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Should Chain Hunt interrupt the puzzle box?

Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

Most of us agree that Pinhead could use a bunch of major changes, the primary issue being there's too low of a reward for a power that is as difficult to use as Pinhead's. Because of this he's not in the best place right now but on the bright side the foundational concept of how his power operates is solid and he looks to have a lot of potential if the right changes are made.

That being said,

Something I found to be a bit of a design flaw during my time as survivor against pinhead was during Chain Hunt. When all survivors are being pursued by endless hordes of spawning chains and you need to solve the puzzle box in order to get the hunt to stop, the chain hunt can actually INTERRUPT your attempts to solve the Puzzle Box.

Now, I am well aware Pinhead needs a lot to make him a better killer but this I believe is incredibly obnoxious. Trying to solve the puzzle box only to be interrupted by a chain that snags your arm away or claws at your back before you can finish it, only to break free do the box and then get hit by another chain resetting your progress back until you run around a little to dodge the chains and repeat the cycle or until Pinhead teleports to you is nothing short of completely irritating.

It seems to me that Chain Hunt does pause for the person doing the box, but the problem is when the portal for a chain spawns just before you try solving the puzzle box and completely halts your progress just after you start doing it. And this cycle can repeat itself for a solid 15 or 20 seconds or more if you're really unlucky, dragging out what shouldn't be a very long interaction.

Of course maybe I'm the one misunderstanding something, in which case correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't played too many games against pinhead just yet- but of the games that I have played against him this has been the case.

I know that doing the Puzzle Box is far too easy right now, but this isn't the right way to make it more difficult to do the puzzle box and allow Pinhead to take greater and more numerous opportunities to take advantage of chain hunt.

There are much more interesting ideas out there like hiding the Puzzle Box's aura to survivors until the progress to chain hunt has passed 50% giving them less time to reach it before chain hunt begins. Or increasing the difficulty of the skillchecks like replacing the normal skillcheck with the new repeating yellow glyph skillchecks or doctor style skillchecks that reverse the direction or appear in different parts of the screen.

So my suggestion being while you're solving the puzzle box, chains that spawn as a result of chain hunt will not prevent you from completing the puzzle box interaction. Chains specifically from Chain Hunt, and this change will not affect the chains that Pinhead spawns manually and has to aim. And of course in the process hopefully around this time if not at the exact same time the Puzzle Box will be updated / reworked to be more interesting a mechanic and difficult for survivors to solve in other ways that are less of an annoying and more innovative and thoughtful.

Should Chain Hunt interrupt the puzzle box? 51 votes

Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box
Seiko300v4lorKaanaTapeKnotTragicSolitudeAven_FallenElusivePukkaNymaasCleviteHanselpupEmealTatariulandromatAwkward_FiendCluelessDarkJokerOfAmuroChurchofPigLuciferr_2ndIlliterateGenocideHex_Llama 35 votes
Chain hunt should interrupt survivors solving the box
GibberishVolantConch1719DimekSacrilegeGGMattie_MayhemOGGannTMnikodemo[Deleted User]GazgemauchRez_Marsielshinobu149Nova664 12 votes
Other... (explain)
MrPenguinPurgatorianFilthyLegionMainBadonkadonk 4 votes


  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,495
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    Sometimes I question if the devs even test their changes.....

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061
    Chain hunt should interrupt survivors solving the box

    Yes, so Survivors are encouraged to solve the box quickly instead of waiting for the last second to do it.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    That would be busted.

    I do like your idea about the puzzle box needing to be more difficult though, that could certainly be fun. however, you'd need to be careful to not make it too brutal on newer players who aren't as good at hitting skill checks.

    after playing pinhead for longer, I've been finding his power easier to use effectively. I recommend checking out one of my other posts about the subject. (It's about "Jumpscare ceno" (patent pending))

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148
    Other... (explain)

    It should hinder the progress a bit per chain but it shouldn't stop you.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited September 2021
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    Even this I can understand and would be okay with- the thought had crossed my mind, much like how survivors afflicted by the Deep Wound Status effect, partial mending progress is saved even if the action is interrupted. So this already exists in some form in Dead By Daylight's gameplay, I would be completely okay with this change.

    But something should be changed, it certainly cannot stay this way.

    If this really is the intention then Pinhead would never get to take advantage of the Chain Hunt aspect of his base kit. Neglecting any specific part of a killer's kit to the point that it can't be used properly even beyond The Cenobite specifically I think is generally an unhealthy perspective as far as gameplay goes.

    Seeing mechanics like Chain Hunt actually activate keeps the gameplay fresh and forces survivors to deal with different circumstances that compel them to adapt their gameplay. Running across the map from point A to B to get something done (which you can find parallels in all aspects of the game: removing a Reverse Bear Trap off your head, Cleansing yourself from The Plagues Sickness, Contamination from Nemesis, waking yourself up from Sleep against Freddy, etc. so on and so forth) is not new, nor is it fresh or innovative.

    So I would disagree- this isn't the incentive that I think we want survivors to be pushed toward because it only promotes some of the same stale gameplay we've already seen before.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    I saw a Pinhead take pity on my friend because the chains kept interrupting him as he tried to solve the box.

    How was this problem overlooked? A survivor trying to solve the box is interrupted by the chain hunt they're trying to stop which prevents them from solving the box to stop the chain hunt...

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,951
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    You are already being hunted by random chains when you hold the box.

  • ArchGunRunner
    ArchGunRunner Member Posts: 69
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    Much as i'd like to say it should be a penalty for holding it too long, it's a terrible over sight by the devs that it happens to people.

  • Hanselpup
    Hanselpup Member Posts: 187
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    If survivors are prevented from solving the box due to chain hunts, it starts an endless loop that the survivors can't get out of (unless the box holder gets really lucky).

    The box should still chain hunt the box carrier, but should immediately stop as soon as they start the interaction. Or at least, make it so that being chain bound doesn't prevent you from completing the interaction. If the devs want to hinder and slow survivors when they don't solve the box, the carrier isn't going anywhere while he's solving the box!

  • v4lor
    v4lor Member Posts: 74
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    Agreed, this seems like an oversight. I've had several games where I, or another survivor, were just unable to even attempt to solve the box once a hunt started.

    I even went so far as to play goalie for a random teammate, circling them to try and intercept every chain that targeted them. It was working, until Pinhead teleported to it, but it's ridiculous that that was the only feasible way to try and get the Lament solved.

    There are several obvious ways to solve it (hunts can't target the carrier since they already have to deal with Oblivious and free tracking from the killer, chains despawn for the carrier when attempting to solve it, just as a few examples), but regardless of what the devs decide the best way to approach a solution is, I do believe it should be addressed.

    Survivors should 100% be punished for neglecting the Lament and allowing a hunt to start, but as it is right now it can be functionally impossible to stop and it's just not fun, for an otherwise fantastic (imo) and engaging killer to play as and against.

  • Badonkadonk
    Badonkadonk Member Posts: 79
    Other... (explain)

    Similar idea, but I think to keep the chain hunt somewhat effective, the puzzle box's progress could reduce when you are not solving it. Though even maybe that's a bit much, seeing as Pinhead could interrupt you.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited September 2021
    Other... (explain)

    Just dodge the chain first then solve the box immediately, there's a delay between chains and they don't spawn as you solve. But it wont stop chains that already spawned so that's what's interrupting you.

    Dodge first, then solve. Don't solve as soon as you get your hands on it.

    If you do get hit by a chain, break the following 3 that will come after you since you got hit, dodge the next one as getting hit does not pause the timer for the next as far as I can tell, then solve the box.

    This is what I do and I have had no problems solving the box.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    Chain hunt should not interrupt survivors solving the box

    It already doesn't interrupt the exit gates, so we know it's a thing they can do to have chains hit but not interrupt.

    The delusion that "chains don't spawn while solving" is based on confirmation bias, nothing more - it's a known issue that's persisted through the hotfix. Whether it's a bug or not, it's something that should be addressed both for killer and survivor QoL.