Advice on Killer Interaction

Hi all,
Looking for some real advice. I'm not looking for 'how to loop' but something a little more difficult, for me.
I let the killer get too close before chases. I believe it's a perception problem on my part but I'm not sure how to handle it.
I can tell the killer is approaching. Terror radius or whatever it might be. I'm playing on PS4 and I got the PS Platinum headset assuming it would work well because Sony is weirdly proprietary with their stuff. I'm assuming that the directional nature of the headset works well enough. But the thing is, terror radius isn't directional, right?
How do you know where the killer is or how far away? I'll start to run and then... run right into the killer. But I never saw the killer to make a decision which way to run, if that makes sense.
I try to watch where auras are, when I can see them, and perks like ALert help me a lot. I also have used Spine Chill on and off but I really feel that this is something I need to develop without relying on perks.
So you feel the killer might be approaching and maybe you can't see around you in every direction. How do you ensure that you are:
- not running towards the killer
- running soon enough that the killer isn't right on top of you and there's no real chase
I have a few chases now and again that work out and for sure, it's because I can see the killer coming and move out when there's still useable distance. Maybe I'm just not positioning myself smartly to begin with and so letting the killer effectively 'sneak up' on me because I'm not keeping proper lines of sight?
Any advice is appreciated.
Usually if I am on a gen I will face the most likely direction of approach and if I hear the TR start going the other way. Maybe practice with Spine Chill so you know when the killer is actually facing you. Above all plan where you want to go if you do have to run, closest pallet or window, even if you do get hit on the way there you can still produce a quality chase.
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A killer will want to take a straight line from objective to objective , if possible. So if you knew where he was when he did his last action (such as hooking a survivor or kicking a generator if you have alert) then you run in the opposite direction.
In some circumstances the direction may not be clear. For example the killer may be chasing another survivor and broke the chase because the chase is going on for too long. At this point the killers location is not known and you hear the terror radius. Move to the nearest loop and try to maneuver to a point in the loop that allows you the greatest visibility. That way regardless of where the killer is coming from you have somewhere to run.
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I love alert but not all my people have it. When I get to a gen I look for resources around me (pallets, Vaults, lockers) and I take the side that helps me get to them easier and gives me the most sight in as many directions as possible. other than that the heartbeat gets faster as they get closer. That's all I got honestly.
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Thanks, but do you always take some flight action when you get a terror radius? Sometimes I leave and then it seems like the killer never shows up resulting in what seems like wasted time. Maybe those times I've avoided getting caught :D
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You have to look for queues as to what is happening. Is the killer chasing the obsession? Because if they are the claws around the obsession are going to wiggle. Generally if that's wiggling then your safe to work on the generator. Sometimes there's visibility and I can see the survivor and killer chasing, so I know that I'm probably safe because the killer is goiing to prioritize getting a down over pushing someone off of a generator. But this depends on the killer. When I play killer I love getting the group injured, when everyone is injured, the game can quickly turn in your favor, but most killers don't play this way.
The best survivor play that I've ever seen is from a guy called FunGoose, he doesn't play DBD anymore but pull up some of his survivor videos and watch them on Youtube. You basically want to do what he does when playing as survivor.
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I do watch the portraits for clues, for sure. Especially the obsession chase indicator. Thanks for mentioning that as I know a lot of people don't know about it. Of course, that obsession could run the killer right into me - I've been sandbagged more times than I care to count (to be fair, I've done it to others as well).
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I'm going to suggest something that is going to get me a lot of hate. But I would say to run self-care. A killer peeling off of another survivor and chasing you instead is actually really good for your team, unless you're injured. This is because it extends the chase and keeps them from getting hooked. But if you're injured then you're just giving the killer an easy down. Self-care is equally efficient if not more efficient at healing then having someone else heal you. But be smart about where you heal, always heal near a pallet that way if the killer shows up they're not going to get an easy down.
Self-care also heavily punishes killers who like to switch between survivors because what they're looking to do is get several people on hooks or slugged at the same time, and by healing you're preventing that from happening.
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Good suggestion and I do use self-care from time to time. I try to use it wisely and not just 'run in a corner and heal' although it kinda ends up that way on some occasions.
And I do try to peel the killer off sometimes, especially when the other players have a higher hook state or as you said, they're injured and I'm not. I also try to loosen up a little on getting spotted by the killer if I've done a couple of gens or so and it seems like the other survivors are taking the brunt of killer interaction...
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When on a generator, try to pick a side where you have the best lines of sight.
Keep your head on a swivel, looking around for the killer.
If the terror radius is getting really loud, and you don't see the killer while looking all the way around. Try staying still until you can determine the killers location.
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I think with TR I pay attention to the intensity of the music, like I'll start moving when I start to hear the string instruments kicking in, earlier with a high mobility killer. And plan out what thing nearby I am going to walk behind once I start to hear it. Sometimes killer catches me mid walking away if I mess timing up but I use Sprint burst to yeet away when that happens