Designated BP farming killer in SBMM

Since the new matchmaking system will make you win on average 1/2 of the games, the builds/killer/skill don't matter anymore in the long run because you will have roughly the same results.
So i decided to make a designated killer to farm BP, in wich I intentionally handicap myself and after some losses you get to a point where you play against survivors that are not very efficient on gens and you can farm a lot of points even if you dont get a 4k (because kills are almost meaningless for points). And it's actually fun because you almost allways max BP and you don't depend on perks or addons to get a good match, the system takes care of it for you. I chose demo for the experiment because it's a killer that you can max deviousness quite easily and that is fun to play with his base kit.
If you have a killer that you don't particulary want to tryhard to get high MMR i recommend trying this, it's fun and very efficient farming.
You may as well throw in Thrill of the Hunt and Distressing as well then.
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Actually true, although a bit pointless since hunter and deviousness are allways maxed, i'ts just sometimes brutality and usually sacrifice that miss bp
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Get max points in a few categories in less time: Distressing + Beast of Prey + BBQ. That's my farming build and it's wonderful. As a fourth perk, I like running Lightborn (used to be Whispers, back before dedicated servers went live.)
I don't like Thrill of the Hunt, survivors often get more points cleansing it than I do running it. Beast of Prey all the way.
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I wouldn't use whispers since it actually helps you and will make your MMR go up
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Fun for you but what about the guy on the bottom lol.
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What does that have to do with this post?
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Lowering your mmr on purpose to face people like that.
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Yes, this is the way. Praise be to Lightborn, the god king of perks. I always knew you were a real one.
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I feel like Blight would benefit from it the most w/ Placebo Tablet, he's already powerful with BBQ and a pretty good bloodpoint farmer.
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The MMR balances itself to make the killer go against survivors on the same level, allowing for more balanced matches with a handicapping add-on. OP was able to land a 2k.
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?? This man was at the same level as me with the build I was using, at least according to the system so I don't know how am I abusing him.
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He got a 2-2 draw.
Also its not like the survivor team was planning on playing nice with those load outs lol.
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the fact that you picked Demo as your BP Farmer is kind of upsetting to me, but honestly he's a good boy and as long as he get's paid for his efforts, i don't mind