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Until MMR (or rank equivalent) is public SBMM will be flawed

Member Posts: 1,140

People want an incentive to win. Right now there's none because you will allways have roughly the same win ratio. They just have to make an emblem that tells you your MMR range and this will be immediately fixed and I haven't read any good reason for being against it.

I've never seen in all the time I've played this game more afk killers that don't even try. And I'm not surprised at all, why would you care about getting better at the game anymore? At least before as you were getting better your streaks were also getting better.

I was called a "conspiracy theorist" for saying that if MMR was just backend people would stop caring and I feel vindicated seeing all those killers staring at a wall the whole match, it's actually ridiculous.

SBMM has started a race to the bottom.

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  • Member Posts: 16,659

    "seeing all those killers staring at a wall the whole match, it's actually ridiculous."

    I would say it is sad. Once they stop to have easy games because the average Survivor is really not good at the game, Killers give up. Shows really who those people are who complain about the game on a daily basis.

    And well, there was no incentive to rank up before either. You play, you reach Rank 1, get no Reward for it and thats it.

    Now, when the Grades get reset, you at least have SOME Reward (not saying it is really good) and you have more to do, since all get set back to the lowest Grade.

  • Member Posts: 392

    I have been winning a lot more games since SBMM went live, so you are wrong with win ratio. It would be nice to see what our MMR is, but it isn't necessary. As a solo survivor player, as long as I keep getting competent teammates the majority of the time, I really don't need to see my MMR to be happy. I'm happy knowing I can rely on my teammates most of the time and not lose because they made me lose.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    The incentive to win is to satisfy your competence needs, that is why everyone is freaking out now. They aren't used to losing.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Yes you had an incentive. It was getting better win ratio. Now you can't have that.

  • Member Posts: 16,659

    I dont really know if you could really count a win ratio when it is mainly due to a bad Ranking System putting Potatoes up at the Top. Players who were at Rank 1 should have been the best players in the game, and we both know that this was not the case at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,450
    edited September 2021

    What are you saying? You can easily derank. Just be afk or dont hook and your rating goes down. Then you can stomp weaker players and make the match hell for them.

    Not deranking grades doesnt matter.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Well duh, of course the winstreaks were thanks to killing potatoes, the same way Call of Duty winstreaks work and why people love CoD, because they see progression, the better they get at the shooter the better they can "pwn some noobs". This is progression like it or not. I'm happy with SBMM for DBD but make the ranks public.

  • Member Posts: 436

    If you like this kind of progression, deinstall DbD and go play CoD. easy or?

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    It has been a long time since I played CoD, but nobody cared about winning when I was still playing and everyone complained about skill based matchmaking. That was almost a decade ago. And the skill based matchmaking has only gotten stronger. No idea what he is on about with winstreaks, but I am fairly certain CoD rates based on kill to death, not wins.

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    I have yet to see one Killer who deranks during sbmm, you sure its not just a minor issue?

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    This has to be the most stupid thing I've in the whole month.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I don't think knowing your mmr is a good thing.

    Hell I don't even know my mmr in other games that I play and I'm happy like that.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Can you explain why? I keep getting this response but nobody seems to offer a good reason why you want to prevent people knowing their MMR.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    People would abuse knowing what to do and what not to do.

    Example: if I want easier matches then I would throw matches just to get lower mmr and stomp on newer players, or if I'm extremely competitive then I would completely sweat to get higher mmr.

    Bhvr not telling us what determines mmr we have to play normally and just wait to see what happens.

    Like I give hatch most of the time people dc or if I down them right before they get hatch, does that mean that the survivors will be screwed and might play against someone sweatier than me? Or will that make my mmr stay the same? Since we don't know we can just continue playing how we did before they introduced sbmm.

    This might not make sense if I may say.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    Alright the same argument that is parroted that is based on thin air. You want me to not be able to be rewarded with a rank based on MMR because some people might intentionally throw the game. I guess with the old pip system nobody deranked willingly to get matched against worse players. I guess the whole deranking for getting adept with some killers was fake, nobody did that.

    It's not as if people were already throwing matches to lower their MMR. Right now i have no incentive to win the game, show me my MMR and I will tryhard as hard as I can to get to the top leaderboard. I'm sorry but i don't buy the argument that somehow if you show MMR people will throw intentionally but if you don't people will try to win. If anything what I'm experiencing is the exact opposite, I've never seen so many killers intentionally throwing the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    You want your name on the leaderboards....... What does that have to do in a casual party game? If YOU have no incentive to win, is that the game fault or your fault? You can still win, you will feel that the mmr is up once you start playing against good players.

    There is absolutely no point in knowing your mmr other than bragging rights same as the old rank system, what do you get for playing against really good players? Nothing, I understand if this game was as competitive as LoL, apex, R6S, but it isn't.

    Just because it is the same argument doesn't mean it's wrong, you just see it different.

  • Member Posts: 311

    I have lost most of my games as survivor since MMR, but the games have been more fun to play.

    The killers I have been matched with seem to be equal to my skill. Other survivors still make baffling decisions, but that’s what you get with solo q.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    It is wrong, because it's not an argument at all. You've showed no proof of what you said yet you insist of gatekeeping me and a lot of other players that just want to know our rank based on MMR, it's that simple. We want to have a feeling of progression, we want a badge that says "according to the system you are better than that other guy". I don't want to have competitive matchmaking system without the competitive rewards, i will end up quitting the game in the long run, i'll just come back from time to time to play with some friends, that's it.

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