR is too low or their MMR is too high. The devs have data from the old ranking system they used to help populate MMR so it's likely some people mismatched MMR that might take awhile to get sorted.
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Problem is killer sided, not your side. Many many many killers are considered High level (rank) as they had mostly 3K/4K trials for the last months because with the previous matchmaking, they faced potatoes.
For me it's the same and we rekt them all. At start i had baby survivors with me but now i'm always in a good team with good survivors. Killers are so bad... Don't worry, in 1 week they will be wiped away from your elo.
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He already gave a description of his matches... what more you need? Not everyone is gonna excel their match results...
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Killers are so bad... Game is very anti killer. IT's easy to say most killers are bad when MMR only benefits one side. The side with the number advantage. Killers need to have bad survivors to balance out the skill in a match. If the 4 are good then the killer needs to be good x4 which is humanly impossible.
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And if the Killer is not good enough t hen he/she derank and faces lower skill survivor that gives balanced trials. I don't see where is the problem. Top rank killers mus be top 1% killers in skill.
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yeah hours doesnt mean always its a good player but with 4k hours im sure im above average and i get killers who doesnt even know how to lunge. i mean why would i get 20 hours killer when i escape nearly every game?
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There does seem to be a lot of feedback that killers are seeing survivors all over the spectrum. I'm just not sure it's not just people being poorly carried by their SWF group or something. Hopefully BHVR has a handle on how to manage all of this to even the matches out..
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It's working but needs many trials to be accurate.
My mind is that the mmr is way too forgiving and so you still get potatoes considered as good survivors. It will be fixed with times but first trials (by first i mean 50 maybe) are inconsistent.
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It's not a matter of skill, it's a matter of game design, some killers are terribly designed and they have the most miniscule chance of winning and players need to absolutly play perfectly with those killers to have that minimal chance. I'm a Ghostface main, i dread every match because i know the killer is so badly designed that i'm basicly playing with no power, i'm just holding W, trying mindgames and trying to get hits. I barely have a power when some survivor somewhere in a 32 meter distance in a 360 degree radius can just look at my direction and poof i'm no longer in a power position.
We're not talking about Bad killer players, we're talking about killers being severely underpowered. You can put the best killer players with bad killer characters and their chances of winning against just regular survivors is low. If you don't play that weak killer extraordinarily well you won't have a chance.
Killer players need to play in a completly different level of skill and mindset. 1 hook for killer means nothing when the objective is 12 hooks. Inversily tho 1 gen made by 1 of the 4 survivors is huge for the whole team, thats 1 gen less the other 3 need. Plus you can help each other on multiple gens. Killers don't have any help, they need to "chase", down and hook a survivor which takes an arbitrary amount of time vs the fixed 80 seconds to complete each gen. by simple maths a killer needs to get 2 hooks before each gen pops and he is still missing 2 hooks. IT's not executable in most cases cause killers don't control anything and most killers can't really play because their design is horrible. Even if a killer picks a Map offering, he can be countered by the game itself or by the 4 survivors. And even if he gets sent to the map he wants, that same Map's RNG can screw the killer...
There's so much against killers odds that it's riddiculous. I do question myself why do i play killer and why the killer that i play when i know the odds are very skewed.
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Once again, playing as killer require map control and that's all. You talk about 80 seconds gen, long chases etc... so you don't know how to apply pressure on the map.
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Just apply more pressure 4Head.